
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 110: Second Coming

"Boom boom!"

In the space of the ancient monument, a sound of force fluctuations resounded through the sky, spreading over hundreds of miles. The sky roared with thunder and the earth was covered with countless cracks.

"Hehehe..." The evil god stood upright and let out a strange laugh. He looked at his left arm that was cut off by the hundred-foot-long sword and laughed angrily. A strong murderous intent was revealed in his eyes that were like the sun.

"I never thought that a mortal like you could burst out with such powerful strength. It really surprises me."

"But you still have no hope..." As the words fell, a ball of black mist surged out of the evil god's huge body and quickly merged to form a brand new arm!

On the ground, Lin Yuan had an indifferent expression, his gray eyes staring at the huge body of the evil god, without any emotion fluctuations in his eyes.

The previous attack consumed all the energy in the ancient sword. The ancient sword returned to its original appearance, but the sword intent on the sword had disappeared, leaving only a faint green light on the surface of the sword.

"Sword coming."

A hoarse voice came out of Lin Yuan's mouth, and the ancient sword flew into his hand. A wisp of the purest energy was injected into the sword, and then the boundless sword intent appeared again.

"Look, I'm going to stomp you to death."

The evil god sneered continuously, slowly raised his left foot, and then kicked it down!

"Boom..." With one kick, the earth shook and a huge deep hole suddenly appeared.

The evil god stared at the tiny hole in his eyes. Before he could say anything, he saw a green light coming.

"Humph, you're looking for death."

The evil god waved his hand and slapped towards the green light.


Lin Yuan picked up the ancient sword and swung it out. The huge sword blade easily broke the attacking palm.

"It's useless. Your sword energy has no effect on me."

The evil god's palm was cut off, but his expression remained unchanged. The severed palm was covered by black mist, and then it recovered and became even harder.


The evil god waved his hands, then quickly closed them. A crisp sound suddenly rang out, and the green light instantly dissipated.

"Damn it, damn bugs!"

The green light dissipated, and the evil god did not feel happy at all. Instead, he was very angry, because he could clearly sense that Lin Yuan was still alive.



Suddenly, dozens of green rays flew out from the evil god's palms, and the sharp sword energy easily cut off the evil god's hands again. With the help of the former's fallen palms, Lin Yuan suddenly jumped up, aimed at the evil god's eyes, and stabbed fiercely.

The ancient sword successfully pierced into the evil god's eyes, and the latter let out a painful cry. Then his entire body turned into black mist again, madly gathering in one place.

"A sword of spiritual resonance."

The ancient sword was placed horizontally in front of him, then spun rapidly. A vast amount of energy was poured into it. The sword energy was like fire, and a fire dragon with blazing flames suddenly appeared.

Without much prelude, Lin Yuan directly controlled the fire dragon and rushed towards the black fog.

"Boom..." A huge explosion sounded, and a strong fluctuation of Yuanli turned into a strong wind blowing in all directions.

After a moment, the flames disappeared, and the black mist also disappeared. The shaking of the earth finally stopped, as if everything had returned to normal.

Lin Yuan knelt on the ground, breathing heavily, his face pale, but there was less gray in his eyes.

"Is it good?"

Suddenly, a teasing voice was heard. Lin Yuan looked up suddenly and saw the evil god standing in front of him intact with a smile on his face.

Lin Yuan tightly grasped the ancient sword in his hand and wanted to stand up and continue fighting, but his energy was exhausted and he was already at the end of his strength.

"I've already said it before, I'm immortal, no one can kill me, why are you wasting your energy?"

The evil god shook his head slightly and sighed.

Lin Yuan said nothing, but stared at the evil god with cold eyes without blinking.

"Lin Yuan!"

At this moment, Lin Dong's voice was heard. The evil god turned his head and saw a man riding a monster beast coming at him quickly.

"It looks like we can only go here today."

The evil god shook his head regretfully, and after taking a quick look at Lin Yuan, he turned into a black light and disappeared… "Lin Yuan, are you okay?"

A moment later, Lin Dong arrived and saw Lin Yuan, who looked pale and weak. He also saw the lifelessness in his eyes, and his mood was slightly shaken.

This was the first time that Lin Dong saw Lin Yuan like this, decadent and lifeless, as if he was a dying person.

Lin Yuan did not respond for a long time. He slowly took out a pill from his waist, swallowed it, and closed his eyes to concentrate.

"This kid has broken through to the Nirvana realm!"

From within the stone talisman came the shocked voice of the little marten.

Lin Dong was shocked when he heard this. He looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief, feeling mixed emotions.

A few hours ago, he was still in the Creation Realm, but now, he is a powerful man in the Nirvana Realm. Such speed is truly unprecedented.

"Then why does he look like that?"

Thinking of Lin Yuan's appearance before, Lin Dong frowned and asked.

"I think it has something to do with that person just now."

Little Marten came out of the stone talisman, looked around, and said with a hint of surprise, "It looks like they have been through a fierce battle."

"Is this the battle between strong men in the Nirvana Realm? It is indeed not comparable to the Creation Realm."

Lin Dong took a deep breath, his face full of shock.

At a glance, there was no safe place within a hundred miles. There were traces of fighting everywhere. Even in the sky, there was terrifying and frightening energy.

"Tsk, this is nothing, with my strength back then, this is just child's play."

Xiao Diao had a look of disdain on his face, thinking back then he could destroy an entire county with just a single strike. That kind of power was nothing like what this mere Nirvana realm could compare to.

However, Lin Dong did not take Xiao Diao's words to heart at all, because it was too far away from him and was far less impactful than it was at the moment.

Um… "Oh no, he's about to wake up."

When the little mink heard the sound, he quickly got into the stone talisman.

Just then, Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Dong walked forward and asked with concern.


Lin Yuan shook his head slightly, his eyes lingering on Lin Dong for a long while.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Lin Dong took the initiative to ask.

"Take me to the Creation Martial Monument."

After a period of silence, Lin Yuan said softly.

Lin Dong was slightly stunned, then nodded.

Just like that, the two of them spent a long time together and once again came to the Creation Martial Monument.

Lin Yuan looked up at the magnificent stone monument in front of him.

At this moment, after the baptism of Lin Dong and others in the last round, the luster of the stone tablet dimmed a lot, but Lin Yuan didn't care.

"This stone tablet…" Lin Dong was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Yuan.

"Leave here, and hurry up to become stronger, because disaster is coming."

After saying that, Lin Yuan jumped up and entered the Creation Martial Monument, leaving Lin Dong with a bewildered look on his face.