
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 114 Dragon Power

Above Tianshui City, Hua Yun, the governor of Dahe County, looked in shock at the young man in front of him who looked both familiar and unfamiliar, with countless waves in his heart.

A year ago, Huang Puqi returned alone, but Lin Yuan disappeared, which made everyone confused, but they had to accept this result.

A year later, Lin Yuan returned in great force, and his strength seemed to have reached the Nirvana realm. Hua Yun had never seen or even heard of such a speed.

"Have you already broken through to the Nirvana realm?"

As if to confirm what he was thinking, Hua Yun couldn't help but ask.

"It was just a fluke."

Lin Yuan nodded lightly, his expression was very calm, without any joy at all.

Hua Yun was puzzled. Even in the entire continent, Nirvana Realm experts in their teens were rare, but why did Lin Yuan look so worried?

"Mr. County Magistrate, where is your wife?"

Lin Yuan asked in a hoarse voice with a forced smile on his face.

Looking at Lin Yuan's forced smile, Hua Yun couldn't help but frown slightly, and the doubts in his heart grew stronger.

"Currently in the county governor's mansion."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, without saying too much, and continued hoarsely: "I will go back to the county governor's mansion to visit later. Now I need to go visit Mr. Li of Wanbao Pavilion. See you later."

After saying that, the dozens of long swords floating around Lin Yuan suddenly disappeared, and Lin Yuan also disappeared in front of Hua Yun at this moment!

"So fast!"

Lin Yuan's speed was so fast that Hua Yun didn't even have time to react before he disappeared. He couldn't help but gasp.

It's not like he hasn't seen strong men in the Nirvana realm before, but to be able to reach Lin Yuan's speed, perhaps no one in the entire Great Yan Dynasty can do it.

"What on earth did this kid go through during the year he disappeared?"

Hua Yun narrowed his eyes and looked towards the direction of Wanbao Pavilion, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind.




… "You…you are Lin Yuan?"

Li Quan looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The Lin Yuan at this moment has changed so much from the Lin Yuan a year ago that if it weren't for his appearance, no one would think that this is the same person.


Lin Yuan nodded calmly, glanced at the guest elder beside him, and said calmly: "You go out first."

When the guest official heard this, he dared not object. He nodded quickly and left the room quickly with a hint of fear on his face.

Li Quan did not stop him. His eyes stayed on Lin Yuan and he continued to ask, "Where have you been this year?"

"Some unexpected things happened, so I stayed in seclusion for a year and just came out recently."

Lin Yuan gave a very vague explanation, not saying what exactly happened.

In his opinion, when dealing with that person, neither Wanbao Pavilion, the County Magistrate's Office, nor even the four major clans have the strength to help him. The only one he can rely on in this matter is himself.

Since you can only rely on yourself, there is no need to tell others and make them worry or afraid.

Although Li Quan's cultivation is low, he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. Otherwise, he would not have been able to develop Wanbao Pavilion to its current level.

He easily saw the perfunctory tone in Lin Yuan's words, but he didn't ask any further questions.

The smarter a person is, the more he or she understands the principle of listening more and asking less, or listening less and not asking at all. Li Quan happens to be one of these people.

"I came back this time for three things..." Lin Yuan sat opposite Li Quan. After a moment of silence, he organized his words and continued, "The first thing is to take Xiao Zi away. After all, he can't stay in Wanbao Pavilion forever."

"The second thing is that I will be leaving the Great Yan Dynasty soon, so your future path will be up to you."

When Li Quan heard that Lin Yuan was about to leave the Great Yan Dynasty, a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes, but then he regained his composure.

"The third thing is that I hope you will make friends with the Lin clan in the future, but only make friends."

Lin Yuan emphasized the two words he said, with the purpose of reminding Li Quan that he must not let Wanbao Pavilion be swallowed up by the Lin family.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Li Quan nodded solemnly, with confidence flashing across his face.

Wanbao Pavilion is indeed weaker than the four major families, but given enough time, Li Quan is confident that he can expand the influence of Wanbao Pavilion to the entire Great Yan Dynasty, or even the entire continent. That is also possible.

Lin Yuan admired Li Quan's confidence and trusted him very much. After getting Li Quan's assurance, he said nothing more.

"Let's go and see how Xiao Zi is doing now."

Li Quan nodded slightly, a little mysteriously, "He might be very surprised."

Lin Yuan paused for a second and glanced at Li Quan. He suddenly felt curious and wanted to see what happened to Xiao Zi.

The two did not waste too much time and soon arrived at a spacious courtyard. A huge monster with black and purple flames on its body and a pair of huge black and purple wings was lying on the ground, lazily basking in the sun.

"Snoring..." The two people slowly approached and heard a faint snoring sound.

"Is this what you call a surprise?"

Lin Yuan looked at Li Quan with a half-smile and asked with a strange expression.

Li Quan smiled slightly and didn't explain too much.

He was seen slowly approaching Xiao Zi, one step, two steps, three steps... When he took the tenth step and was less than three feet away from Xiao Zi, the originally sleeping Xiao Zi suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying pressure quickly flowed out of his body. At this moment, Lin Yuan was suppressed and unable to move.

"Is this... Long Wei?"

After only a few seconds, the energy in Lin Yuan's body forcibly dispelled the pressure, but his expression was extremely shocked.

He clearly felt a strong pressure coming from his bloodline. This pressure had nothing to do with the strength of one's body. Just relying on the power of his noble bloodline, it was enough to make Lin Yuan unable to move.

"Xiao... Zi, why don't you stop!"

Li Quan is not Lin Yuan. He is not strong enough to dispel this pressure and can only bear it alone.

But this powerful pressure was not something that a mere Tianyuan realm like him could withstand. After just a second, he could no longer hold on and fell to his knees. He used his limited strength to struggle to say a few words.

When Xiao Zi heard the familiar voice, he immediately withdrew his pressure, glanced at the figure in the distance, joy flashed in his eyes, he let out a roar of joy, jumped onto Lin Yuan, and rubbed his body against the latter's little face.

Lin Yuan did not refuse. He just smiled and stroked Xiao Zi's soft fur. He looked at Li Quan who was kneeling on the ground and asked, "What happened to Xiao Zi?"