
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 120 Out of Control

"Born with a sword body?

What kind of constitution is that?"

Qin Xue heard Lin Yuan's slightly surprised voice and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It is said that this is a special physique that is born with a great understanding of the way of the sword. It is not an exaggeration to say that one can travel a thousand miles a day."

Lin Yuan explained calmly, with deep doubt in his eyes.

A person born with a sword body is undoubtedly a genius of his generation. Logically speaking, he should not be so unknown... "I... have condensed into a Yuandan!"

Zhang Yiming had no idea what Lin Yuan was thinking. He looked at his Yuandan in astonishment, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He has been stuck in the Tianyuan realm for half a year and has been unable to find an opportunity to break through to the Yuandan realm. However, he never expected to make such a dramatic breakthrough to the Yuandan realm today.


At this moment, Zhang Jiao pulled Zhang Yiming behind him, looked at the young man in front of him with vigilance, and a huge wave of emotion surged in his heart.

Looking at the age of this young man, he is only about the same age as Zhang Yiming, but Zhang Jiao doesn't even have a slight hope of winning against him.

"Who is this young man?

Isn't he from the Great Yan Dynasty...?"

For a moment, Zhang Jue was filled with thoughts. What he was sure of was that there had never been such a person in the Great Yan Dynasty before.

If there existed a demon with such talent, his name would have spread to every corner of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Lin Yuan ignored Zhang Jue and still stared at Zhang Yiming behind him. The waves in his heart were as turbulent as a tsunami.

Ever since he was betrayed by the system, his mediocre talent has been fully revealed, and the only thing he can show off is kendo.

But now, a young man with a natural sword body stood in front of him, making his advantage as a time traveler completely disappear.

At this moment, Lin Yuan felt that his coming into this world was like a joke.

Being the strongest or unique are all delusions of one's own.

"Can you... teach me?"

Just as Lin Yuan was lost, a pleading voice woke him up.

"You want to learn swordsmanship...?"

Lin Yuan looked in the direction of the voice and saw it was Zhang Yiming.

Zhang Yiming stood behind Zhang Jiao and nodded vigorously in response.

The previous scene could not be forgotten in his mind for a long time. He had a hunch that he would not regret choosing kendo.

Looking at those eyes full of desire, Lin Yuan couldn't help but chuckle for some reason.

"Zhang Yiming, do you know why I am here?"

Zhang Yiming was stunned when he heard this, and glanced at Qin Xue beside him. He had a vague guess in his mind, but he couldn't be sure, so he could only shake his head to indicate that he didn't know.

Lin Yuan pointed at Qin Xue beside him and told Zhang Yiming the latter's name word by word.

"Her name is Qin Xue, and she is from the Qin family of one of the four great clans."

Upon hearing this, the Zhang family's father and son's faces changed slightly, and their eyes swept across Qin Xue's face, with different expressions on their faces.

At this moment, in this situation, if the two of them still can't guess the intentions of Qin Xue and the others, then they have lived in vain.

But because of this, the two of them looked a little ugly.

If that was really their purpose, then the Zhang family would be completely disgraced.

Zhang Yiming took a deep breath and walked to Qin Xue with heavy steps. Although his face looked a little ugly, he still tried to ask in a friendly manner: "What are you planning to do this time?"

Qin Xue's face was slightly stiff. She was a little nervous at the moment and didn't know what to say.

This was the first time Qin Xue did such a thing. For her, facing Zhang Yiming, her heart was filled with timidity and guilt.

However, every story has an end where it begins.

No matter how hesitant or guilty Qin Xue was, she had to say what she had to say.

"I'm sorry, but you and I have never met before, so it's hard for me to accept this family marriage."

Hearing Qin Xue's slightly apologetic words, Zhang Yiming's face looked a little ugly, but fortunately he still had some rationality and did not do something irreparable.

Deep down, Zhang Yiming didn't really like this kind of marriage, but he understood that there were some things that one had to sacrifice as a member of a large family, such as marriage.

As the future of the Zhang family, he had been prepared for this since a very early time, so when his father proposed it, he accepted it calmly.

However, now, his fiancée told him not long after that she wanted to break up the engagement, which was a heavy blow to him.

If Zhang Yiming hadn't considered Lin Yuan beside Qin Xue, he would probably have lost control of his anger at this moment.

At this moment, Lin Yuan finally spoke up, his eyes fixed on Zhang Yiming, and said, "Now, do you still want me to teach you kendo?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yiming clenched his hands tightly, his pupils turning red.

"Ah..." After a few seconds, he roared angrily, then swung his fist desperately and hit the leader's head hard.

Lin Yuan's face was calm, and a sword force emanated from his body involuntarily. He easily blocked Zhang Yiming's punch and sent him flying dozens of meters away, until he landed under a big tree in the back mountain, where he stopped.

"The gap between you and me is too big. With your current strength, you can't hurt me at all.

Stop doing this meaningless thing."

Lin Yuan stood there and said calmly.

Zhang Yiming didn't say anything, he stood up, swung his fist again and hit Lin Yuan.

However, the result was the same as before, it was still easily bounced away.

"Ming'er..." Zhang Jiao felt heartbroken seeing his son like this, but he did not act rashly because he felt that this young man did not intend to harm Zhang Yiming, but instead wanted to teach him something, so he chose to remain silent and watch silently from the side.

Time passed quickly as Zhang Yiming continued to attack Lin Yuan and was then constantly bounced away.

"Even if one has unparalleled talent, without reason, he is nothing more than a beast without any attack power."

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he raised his right hand, pointed a finger at Zhang Yiming who was rushing towards him, and pressed it hard between the latter's eyebrows.

Then, a terrifying pressure emanated from the fingertips, instantly freezing the rioting Zhang Yiming, making him unable to move.

At this moment, in Zhang Yiming's mind, a figure appeared, constantly waving a sword in his hand. Each sword was accompanied by the power to destroy the world, as if to tear the entire world apart.

Faced with such a shocking scene, Zhang Yiming slowly regained his sanity and soon became immersed in it.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yuan retracted his fingers and said slowly: "There are thousands of sword techniques, and your talent is unparalleled. This is all I can give you."