
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 102 Farewell to the Four Clans

County Magistrate's Mansion, Hua Yun, Huang Puzhi, and Huang Puqi looked at the figure in the sky with dazed expressions.

In just over three months, Lin Yuan has changed a lot, especially his temperament, which is like a sword that is about to leave the body, sharp and intimidating.

"What a terrifying aura. I haven't seen him for a few months. I'm afraid this kid's strength has improved to a higher level."

Although they did not fight, Hua Yun was certain that Lin Yuan's strength had probably reached the level of half-step nirvana, and his heart suddenly felt bitter.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. You've changed a lot."

Huang Puzhi said with a smile.

"Nothing, just some new understanding of the way of the sword."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and said softly.

Huang Puzhi didn't ask any more questions about this, but just nodded lightly, and then looked at Huang Puqi.

"Let's go."

Although Huang Puqi was dissatisfied, under the gaze of Huang Puzhi, he had to restrain his emotions and said lightly.

Lin Yuan stretched out a finger, and a sword energy emerged from the fingertips, slowly condensing and finally forming a wide giant sword.

"Come on up, we'll fly directly over."

Huang Puqi looked at the huge sword formed by the energy of the Yuan Dynasty, nodded slightly, then jumped up and stood on the giant sword.


As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them turned into two green rays of light and disappeared into the sky.





The Great Wilderness Ancient Stele is the oldest existence in the Great Wilderness County. Many people regard this relic passed down from ancient times as a mythical existence. Ordinary people simply cannot imagine how powerful this sect was in that era.

It is unknown how many years the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument has existed, but the seal on it has not been broken by anyone until now. Under such a powerful seal, even the strong men in the Nirvana Realm seem to be powerless. This is also the ultimate reason why the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument can always stand on the Great Wilderness Ancient Plain, because no one can shake that seal.

And because of the existence of the Great Wilderness Ancient Stele, the Great Wilderness Ancient Plain is undoubtedly a famous area in the Great Wilderness County and even the entire Great Yan Dynasty. Every time the seal of the Great Wilderness Ancient Stele weakens, this place will welcome countless powerful people and forces from all directions!

This is a real gathering of heroes!

As for the popularity of the Great Wilderness Ancient Plain, it is like a tide of ants, endless.

From time to time, human figures would fly across the sky above Guyuan. These people were riding all kinds of flying mounts and magical treasures, and they would fly across the sky with rainbow rays, dividing the blue sky into small, gorgeous squares.

"It's really lively..." Somewhere in the ancient plain, a young man couldn't help but sigh at the terrifying crowd.

The boy had dark skin, delicate features, a hint of pride between his brows, and was dressed in a black robe. He had no sense of presence among the crowd.

He was naturally Lin Dong who had parted with Lin Yuan.

After parting at the ancient tomb, Lin Yuan left Yancheng and came to Dahuang County. Later, he heard about the existence of the Dahuang ancient monument from other people, so he came here without stopping, hoping to get an opportunity from the ancient monument to make himself stronger.

Looking into the distance, towards the depths of the Great Wilderness Ancient Plain, there, Lin Dong faintly felt an extremely obscure, yet terrifying and indescribable fluctuation. Under that kind of fluctuation, even beings as powerful as ancient monsters seemed extremely small. Obviously, that should be where the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument existed.

"As expected of a legacy left by an ancient sect, even after so many years, it still cannot conceal its majestic aura." Feeling that fluctuation, Lin Dong's expression was extremely solemn.

"This ancient sect is pretty decent to have such a reputation." Little Marten's voice was also heard at this moment. Lin Dong also heard a hint of surprise in its voice.

"This kind of fluctuation has the effect of closing the sky. The deeper we go into the Great Wilderness Ancient Plain, the harder it is to fly. But it doesn't matter. I can block this kind of fluctuation."


Hearing this, Lin Dong was also a little surprised. When he felt that kind of fluctuation, he did feel a kind of pressure trying to push him to the ground. Although this pressure was subtle, even if he mobilized all his energy, he could not resist it. He did not expect that Xiao Diao would be able to block it. In this way, he had another way to save his life.

"Haha, God is really helping me."

Lin Dong let out a faint laugh, then transformed his pet Xiao Yan into a kitten, held him in his arms, and then blended into the vast crowd and walked towards Gu Yuan.

It would still take some time for the gathering seal to weaken, so Lin Dong was not too anxious. Instead, he walked slowly and did not arrive until late in the evening.

When Lin Dong arrived at the depths, this vast plain was already occupied by a dark sea of ​​people. At the front of the sea of ​​people were some powerful forces from Dahuang County and various parts of the Great Yan Dynasty. They occupied the best positions and existed in clear distinction from each other.

But obviously these forces are not all. Until now, there are still many forces rushing here at full speed.

Lin Dong's eyes briefly glanced around, and then froze on a distant place. A look of genuine shock slowly emerged from his heart and finally spread to his face.

In the reflection of Lin Dong's pupils, a huge ancient stone tablet nearly a thousand feet tall stood silently in the deepest part of the plain. A vicissitudes of life and a vast ancient atmosphere spread from it, as if making people feel the power of the ancient sect back then.

On the ancient stele, there are huge ancient runes that are looming. A terrible wave that seems to tear the heaven and earth apart is condensing and surging underneath. That kind of wave makes people feel clearly their own insignificance. The ancient stele stands on the plain, like a ladder connecting heaven and earth, majestic and ancient.

"This must be the Great Wilderness Ancient Stele, right?" Looking at the majestic and magnificent ancient stone stele, Lin Dong couldn't help but take a deep breath, his pupils filled with shock. This was the first time he had ever seen such a magnificent building.

Just as he was immersed in the overwhelming aura of the ancient stone tablet, a vague and familiar breath suddenly came.

"They are people from the four major clans!"

Hearing this surprised voice, Lin Dong couldn't help but clench his fists, and his eyes flashed with a chilling coldness.

"We're finally meeting again..."