
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 117 Another Choice

"Bang" the green lion hit the ochre-colored sword energy hard, causing violent fluctuations, and even the earth shook once at this moment.

"Damn it."

Qin Mu looked at the thin sword energy with a gloomy face. He found that no matter how much energy he poured into his palm, he could not break the faint sword light.

"The Great Wilderness Sword Intent can absorb the energy of heaven and earth and use it for its own benefit. And while absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, it can also devour the opponent's energy."

Lin Yuan paused for a few seconds, raised the sword in his hand, pointed at Qin Mu and continued: "In other words, if you can't break my sword energy in an instant, then you can't beat me at all."

"I just want to know where Qin Xue is. I don't want to be your enemy. Don't force me."

"What are you still looking at? Why don't you take action?"

Qin Mu was already furious and didn't want to hear what Lin Yuan said. He looked at the elders of the Qin family behind him and shouted coldly.

The elders looked at each other and saw the same idea in each other's eyes, so they no longer hesitated and attacked at the same time, wanting to take the opportunity to capture Lin Yuan.

"Don't blame us. You broke into my Qin family without permission today. If we don't take you down, my Qin family will have no dignity at all."

Qin Si, the eldest elder of the Qin family, came to about three meters behind Lin Yuan, spoke indifferently, and then slapped Lin Yuan with his right palm containing vast energy without hesitation.

Several other elders of the Qin family also aimed at Lin Yuan's vital points and hit him hard.


Facing the simultaneous attacks from the top leaders of the Qin family, Lin Yuan remained calm, spread out his palms, and the remaining nine swords flew in front of Lin Yuan, shining brightly.

Immediately afterwards, nine sword energies burst out from the nine long swords at the same time, slashing in all directions.

"not good!"

Qin Si's face changed slightly. He felt a crisis approaching. The energy in his body surged rapidly, gathered in the palm of his hand, and then collided fiercely with the sword light.

However, Qin Si still underestimated the power of this sword energy. The moment his palm touched the sword energy, he felt a brutal force, which quietly dissolved the Yuanli in his palm with a devastating force.


After only a few seconds, the sword energy hit Qin Si directly, sending him flying backwards for dozens of miles and destroying a dozen houses before it stopped.

The same happened to the remaining elders, who were all easily knocked away and seriously injured, but no one died.

This was the result of Lin Yuan deliberately restraining his strength.

He had no grudges against the Qin family, but if the Qin family insisted on fighting, he would have to make them suffer.

"You...are in the Nirvana realm!"

Qin Mu looked at the black-robed man in front of him in shock, and his body couldn't help shaking.

He originally thought that the other party was just a half-step Nirvana realm expert, but he never expected that he was actually a genuine Nirvana realm expert.

"Except for those few people, there shouldn't be any Nirvana masters in the Great Yan Dynasty. Where did he come from?"

Qin Mu had a gloomy face and kept thinking in his mind.

"Now can we talk?"

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at Qin Mu indifferently. The long swords surrounding him turned into Yuanli and returned to his body.

"Where is Qin Xue?"

"What do you want to see Xue'er for?"

Facing a strong man in the Nirvana realm, Qin Mu didn't want to offend him easily. Although he was very angry about his behavior, he could only swallow his anger and said in a deep voice.

"I'm her friend, and I just came to see her this time."

Lin Yuan said calmly.

Qin Mu's eyes were full of scrutiny. He would not believe what he said. If they were friends, why didn't they visit the Qin family in an open and aboveboard manner, but instead broke into the Qin family in such a way.

"Someone, call Xue'er over."

After thinking deeply for a while, Qin Mu finally decided to call Qin Xue over. After all, the situation was not strong enough for him to fight with the other party.

When Lin Yuan heard this, he stopped talking.

Just like that, a weird atmosphere enveloped the whole place. The injured elder of the Qin family sat on the spot to regulate his breathing, while Qin Mu and Lin Yuan looked at each other.

Not long after, a woman in white appeared. She glanced at the injured elders, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she looked at Qin Mu, her expression slightly restrained, and saluted respectfully.

"Master Patriarch."

Qin Mu nodded slightly, looked at Lin Yuan again, and said, "Xue'er, your friend wants to see you."

Hearing this, Qin Xue looked at the man in black robe with confusion in her eyes.

She felt that the figure of the man in black robe was very familiar, but she couldn't remember who he was for a moment, so she had to ask.

"do we know each other?"

Lin Yuan didn't say anything, but slowly pulled down the black hat on his head, revealing a young face.

"Lin Yuan!"

Qin Xue looked at the figure in shock, somewhat unbelievable.

Not only her, but even Qin Mu beside her was equally unbelievable.

Qin Mu never imagined that the one who turned the Qin family upside down would be a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old.

What shocked him even more was that this young man named Lin Yuan had actually reached the state of Nirvana. This talent was unbelievable to him.

"Why are you here?

Where did you go after you left the ancient monument? "

Qin Xue took advantage of Qin Mu's distraction, jumped up, easily came in front of Lin Yuan, and asked with a smile on her face.

"I have been in seclusion for a year and just came out today."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, glanced at Qin Mu who was not far away, and continued: "Later, I heard that you were getting engaged, so I wanted to come and see you."

Hearing this, Qin Xue covered her mouth and chuckled, but a hint of loneliness flashed in her eyes.

A few years ago, the Qin family chose a marriage for her, the purpose of which was naturally to strengthen the Qin family's strength.

In order to resist the decision made by the Qin family, she ran away from home and tried hard to practice, but it was all meaningless. In the end, she could not resist the family and had to choose to compromise.

"I came here this time to give you another chance to choose."

Lin Yuan noticed the loneliness in Qin Xue's eyes, smiled faintly, and said softly.

"The chance to choose?"

Qin Xue looked at Lin Yuan in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

"Leave the Qin family and follow me, or stay in the Qin family, but I can guarantee that they will not interfere with your choice."

Lin Yuan's tone was very flat and calm, and it seemed that he had not considered the thoughts of Qin Mu and other senior members of the Qin family at all.

"Clan leader..." Behind him, an elder who had just woken up from regulating his breathing could not help but wanted to say something, but was stopped by Qin Mu's eyes.

Qin Mu could see that Qin Xue and Lin Yuan had a special relationship. If the two could get together, it would be an earth-shaking happy event for Qin Mu. After all, who could refuse a strong man who had reached the Nirvana realm?

More importantly, this powerful Nirvana master is just a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old!