
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 113 Goodbye Huayun

Deep in the ancient wilderness, an ancient monument that seems to connect heaven and earth stands here, motionless.

Ever since the seal weakened last time, this place has returned to its normal state of being deserted. Even people from the Great Wilderness County rarely come here.

From the ancient stele, an ancient aura slowly flowed out and spread in all directions. Wherever it passed, trees and weeds quickly withered and eventually turned into dust and returned to nothingness.

"Rumble..." A rumbling sound was heard, and then a tiny crack appeared in the center of the stone tablet, and then gradually expanded.

"Swoosh, swoosh..." Dozens of long swords shot out from the crack and then stuck steadily into the ground. In an instant, the one-foot area around each sword turned into sand.

"Remember, the destructive power of the Great Wilderness Sword Intent is immeasurable, so you must be careful."

Inside the ancient monument, the old man looked at Lin Yuan who was about to leave and gave him very serious instructions.

Lin Yuan nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, senior. I will know how to handle this properly."

After a year of getting along, the old man had some understanding of Lin Yuan's character. He realized that he was not the kind of person who did things without thinking, so he believed what he said and nodded lightly.

"You should leave quickly. That gap won't last long."

"Then I'll take my leave."

After bowing slightly to the old man, Lin Yuan did not linger any longer and disappeared on the spot with a whoosh.

The next moment, Lin Yuan appeared outside the stone tablet.

Lin Yuan has reached the state of unity between man and sword. He is the sword and the sword is him. Wherever the sword goes, he goes. That is why he can travel a hundred miles to the outside of the stone tablet in an instant.

"Rumble..." As soon as I arrived outside, the sky was covered with dark clouds and a faint roaring sound came from the clouds.

"Is it really so..." Lin Yuan looked up at the sky without a trace of surprise, as if he had expected it.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky from the clouds and struck Lin Yuan.

This thunder force that contains the power of heaven and earth represents the will of heaven. Even the strong ones in the Nirvana realm find it difficult to resist.

Of course, Lin Yuan was not prepared to take on this bolt of lightning that possessed the power of heaven and earth. With a whoosh, it traveled dozens of miles and arrived at the edge of the depths of the ancient wilderness.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, Lin Yuan had no time to look at each other, and the second thunder had already fallen. He had no choice but to travel dozens of miles again and leave the depths of the ancient wilderness.

"Boom..." Another loud noise was heard. Above the sky, within the clouds, the third bolt of lightning was ready to strike.

Lin Yuan clenched his hands. Although he had guessed the outcome, he still felt terrified when he actually faced it.

The power of Heaven is indeed not something it can resist at its current state.

Without the system, he was like a soldier without armor, at the mercy of fate.

The third bolt of lightning also condensed and completed during these few breaths, and fell down with a loud bang.

In another instant, Lin Yuan avoided the falling lightning once again, but he did not feel any joy. Instead, he felt heavier and heavier.

The power of the falling lightning was getting stronger and stronger, and its speed was getting faster and faster. If this continued, he would eventually be killed by the falling lightning. This was not the result he wanted.

"God's Hidden Art!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan's hands quickly formed seals, making countless complex and complicated hand seals.

A golden magic circle slowly emerged from under his feet.

Under this golden light, Lin Yuan's soul became illusory, as if it would disappear at any time.

The sky seemed to sense the disappearance of Lin Yuan's soul, and it dispersed, and the sun reappeared.

"I never thought that one day I would end up in a situation like this."

Looking at the gradually dissipating dark clouds, Lin Yuan gave a bitter smile.

The Divine Concealment Technique was given to him by the old man on the stone tablet. It can be used to conceal one's own aura, making it difficult even for the Heavenly Dao to detect it.

"Let's go back and take a look."

As he thought of this, the long sword hundreds of miles away from him began to tremble, making a buzzing sound.


After a few breaths, dozens of long swords stuck in the ground turned into dozens of rays of light and flew towards Dahe County at a high speed.

Dozens of long swords flew together, emitting a majestic and ancient aura, shocking and terrifying people wherever they passed.

A year ago, it took Lin Yuan ten days to travel from Dahe County to Dahuang County, but now, he doesn't need that much time at all. With his full strength, he arrived at the border of Dahe County in just one hour.

In the Tianshui City County Magistrate's Mansion, Hua Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the distant sky with a solemn expression on his face.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Huang Puzhi noticed Hua Yun's abnormality keenly and asked in confusion.

Hua Yun did not reply, but his expression became more and more solemn.

"I go out for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared in the county magistrate's mansion.

And just when Hua Yun left, the strong men hidden in Tianshui City all sensed a strange aura.

"Mr. Li, what's wrong with you?"

At Wanbao Pavilion, Li Quan was handling the daily affairs of Wanbao Pavilion as usual. Suddenly, he noticed that the guest elder sitting in front of him had an extremely solemn expression on his face. He was puzzled and asked.

"Pavilion Master, there is an extremely terrifying aura approaching Tianshui City at a very fast speed."

Li Keqing's expression was unusually serious, and his tone was particularly heavy.

"How terrible is it?"

Li Quan's realm was only the Tianyuan realm. He could not sense the terrifying aura at all, nor could he imagine it, so he continued to ask.

But this time, Li Keqing did not answer him, because an ancient aura had already permeated the entire Tianshui City. Without anyone saying anything, Li Quan could imagine how terrifying the power of the visitor was.

Above Tianshui City, Hua Yun looked into the distance with a serious face, and the energy in his body was quietly circulating.

Not long after, dozens of rays of light flew in from the sky, and an extremely terrifying aura gradually surged towards the entire Tianshui City!

"Please stop, sir."

Feeling this extremely terrifying aura, Hua Yun understood that the opponent's strength might have reached the Nirvana realm, which was far beyond his ability to resist.

But as the governor of Dahe County, he couldn't just sit there and do nothing. Even though he knew he couldn't win, he had to grit his teeth and stand up.

The dozens of rays of light suddenly stopped, revealing their shapes, which turned out to be dozens of long swords!

Hua Yun showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "This is Tianshui City in Dahe County. I wonder why you came here?"

Dozens of long swords seemed to understand Hua Yun's words and kept shaking.

"Mr. County Magistrate, don't you recognize me?"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Hua Yun, wearing a black robe and exuding a desolate aura.

At first, Hua Yun felt that this person looked very familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was for a moment. His eyes moved slightly upwards, and when he saw the face of the person who came, he couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

"Lin Yuan!"