
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 11 Trading

The trading fair is located in the north square of Qingyang Town. There are many forces, good and bad, and disputes are common. Therefore, no force can swallow this place.

In the trading fair, all forces in Qingyang Town have industries and have received generous rewards. Therefore, they tacitly ignore this place. As

a result, this place has become an illegal place in Qingyang Town. Especially some nearby bandit gangs, selling stolen goods and shopping here will not attract other people's attention, so why not do it?

Lin Yuan was wearing a black robe, and his face was covered by a cold evil ghost mask, revealing only two sharp eyes.

Lin Yuan seemed very familiar with this place. He walked into a shop with ease, and went directly to the third floor without looking at anything on the first floor.

The shop assistant just wanted to stop him, but when he saw the person coming, he stopped and his expression became respectful.

There was nothing on the third floor, only a few luxurious boxes, and nothing else.


As soon as Lin Yuan went up to the third floor, a graceful beauty came over, bowed respectfully, and said coquettishly.

"Where is Li Quan?"

Lin Yuan looked at the beauty coldly and asked.

"The shopkeeper has been waiting in the Jinzi room for a long time." The beauty replied respectfully.

After listening to the beauty's words, Lin Yuan walked quickly to the last private room on the third floor.

Unlike other private rooms, this one was not so luxurious, but very simple, with only a table and a few chairs, and nothing else.

When Lin Yuan came to the Jinzi room, a middle-aged man was sitting on a chair, drinking tea. After seeing Lin Yuan appear, he quickly stood up and said, "You are finally here, come on, come on, take a seat." He

said three times in a row, which shows how excited Li Quan was when he saw Lin Yuan.

"The ten bottles of foundation-building liquid have all been sold. This time, there are a total of 3,000 Yang Yuan stones."

Li Quan said, and took out a small wooden bag and put it in front of Lin Yuan.

This is a magical bag, called Qiankun Bag, which is made of Qiankun wood. Don't underestimate it because it is so small, but it has

a lot of space inside, with a space of ten feet! Of course, this is only a kind of Qiankun bag with a very small space. There are also very large spaces, but their prices are also ridiculously high.

Lin Yuan put away the Qiankun bag without even looking at it, and then took out three wooden bottles from another Qiankun bag and gently placed them on the table.

Li Quan looked at the three wooden bottles, his eyes lit up, and asked, "What medicine is this time?"

Li Quan and Lin Yuan met by chance five years ago.

At that time, Lin Yuan touched his heart with a fragrant and moist pill, which made him determined to open a shop here, and then used this as a starting point to expand rapidly. Until today, he can say without hesitation that his family property is not much less than the three major forces in Qingyang Town.

"Blood coagulation powder," Lin Yuan said hoarsely.

As soon as you hear the name, you know it is a therapeutic drug, but can this thing become popular?

"This thing..." Li Quan frowned slightly. Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

"Do you think this thing has no effect?"

Lin Yuan smiled and took out a short blade. Then he quickly cut Li Quan's wrist, and then sprinkled the blood coagulation powder on the wound at an incredible speed.

A trace of pain flashed across Li Quan's eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he saw that his wound had healed, and even the blood had not flowed out yet!

"What a strong healing ability!"

Li Quan took a breath of cold air and looked shocked. He didn't expect that this small amount of powder could have such a strong healing ability.

"This kind of blood coagulation powder can only be used externally, not internally. No matter how big the wound is, I can guarantee that it will recover within half an hour." Lin Yuan looked at Li Quan and said hoarsely.

"How many bottles do you have?"

Li Quan looked at the three bottles of blood coagulation powder, constantly calculating how to sell them to maximize profits.

"This blood coagulation powder is not easy to refine. It requires thirty pure Yuan stones, and there are countless other herbs. I only have three bottles at present."

Lin Yuan said, and took out a list and handed it to Li Quan, saying, "Try to prepare as many of the things on the list as possible."

Li Quan glanced at it for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and then shouted, "Come here."


The charming woman walked into the room and said respectfully.

Li Quan didn't even turn his head, handed the list to the woman, and said, "Within ten days, prepare all the things on it."


The woman didn't look at the things on the list, and after responding, she retreated. After

arranging Lin Yuan's affairs, Li Quan's eyes were on the three bottles of blood coagulation powder again.

Three bottles of blood coagulation powder, not too much, not too little, if sold separately, although you can make some money, but not too much, so Li Quan decided to sell them together!

"I will hold an auction in three days. Do you want to participate?"

Li Quan put the three bottles of blood coagulation powder into his Qiankun bag and suddenly asked.

Lin Yuan was not interested in this matter, so he shook his head and refused immediately.

"I knew you would refuse."

Li Quan obviously expected Lin Yuan's reaction, and he was not disappointed, but just a little helpless.

"The business in Qingyang Town has reached its limit. You should consider expanding to the entire Great Yan Dynasty."

After a moment of silence, Lin Yuan spoke up.

"To the entire Great Yan Dynasty?"

Li Quan obviously hadn't thought about this matter yet, and his brows were furrowed.

"In a short while, I will leave Qingyang Town." Lin Yuan said again.

"Leave? Never come back?"

Lin Yuan is now his cash cow. When he heard that he would not come back, Li Quan became a little worried.

Without Lin Yuan's magical elixir, his business might plummet.

"If there is no accident, it should be like this." Lin Yuan nodded slightly and said.

"So you want me to expand my business to the entire Great Yan Dynasty?" Although Li Quan's cultivation talent is not good, he is smart and quickly thought of what Lin Yuan wanted to express.

"Yes, in about three years, I will go to the capital of the Great Yan Dynasty. By then, I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Lin Yuan nodded calmly and said.

Lin Yuan was obviously very satisfied with the cooperation with Li Quan, so he couldn't help but suggest to him to expand the business to the whole country.

Facing this question, Li Quan fell into silence.

Lin Yuan also knew that this choice was difficult. After all, Qingyang Town was too small for the entire Great Yan Dynasty. With Li Quan's current financial resources, it would be difficult to expand the business to the whole country.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Finally, Li Quan made a decision.