
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 12 Xie Ting

"You won't regret it."

Hearing Li Quan's response, Lin Yuan smiled and said.

"I don't think I will regret it either."

Li Quan shrugged. Compared with his previous hesitation, he was much more relaxed after making the decision.

"Now that I'm done, I should leave."

Lin Yuan's work was done, so there was no need for him to stay here.

Li Quan did not try to stop him and sent Lin Yuan out the door.


As soon as he went out, Lin Yuan saw Lin Dong and the bruised Lin Shan from a distance.

Lin Shan said something to Lin Dong, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he followed Lin Shan away.

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and thought about the plot carefully. Unfortunately, he was not very familiar with this matter. He just vaguely remembered that he seemed to have a grudge with the Lei family.


Lin Yuan became interested, so he put away the black robe and mask, revealing his original appearance, and then followed Lin Dong and others from a distance.

"We were just strolling around here, but we ran into the bastards from the Xie family. Sister Lin Xia wanted to buy something, but those bastards deliberately made trouble, which made the Lin Xia family so angry that they couldn't help but fight..."

"But the leader of the Xie family is that stinky woman Xie Ting, who is Xie Yingying's sister and is now also the seventh level of body tempering. Not only that, they have a lot of people, and in the chaos, Sister Lin Xia was slapped by that woman."

On the way, Lin Shan recounted the previous incident in detail, and while speaking, he clenched his fists and looked extremely angry.

Lin Dong frowned at the side. The Xie family's juniors were indeed too arrogant. As the saying goes, don't hit people in the face, not to mention that Sister Lin Xia is a woman, this is indeed too much.

"The Xie family is so annoying."

It was Lin Dong's sister Qingtan who said this, and she was angry at the moment.

"Hurry up." Lin Dong nodded and couldn't help but speed up again.

Behind them, Lin Yuan saw the three people speeding up again, his eyebrows jumped slightly, and he accelerated again, following the three people closely.

Deep in the market, there is a gravel square. Surrounding the square are some very prosperous shops, with all kinds of spiritual medicines, weapons, armors and even martial arts. You can also see demon crystals.

This is a relatively high-end place in the market. Those who can come here are all people with status in Qingyang Town.

At this moment, there are two groups of people outside the square. Both sides are young, but the sharp anger is very strong.

The Xie and Lei families often suppress foreign forces, among which the Kuangdao Martial Arts School and the Lin family are the worst. Therefore, when the younger generations of the two families meet, there will be some unpleasantness, and fighting will happen from time to time.

"Lin Xia, give me the things, otherwise you can't leave today."

Among the Xie family, a tall girl looked at Lin Xia proudly, with a little sarcasm on her fair face, and a little more mean on her thin lips.

"Give it to you?"

Opposite the girl, Lin Xia sneered, and there was a bloody slap mark on her fair face, which was caused by the tall girl in front of her.

After sneering, Lin Xia fiercely tore off an ornament in her hand, then threw it on the ground and continued to stomp on it for a few times before stopping.

She understood that the other party didn't care about this cheap ornament at all, and was just deliberately looking for trouble.

As Lin Xia expected, seeing the ornament being torn off, Xie Ting didn't even frown, but looked at Lin Xia with a smile and said: "You are really stubborn, but today, you can't think of walking out of here safely."

"Xie Ting, don't go too far!"

Beside Lin Xia, Lin Hong stared at Xie Ting with anger on his face. At this moment, he was a little embarrassed, obviously having experienced a fight.

"So what if it's too far? What can you do?"

Xie Ting looked at Lin Hong sarcastically, with disdain on her face.

Today, she brought more people than Lin Xia, and their strength was stronger than theirs. She didn't think that Lin Xia and others could stir up any waves.

"Hehe... I think we should stop talking nonsense with them and just beat them up directly." Beside Xie Ting, a man in yellow clothes laughed.

"That's right, there's no need to talk too much nonsense with them, just beat them up and teach them a lesson, so that they will stay away from us in the future!"

The man next to the man in yellow smiled strangely and nodded, agreeing with the man in yellow.

Lin Hong looked at the three people angrily, but he had no way to deal with them.

In their group, only Lin Xia and he were at the seventh level of body tempering, while the other side had three people at the seventh level of body tempering. If they fight, they will only suffer!

"Then teach them a lesson."

Xie Ting sneered, and then the people behind her slowly approached Lin Xia and others, with ill intentions on their faces.


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a voice quickly interspersed between the two groups. He was Lin Dong!

"Sister Lin Xia, are you okay?"

Lin Dong asked with concern, and when he saw the slap mark on Lin Xia's cheek, his brows furrowed.

"Who are you?"

Xie Ting frowned slightly. The boy who suddenly appeared scared everyone, which made her feel embarrassed, so her face looked a little ugly.

"I'm fine."

Lin Xia shook her head slightly and whispered.

Lin Dong's brows were still furrowed, and there was a faint anger in his heart, which was gradually rising.

"I talked to you, didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that Lin Dong ignored her, Xie Ting's face became even uglier, and she shouted.

Lin Dong turned around and looked at Xie Ting coldly without saying a word.

Contacting Lin Dong's cold eyes, Xie Ting somehow felt a little scared, and subconsciously avoided Lin Dong's eyes!

"You did it?" Lin Dong asked coldly, without a trace of emotion.

"I did it, so what?"

Xie Ting felt something was wrong, but her pride did not allow her to bow her head, so she still replied in a sarcastic tone.

Hearing Xie Ting's words, Lin Dong didn't say any nonsense, and directly took action. He came to Xie Ting in front of him in an instant and slapped her!


A crisp sound rang out, and the Xie family members did not react for a while, and they were stunned and pressed on the spot.


Xie Ting's face was extremely gloomy. She realized that she was beaten by the boy in front of her. A huge rage erupted in her heart!

"Beat them into pieces!"

She almost shouted.

She had been a genius of the Xie family since she was a child. She had always been the object of flattery. No one dared to hit her. But today, she was slapped hard by Lin Dong. How could she not be angry?

Hearing this, the Xie family members all had gloomy faces and slowly surrounded the Lin family members in the middle. A big battle was inevitable.