
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 105: Strong Attack

Deep in the ancient wilderness, countless angry gazes were focused on Lin Yuan, but the latter turned a blind eye and looked very calm.

"Little devil, I don't care who you are or which family you belong to. If you want to resist us by yourself, even if you are a powerful person in the realm of creation, you are overestimating your own abilities."

Among the crowd, an old man whose strength had reached the Form-Making Realm stood out and shouted in a deep voice.

"so what?"

Lin Yuan glanced at the old man calmly and said calmly.

Such calm words concealed an unparalleled arrogance and self-confidence. Even Lin Langtian, facing all the geniuses of the Great Yan Dynasty, did not have such confidence.


A figure emerged from the crowd, carrying with him a vast amount of energy and violent thunder force, and punched towards Lin Yuan.

"You are only at the Form-Making Realm, and you dare to show off your skills in front of me? You are courting death."

Lin Yuan smiled coldly and spread out his right palm. The energy of heaven and earth within three feet around him turned into an invisible protective shield, gathering without dispersing.


The next second, the figure threw a punch, and a violent wave of energy came, turning into a strong wind, blowing in all directions.

"how come!"

Looking at the motionless protective shield, everyone was shocked. Even Qin Shi, Lin Langtian, Wang Yan and others from the four major clans had unprecedented solemn expressions.

They all knew very well that the punch that man had just thrown was not an ordinary punch. It should be a strong martial art, and its power was comparable to that of a seventh-grade martial art. However, it still failed to break the protective shield, which was enough to show how terrifying Lin Yuan was.

"You are too weak, go back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan raised his palm and a powerful force instantly knocked the figure away, and he fell into the crowd and disappeared.

After knocking the enemy away with a palm strike, Lin Yuan did not pursue the victory, but just stared at the crowd in front of him quietly, without saying a word.

"You are from my Lin family. Do you also want to stop the Lin family from entering the ancient monument?"

At this moment, the elders of the Lin clan finally couldn't sit still anymore. Three of them came to Lin Yuan and shouted.

The three people's voices were very loud, and almost everyone heard them. They also realized that this young man who suddenly appeared was a member of the Lin clan.

"Tsk, it's someone from the Lin family again…" "It looks like the Lin family is going to take off this time…"… In an instant, there was an uproar among the crowd, and everyone was discussing the affairs of the Lin family.

Everyone knows that Lin Langtian's talent is terrifying and he can be said to be the number one genius in the Great Yan Dynasty.

Now, the Lin family has produced another genius who is even more terrifying than Lin Langtian. The future of the Lin family will be limitless!

Lin Yuan ignored the people below, looked at the three people in front of him calmly, and said expressionlessly: "People from the Lin family are not allowed either."

"What did you say?"

Lin Yuan's words angered an elder of the Lin family. He was about to take action but was stopped by the white-haired old man.

"As a member of the Lin clan, you don't help your own clan, but help the Huangpu clan. You know, this is no different from treason."

The voice of the white-haired old man was very calm, but even in this calm voice, there was an infinite amount of coldness.

"What a big hat... If it was before my father died, you might be able to use it to intimidate me, but now, what you said is meaningless to me."

Lin Yuan was not frightened by the white-haired old man, but instead felt a little bit disturbed.

For more than ten years, he had never forgotten his father's eyes full of hatred, especially the coldness in his eyes when he looked at him, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

As a human being again, he had never felt the love of his father or mother, or even the affection of his family.

If he didn't have the memories of his past life, perhaps he would have died early in pain... The white-haired old man felt even colder when he heard these words, but when he met Lin Yuan's emotionless eyes, the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared.

"Of course, if you insist on forcing your way into the ancient monument, you can.

As long as you can defeat me, or kill me."

Lin Yuan's gaze passed over the three Lin clan elders and turned to look at Lin Langtian, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if in provocation.

How could Lin Langtian not know what he meant? A surge of anger surged in his heart, and just as he was about to take action, someone got there first.

An old man in a gorgeous robe behind Wang Yan jumped in front of Lin Yuan. He had a cold expression and a faint sense of oppression. There was a flash of golden light on his right hand.

"Step aside."

The old man's tone was very arrogant, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes when he looked at Lin Yuan.

When Lin Langtian saw the old man, he knew that the old man was incredibly powerful, so he retracted his foot that was about to step out and looked at Lin Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Minor Success in the Creation Realm..." After only one glance, Lin Yuan judged the old man's strength and said calmly, "Can you do it?"

"court death!"

Lin Yuan's words undoubtedly slapped the old man's face hard, making his face look very ugly in an instant. The terrible Yuanli Yuanli surged in his palm, and then turned into a terrible force, slapping towards the former.

Although there is only one step between the Creation Realm and the Qi Creation Realm, the gap is like a chasm. The old man's simple palm is more powerful than the punch thrown by the previous man.

However, even with such a powerful palm, it only caused some fluctuations when it hit the protective shield, and still failed to break the protective shield.

There was a flash of surprise in the old man's eyes. The palm strike just now had already used up 70% of his strength. Even an ordinary strong man in the Fate Realm could not block it easily. But now it was blocked by the young man's small protective shield. A surge of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

"I want to see how long your protective shield can hold out."

After saying this, the old man exerted force again, and this time, he used all his strength.

"You don't know your own limits."

Lin Yuan glanced at the old man coldly, and in his right hand, a wisp of sword energy gathered at his fingertips, which immediately led to the vitality of heaven and earth and stabbed the old man fiercely.

The domineering sword intent was unstoppable and it easily broke the energy released by the old man with all his strength, and slowly approached the old man.

The two men were too close to each other, and the old man had no time to use his martial arts. He could only use his own energy to flow into his chest to strengthen his defense.


There was only a loud noise, and then the old man was swept across the sky by a huge force like a meteor and disappeared into the horizon!

"Old Royal Family!"

When the Wang family members saw this, their faces changed drastically. One of the old men in green even set off and flew away to see whether the clan elder was alive or dead.

At the scene, Lin Yuan's move shocked the audience again.