
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 112: Great Wilderness Sword Intent

"Why are you so sure, Senior, that it doesn't make any sense?"

Lin Yuan asked, frowning.

"Because the enemy you want to defeat is the one with the most powerful talent in the Three Thousand Worlds, so no matter how you change your qualifications, you can't surpass him."

The old man said calmly.

The old man's words were almost despairing to Lin Yuan, but he still did not give up. The determination in his eyes did not weaken at all, but strengthened a lot.

"I once heard of a story. Thousands of years ago, there was a man whose meridians were fragile and who was born unable to practice. However, he did not give up. Through unremitting efforts, he found a completely different path and eventually became an unparalleled strong man, dominating that era."

Lin Yuan looked at the old man calmly, speaking at a moderate pace, and each word was very clear.

The old man vaguely understood what Lin Yuan meant and frowned, "Do you think you can do it?"

"I have no choice..." Lin Yuan said, then took out the ancient green sword and said calmly: "Looking at what I have learned now, the only way to have a chance to defeat him is through the sword."


Hearing these two words, a gleam of light flashed in the old man's eyes, but his expression remained calm.

"Why do you think that kendo can defeat him?"

"The ultimate sword skill is to be able to cut the sun, moon, and stars, break the sky, and destroy the universe with one sword. If I can reach this level, I will be able to kill the enemy."

An unimaginable light flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes, causing the old man's heart to gradually become more agitated.

"Young man, it's great that you can think of this, but this kind of swordsmanship is still far from the strongest."

After a while, the old man's mood calmed down and a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the old man had more thoughts in his mind. He remembered his last wish before his death and the dark battle. The expectations in his heart became stronger.

"This is not even the strongest sword!"

Lin Yuan was a little stunned. He looked at the old man in confusion, and for some reason, waves surged in his heart.

The waves were so violent that he could no longer maintain his calm on the surface, and a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Please teach me, senior."

Without much hesitation, Lin Yuan knelt on the ground with a serious and pious look.

He knew this might be his only chance, so he threw away all his self-esteem just to get a chance.

The old man was very satisfied with Lin Yuan's attitude, so he stopped hiding and told everyone what he thought was the strongest sword.

"The strongest means that no one can defeat them. Throughout history, there are only a handful of people who have such strength, and there is no one who can reach such strength in swordsmanship."

"That's why the strongest sword is the one that can decide life or death with just one strike."

"One sword decides life and death?

Senior, this level of swordsmanship seems to be easy to achieve, right?"

Lin Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect that in the eyes of his predecessor, the strongest sword was only of this level.


The senior smiled faintly, put his hands behind his back, and said: "Do you think you have reached this level now?"


Lin Yuan answered confidently.

As early as half a year ago, he had already reached the state of unity between man and sword. After that, he secluded himself for another half a year, focusing on swordsmanship, and his strength reached a new level.

With his current strength, below the Nirvana realm, he could kill with one sword without any effort.

Of course, if he faces a strong man in the Nirvana realm, he will need to spend some effort. The strong man in the Nirvana realm is far from being comparable to the strong man at the third realm of Creation.

"In that case, why can't you kill that evil spirit?"

This question made Lin Yuan speechless, and he could only respond to the old man's question with silence.

"You have achieved the state of unity between man and sword, but you are still not invincible in the world. That is to say, the state of unity between man and sword is not the strongest state. There is a more powerful state above the state of unity between man and sword, but you have not found it yet."

The old man said with a faint smile.

The old man's words reminded Lin Yuan of the supreme realm of swordsmanship described in his previous life's novel, the unity of heaven and sword!

"But how can we achieve this state?"

For a moment, Lin Yuan fell into deep thought.

"Young man, the art of swordsmanship alone cannot truly kill all enemies with one sword.

You need to integrate different things into your swordsmanship, just like the evil spirits' ability to devour everything."

The old man's advice instantly raised Lin Yuan's thinking to a very high level.

"Integrate everything into my swordsmanship..." Lin Yuan kept repeating this sentence, his eyes becoming brighter and brighter.

He felt as if he had found a new path, but now he was not sure what it was.

The sword energy is invisible in itself, and it can change according to the will of its master, just as he previously transformed the sword energy into a flame that can burn everything. So why can't he use the sword energy to simulate other natural forces?

The more he thought about it, the more Lin Yuan felt that this path was feasible, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"It seems you have found a new path."

The old man was very pleased to see Lin Yuan's bright smile, and his face also smiled more.

"That's right, but I need to verify whether my idea is correct."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and concentrated.

Soon, a ray of sword energy appeared around him.

This strand of sword energy was very unique. Its shape was very much like an electric arc. It wandered around Lin Yuan, and a faint crackling sound could be heard.

The old man looked at the sword energy in amazement, finding it somewhat unbelievable.

He really didn't expect that in such a short time, this young man could use a wisp of sword energy to simulate an arc of electricity. Even in his era, it was difficult for anyone to achieve such speed.

"It seems that there is a reason why he was chosen by the evil spirit clan."

The old man chuckled, and the smile on his face grew more and more intense.

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the arc of electricity in front of him. The light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. At this moment, he found his way and a sense of excitement arose spontaneously.

"Young man, since you and I have a connection, I will pass on an opportunity to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man suddenly stretched out his finger and gently touched Lin Yuan's forehead.

Before he could say anything, Lin Yuan sensed an ancient aura.

When I opened my eyes, what appeared before my eyes was a battlefield where countless strong men were fighting fiercely. The battle was extremely intense.

Then, the scene changed again, and the entire battlefield turned into countless sword auras filled with ancient destructive energy, which slowly condensed and formed a long sword.

Lin Yuan's body was trembling slightly. Under this ancient sword intent, he seemed to be destroyed at any time.

"Young man, this is the Great Wilderness Sword Intention that a good friend of mine has spent his entire life to comprehend. If you can comprehend it, it will be of great benefit to you without any harm."

A familiar voice came, bringing Lin Yuan back to his senses instantly.

He knew that this was an opportunity given to him by the old man, and he must seize it to make himself stronger.

"Just wait, I will kill you with my own hands!"