
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 109: Death to Show One’s Will

"Rumble..." At the Creation Martial Arts Monument, Lin Dong, who had just obtained the Creation high-level martial arts with the help of the stone talisman, felt the earth shaking before he could even be happy.

The violent shaking affected everyone and left them confused.

"Langtian, leave here quickly..." In the Lin clan, the white-haired old man looked into the distance solemnly, shouted at Lin Langtian, and then directed the clan members to leave in an orderly manner.

Not only the Lin family, but also the Wang family, the Qin family and even Huang Puqi who had just been promoted to the Form-making Realm sensed a sense of crisis and left in a hurry, leaving behind a group of confused people.

"Little mink, what's going on?"

Lin Dong also sensed a sense of crisis, but he didn't know where it came from, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Someone is absorbing the energy of heaven and earth from this stone tablet at an unimaginable speed."

Xiao Diao showed unprecedented solemnity and said with a serious face.

"Unimaginable speed?

How fast is that?"

Lin Dong was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"Let me put it this way. If your speed of breathing in and out the energy of heaven and earth is 1, then that person's speed will reach 100."

"The most important thing is that this space is constructed by the energy of heaven and earth. Once the energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, this space will collapse instantly."

Xiao Marten said in a deep voice.

"A hundred times difference, is this still a human being?"

Lin Dong's speed did not slow down, his face full of shock.

"I don't think this method is something a human could use."

Xiao Diao thought for a few seconds and said calmly.

Lin Dong nodded in agreement. The image of a young man flashed through his mind, and he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Lin Yuan's still in there."

At this moment, Lin Dong suddenly remembered Lin Yuan, who had been flying towards the distance since entering this space, and said with a little concern.

"You might as well worry about yourself instead of him. Don't you know how strong he is and how strong you are?"

Xiao Diao thought of the young man and said with a pout.

"Xiao Yan."

Lin Dong ignored Xiao Diao's complaints and looked at Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan nodded slightly, instantly returned to normal, and then took Lin Dong and flew in the opposite direction of everyone else.

"Lin Dong, you are always like this, so self-righteous."

The little mink seemed to have expected this and shook his head helplessly.

"He and I are from the same clan, and he has saved me twice…" Lin Dong explained briefly, looking into the distance with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Rumble..." The vibration continued, and several deep cracks appeared on the ground, and even the crack at the exit was gradually expanding.


The evil god, who was trying hard to absorb the vital energy of heaven and earth, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the horizon, where a figure was slowly approaching.

"I don't want to meet him at this time, so I'd better leave for now."

The evil god easily recognized who the visitor was, thought for a few seconds, and prepared to leave.

However, just as he moved, a green light shot through his body fiercely. The evil god glanced sideways and saw that it was Lin Yuan.

At this moment, Lin Yuan had a blank expression on his face, and there was no color in his eyes, as if he was a living dead.


Do you want to kill me?

It's a pity you can't do it."

The evil god looked at Lin Yuan mockingly, with a look of disdain on his face.

Lin Yuan still didn't speak, and the unparalleled sword energy continued to surge out of his body, crisscrossing between heaven and earth.

At the same time, an ancient green sword burst into dazzling light, and the vast Yuanli made it continue to grow.

In an instant, a sword that was a hundred feet long appeared in this space. The powerful sword intent filled the entire space, and even the evil god couldn't help but look a little solemn.

"Want to die with me?

Unfortunately, you can't do that."

The evil god sneered, and black mist gushed out from his palms and then poured into his body. The vitality of this world rapidly flowed into his body, making his body continue to grow, eventually becoming a giant with the sky above his head and the earth under his feet!

"Hehehe..." The cold laughter spread throughout the entire ancient monument space like thunder.

All living things in this space were terrified. They fled in all directions, roaring in fear.

"Little Mink, what... is that?"

Lin Dong looked at the huge black shadow in the distance, the shock in his heart could no longer be described in words.

"I don't know, but his strength should only be at the Nirvana level."

Xiao Diao shook his head and said in a deep voice.

Even he had never seen or even heard of such a huge creature.

"Xiao Yan, speed up."

Lin Dong patted Xiao Yan, who instantly understood Lin Dong's thoughts and accelerated again to fly towards the black shadow.

"Lin Dong, are you crazy?

Even with me, we have no chance of winning against that giant. You'll just die if you go over there now!"

Seeing this, Xiao Diao couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"I felt like Lin Yuan was there."

Lin Dong stared at the black shadow intently. For some reason, a mysterious force made him want to rush over quickly.

"Lin Yuan, don't waste your energy. You can't kill me."

The evil god looked downwards, and a thunderous sound came again, torturing Lin Yuan's ears, but he remained expressionless, and the vitality in his body was continuously injected into the long sword above his head.

"If you are stubborn, then go to hell."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was still expressionless, the evil god felt annoyed. He raised his left hand, which was several times bigger than a mountain, and punched him!

Before the giant fist arrived, an unimaginable sense of oppression came over him. Under this pressure, Lin Yuan's body was like a candle in the wind, which could go out at any time.

At this moment, the hundred-foot-long green sword suspended above Lin Yuan burst into an even more dazzling light, and countless sword qi emerged from the sword body, transforming into countless sharp sword lights, slashing towards the evil god's left hand.

Countless sword lights flashed across the evil god's left hand, leaving countless sword marks, but this still could not stop the giant fist from falling.

"Rumble..." There was a loud sound of breaking air in the sky. Lin Yuan knew that it was the evil god's fist. He slowly raised his head, stretched his hands upwards, and then put them together... "Your attack is meaningless. Die in sorrow."

The evil god laughed arrogantly, swung his fist, and a black aura attached to it, and then accelerated again.

"When man and sword become one, they are invincible."

With a soft mutter, Lin Yuan gently waved his hands downward, and the hundred-foot-long sword suspended in the air also moved with it.

Endless sword energy flowed through the sword body, carrying a tremendous force that could destroy the world. It transformed into a huge beam of light and shot towards the evil god's giant fist!