
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 121 Separation

Zhang family's back mountain.

Zhang Yiming stood there without any movement.

At this moment, his mind was still constantly recalling the previous scenes. The confusion in his eyes was swept away, replaced by an unprecedented brightness.

Lin Yuan's sword intent made him see his future path and let him experience the power and charm of kendo.

"Please teach me."

Without too many complicated words, Zhang Yiming knelt down in front of Lin Yuan with a pleading look on his face.

"I thought you would not put down your pride like this for the sake of your so-called self-esteem."

There was a hint of smile on Lin Yuan's face and a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He originally thought that this young man would be like someone else who would rather die than suffer such humiliation, and would then leave behind some cruel words like "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west".

What he didn't expect was that he would be so decisive when faced with the choice between self-esteem and strength.

"You won't regret it, and neither will I."

Lin Yuan knew that he had met a young man who could inherit his swordsmanship and will.

"But I need you to agree to two conditions."

Zhang Yiming didn't say anything, just listened quietly.

"I have an enemy whose strength and talent are unparalleled. If nothing unexpected happens, no one in this world can be his opponent."

Lin Yuan spoke slowly, and there was an indescribable heaviness in his words.

Zhang Yiming was a little surprised. The talent of the young man in front of him was already the best talent he had ever heard of in his life, but even such a young man had a talent beyond his!

No matter how Zhang Yiming imagined this kind of genius, he could not imagine his extraordinary appearance.

"This world is big, and there are countless people who are more talented than me.

But I can guarantee that no matter what kind of genius you are, it will be meaningless in front of him."

Lin Yuan saw through Zhang Yiming's thoughts at a glance and said indifferently.

"what do you want to do?"

Zhang Yiming was silent for a few seconds and asked hoarsely.

"With my means, the only way to defeat or even kill him is through the sword."

"I once fought with him, but I lost. Ordinary swordsmanship could not hurt him at all."

Lin Yuan recalled the battle with the evil god in the stone tablet space, and there was a hint of darkness in the depths of his eyes.

In that battle, he originally wanted to die together with him, not only to prevent him from harming the world, but more importantly, to restore his own dignity.

Yes, his biggest goal is to restore his trampled dignity.

As a time traveler, he has a unique sense of superiority, but this sense of superiority was trampled to the ground by the guy called the Evil God, and he can never pick it up again.

So, in this extreme despair, Lin Yuan changed his goal.

In his future life, he no longer aims to become the strongest, he only wants to kill that man, even if it costs his life!

"It is impossible to hurt him at all!

So what state is he in?"

Zhang Yiming was a little surprised when he heard this.

In the Great Yan Dynasty, there are probably only a handful of strong men who can defeat Lin Yuan, but even such strong men can't hurt him at all!

It is hard to imagine how powerful the man Lin Yuan was talking about was.

"He is at the same level as me, but he has unique abilities, so his combat power is far beyond the reach of those at the same level."

"The first condition I want to tell you is that if I die one day, I hope you can help me kill him."

Lin Yuan said calmly.

Zhang Yiming remained silent. For him, this condition was very difficult.

If the enemy that Lin Yuan mentioned really has such terrifying power as he said.

So, for Zhang Yiming, this will be a battle in which he has a high chance of death or even no chance of survival.

"Of course, if your swordsmanship has not reached a high enough level, you can ignore what I said."

Lin Yuan could understand Zhang Yiming's silence.

After all, the enemies he encountered were really strong, so he added another line at the end.

"What level do you have to reach to be able to fight him?"

Zhang Yiming asked.

"With a wave of my hand, I can destroy the Sun, Moon and Star City!"

These short ten words contained a power that was difficult to describe in words, and also made Zhang Yiming feel more eager.

With a wave of the hand, he can cut off the sun, moon and stars. How powerful a force does it take to do this?

No one knew this, but this one sentence aroused the blood in his heart and gave him endless courage.

"I promise you."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, you don't have to feel so much pressure. It is very likely that it won't even be your turn to attack, and I can defeat him. Who knows."

Zhang Yiming smiled and did not refute. He just asked: "So, what is the second condition you mentioned?"

"This condition is simpler than the first one."

Lin Yuan pushed Qin Xue to Zhang Yiming's side and said calmly, "The rest of her life is in your hands."

When these words were spoken, not only Qin Xue was shocked, but even Zhang Jiao and Zhang Yiming were equally shocked.

"Lin Yuan, you..." Qin Xue really couldn't understand Lin Yuan's thoughts. He clearly came here to cancel the engagement, but now he pushed her in front of Zhang Yiming. Why?

This question was not only puzzled to her, but also to Zhang Yiming.

They wanted to cancel the engagement before, but now they don't want to do it anymore. Are they treating marriage as a joke?

Lin Yuan did not explain, nor did he pay attention to Qin Xue's complaining eyes. He slowly took out a yellowed book from his arms, handed it to Zhang Yiming, and said, "My time is limited, so I can't teach you from the beginning. This book contains my insights and opinions on practicing swordsmanship so far. I give it to you."

Zhang Yiming took the yellowed book and glanced at it for a few seconds. The more he read, the more delighted he became. Although this book did not record the specific methods of practicing kendo, it pointed out the direction so that he didn't have to cross the river by feeling the stones.

"Practice hard. You are born with a sword body. Maybe one day in the future, you will be able to surpass me or even defeat me."

Lin Yuan patted Zhang Yiming's shoulder heavily, spoke solemnly, and then looked at Qin Xue.

"I was originally planning to take you away from the Great Yan Dynasty and into a wider world.

But now it seems that this may not be appropriate. The appearance of this young man has changed my mind. "

"Qin Xue, try to get along with him for a while. Maybe in the future you will be glad that you didn't jump to conclusions too soon."

Qin Xue gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Yuan coldly without saying anything, but her attitude still revealed a lot.

"If you hate me, then hate me forever. After all, someone like me is really not worthy of your love."

A trace of sadness flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes, then disappeared, replaced by indifference.


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan turned into a stream of light and disappeared...