
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 125: A Cluster of Geniuses

Deep inside the imperial palace, all the top forces of the Great Yan Dynasty gathered here, looking towards the palace in front of them with fiery eyes.

Lin Yuan was also paying attention to the palace in front of him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It was an extremely large and magnificent palace, but the strange thing was that there were dozens of passages around the palace, and these passages went deep into the palace.

"During the seed selection, everyone will draw lots first. What they draw is not the opponent, but the number of the passage to the palace. These passages are winding in the palace, and after many intersections, there are only five passages leading to the final hall. The five people who can survive the many battles and walk out of the five passages will have the five places to participate in the Hundred Dynasties War!"

Mo Jingtian pointed at the huge palace in front and explained to Lin Yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded indifferently and didn't pay any more attention.

He has already reached the state of Nirvana. No one in the Great Yan Dynasty can match him, even Lin Dong.

Mo Jingtian was not too surprised when he saw this. When his eyes passed by a certain figure, the corners of his mouth slightly raised and he said, "Lin Yuan, did you see that young man in white?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan looked in the direction Mo Jingtian pointed and saw a young man in white.

The young man was handsome and had an imposing manner. Lin Yuan saw through his realm at a glance and found out that he had reached the Great Perfection of Creation!

"How is he?"

Lin Yuan was puzzled. This young man in white was considered a genius. He had reached the realm of creation at such a young age. However, his strength was too weak for Lin Yuan.

Mo Jingtian clearly knew his own strength, so why did he mention him specifically?

He just smiled and said, "He is a disciple of Tianluo Sect, the White-robed Tianluo Sword, Du Yun."

When Lin Yuan was looking at the young man in white, the latter seemed to have noticed something. He turned his head and his eyes met with his. Suddenly, a sharp invisible sword light rushed over.

This kind of sword light was not emitted actively by the young man in white, but was emitted automatically because his sword skills had been cultivated to an extremely powerful level.

"A man who uses a sword?

But unfortunately, it still lacks some heat."

Faced with this sword light, Lin Yuan did not move, and even ignored it, still looking at Du Yun with a calm gaze.

However, in Du Yun's view, Lin Yuan's indifferent look was more like a provocation. A trace of annoyance suddenly rose in his heart. He moved his fingers slightly, and an invisible and terrifying sword light flashed quickly and came straight towards him.


Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly widened, and the sword light immediately dissipated into nothingness, and an even more terrifying sword light shot towards Du Yun at a rapid speed.


There was a flash of disbelief in Du Yun's eyes. He had never expected that the other party was also a swordsman, and a swordsman even more powerful than him.

"This guy..." Thinking of this, Du Yun's eyes revealed cruelty, and a hint of murderous intent emerged from his body.

"Cough..." Suddenly, a slight cough was heard, and Du Yun woke up instantly. The murderous intent that had just emerged disappeared in an instant.


Du Yun glanced at Tianluo Sect's leader Liu Luo who was standing beside him and whispered something.

"Keep calm, you will have a chance to take revenge in the Seed Battle."

Liu Luo still looked at the palace in the distance and spoke calmly.

He noticed the scene just now and was a little surprised that the other party was also a swordsman, and his swordsmanship was several points higher than Du Yun's.

But Liu Luo was just surprised. He didn't think that the other party would be Du Yun's opponent. The only person Du Yun needed to pay attention to was Lin Langtian.

"I understand, Master."

Du Yun nodded slightly, but the sinister look in his eyes did not dissipate because of Liu Luo's words, but became more and more intense.

He secretly swore in his heart that in the seed battle, he must make the other side pay the price in blood.


On the other side, Mo Jingtian also saw the secret competition between the two and asked with a smile.

"One move is enough to kill him."

Lin Yuan said calmly, no longer looking at Du Yun, and closed his eyes again.

Mo Jingtian shook his head slightly, feeling that Lin Yuan's personality was a little weird.

Suddenly, there was a strange movement. Mo Jingtian sensed this familiar breath and smiled faintly, "The Wang family is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely sharp and domineering golden light rushed over from a distance, and then appeared in the venue with an arrogant laugh.

As everyone watched, the golden light slowly dissipated, revealing three figures. The leader was a middle-aged man with bare arms.

This man looked rough, but when his eyes moved around, he exuded an extremely amazing experience and an arrogant aura.

Behind the middle-aged man from Chibi were two young men who looked very much in love with each other. One of them was Wang Yan, who had met Lin Yuan several times.

The other one was wearing a blue shirt and had a calm expression.

In terms of appearance, he seemed very ordinary, but his appearance attracted the attention of everyone in the field.

He stood there quietly, exuding the same aura of experience and dominance.

This aura is much stronger than Wang Yan's, but much weaker than that of the middle-aged man.

"That middle-aged man is Wang Lei, the patriarch of the Wang family, and behind him are his two sons, who are also the two geniuses of the Wang family, Wang Yan and Wang Zhong."

Mo Jingtian explained with a smile.

Lin Yuan didn't say anything. His eyes didn't stay on Wang Yan and Wang Zhong, but on Wang Lei, as calm as water.

"I can kill him within ten moves."

Suddenly, Lin Yuan said something out of the blue, which made Mo Jingtian's heart beat slightly. He was afraid that he would do something crazy.

"The top forces of the Great Yan Dynasty gather here. If you do anything impulsive, I can't help you."

As a last resort, Mo Jingtian had to give a verbal warning.

"Don't worry, I will take care of your face."

Of course Lin Yuan wouldn't be so stupid. What he said just now was just a casual remark.

At this time, a young man in a green shirt walked slowly towards them. This young man was extremely handsome, even Qin Shi from the Qin clan whom Lin Yuan had met before could not compare to him. With such facial features and looks, even some women would feel jealous when they saw him. It was really hard for Lin Yuan to believe that a man could be so handsome.

The appearance of the young man also attracted the attention of everyone present, especially the people from other clans of the four major clans, whose expressions were even more solemn.

Mo Ling, the number one genius of the royal family, is very powerful, but unknown to others because he is too low-key. Even among the four major clans, few people know of his existence.

"It seems that the people in the royal family don't trust me too much."

Looking at that incredibly beautiful face, a hint of coldness flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes.