
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 108 The Cruel Facts

"Damn it..." The life energy was taken away by the system again without authorization. Lin Yuan's face turned ugly, and an indescribable anger surged in his heart.

"Hoohoo~" The vital energy of heaven and earth stored in this space began to boil and rushed into Lin Yuan's body like crazy, and Lin Yuan had no way to refuse it.

"What's the matter?"

The violent vitality of heaven and earth poured in madly, and Lin Yuan felt that his body was becoming chaotic. If this continued, he would probably explode and die.

Helplessly, Lin Yuan quickly found a safe place, closed his eyes and concentrated, forced to digest the vital energy of heaven and earth that poured into his body.

Time passed quickly, and more and more heaven and earth energy flowed into his body. Lin Yuan absorbed it frantically, but his efficiency was too low, and his body began to swell gradually.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's entire body had expanded nearly twice as much as before. The violent energy of heaven and earth made him suffer so much that he was almost losing consciousness.

Just at this moment, the system's voice sounded again.

"It has been detected that the host is facing a crisis again, and the forced upgrade mode has been activated again."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he seemed to understand that he had been tricked by the system.

"Forced upgrade...

…20%" "40%" "60%" "80%" "100%" System upgrade completed.

Activate the Extreme Devouring System… As this emotionless voice sounded, the heaven and earth energy in Lin Yuan's body was instantly digested, and a stream of pure energy flowed through his seven meridians and six vessels.

"It is detected that the host's life energy is insufficient. It is recommended to force a breakthrough to prolong the life energy..." Hearing this, Lin Yuan's face became extremely ugly, but there was nothing he could do. He had to choose to obey the command of the system and gradually prepare to force a breakthrough to the Nirvana realm.






…"This is where?"

In the dark space, Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes with a puzzled look on his face.

"Shouldn't I be in the space of the Great Desolate Ancient Monument?

How did you get here? "

"Hehe..." A familiar laugh suddenly came, and then a light appeared in the darkness ahead, and a figure revealed his face.

"Who are you?"

Lin Yuan's expression froze slightly. He wanted to mobilize the energy in his body, but found that there was no energy in his body at all. He couldn't help but show a look of horror.

"If evil thoughts come, they can become gods. I am the evil god."

The evil god laughed wildly, his eyes full of arrogance.

"What do you want to do by bringing me here?"

Lin Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"This is your consciousness space, and I exist in your consciousness space."

The evil god said with a smile.

When Lin Yuan heard this information, he had a vague sense of foreboding.

"Who on earth are you…!"

Lin Yuan stared coldly at the uninvited guest, with murderous intent surging in his heart.

"It's useless. You can't kill me."

The evil god saw through Lin Yuan's innermost thoughts at a glance, but he just looked at the latter mockingly and did not take any action.

"I am immortal and will never die.

Even the so-called Samsara Realm experts in this world cannot kill me."

"Why are you in my consciousness?

Why did you show up at this time?"

Lin Yuan did not completely believe what the evil god said. He had a vague guess, but he was not sure.

"I appear in your consciousness space, of course, because I am what you call the system."

The evil god smiled evilly and said casually.

"As for why I am showing up now, it is because after absorbing enough life energy, I can move freely and no longer need you."

"What did you say!

You are the system!"

Lin Yuan was even more shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly tried to open the panel, but no matter how he shouted, there was still nothing in front of him.

"It's useless. You can't control the system without my consent."

As the evil god spoke, he moved his fingers slightly, and the familiar panel appeared again, but not in front of Lin Yuan, but in front of the evil god!

After seeing this, Lin Yuan finally understood everything. He was being used by this so-called evil god!

"Don't look like that. Although you lost a lot of life, you also gained great power, didn't you?"

The evil god said with a smile.

"I would still be able to make it this far without you."

Lin Yuan scoffed at this remark. After all, with his talent, it was easy for him to reach this point.

"Haha..." When the evil god heard Lin Yuan's words, he laughed out loud for no apparent reason, as if he had heard a very funny joke.

"why are you laughing?

? "

The evil god's mocking smile made Lin Yuan upset, and he couldn't help but roar again.

"Do you really think you have some peerless supreme body?

Do you really think that all this is the result of your hard work?

Don't be so self-righteous, you are just a lucky person that I have chosen from among the masses."

The evil god looked at Lin Yuan with pity and continued, "There is no such thing as a natural supreme being in this world. If you want to become the strongest, you can only climb up step by step."

"no, I can not.

You lied to me, you lied to me! "

The evil god's words completely broke the defense in Lin Yuan's heart. The cruel reality made him crazy, and the rationality in his eyes completely disappeared.

"Everything you have was given to you by me. Otherwise, you should have died when you were born."

The evil god's voice gradually turned cold, and then he said: "In fact, you should know it yourself, right? Haven't you had this doubt for a long time?

Why is it that everything you do is so simple and easy? "

The evil god's words made Lin Yuan involuntarily recall every bit of the past ten years.

Slowly, the light in Lin Yuan's eyes faded away and turned into a blank.

"Boom..." Suddenly, there was a sound from outside. The evil god restrained his smile and looked upwards.

A crack appeared in the consciousness space that was originally in darkness. The evil god looked at the crack and laughed excitedly.

"I can finally leave this damn place, haha..." After saying that, the evil god couldn't wait to turn into a ray of black light, rushed into the gap, and disappeared.

Outside, the sky and the earth suddenly changed, dark clouds gathered, strong winds rose, and heavy rain fell.

Lin Yuan's body was in the midst of this violent storm, standing still, and an extremely terrifying aura emanated from his body, hundreds of times more terrifying than that of a strong man in the realm of creation!

At this moment, a black light flew out of Lin Yuan's body into the sky and transformed into a human figure with an expression full of arrogance and evil.

"Once I have absorbed all the energy in the stone tablet, I will dominate the world!"

As he spoke, the entire stone tablet seemed to sense something and vibrated violently. Endless energy from heaven and earth was rapidly absorbed into the evil god's body!

Since there is no hope of signing the contract, I want to do something. I hope you won't scold me.