
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 100: The Situation of the Huangpu Clan

Lin Yuan looked at the young man who suddenly appeared, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "You want me to take him with me?"


Huang Puzhi slightly pressed down his neck and said softly: "Originally, the Huangpu clan did not intend to participate, but after my persuasion, my brother agreed."

"Why don't you plan to participate?"

In fact, he had wanted to raise this issue a long time ago. After all, as the first clan of the Great Yan Dynasty, the Huangpu clan seemed to have no intention of participating in either the Ancient Tomb Palace or the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, which made him particularly puzzled.

Although they are members of the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty, they are indifferent to such matters concerning the fate of the family, and allow the other three major families to fight for it and expand their strength. It is really incomprehensible.

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Huang Puzhi restrained his smile and fell into silence.

"If it's inconvenient, forget it."

Seeing Huang Puzhi's appearance, Lin Yuan immediately realized that this was related to the hidden secrets within Huang Pu, so he spoke softly.

"No, it doesn't matter. This matter will be known sooner or later."

Huang Puzhi sighed, slowed down, and said.

"Although the Huangpu clan is the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty and one of the four major clans, it is not as powerful as ordinary people think. At least compared to the other three major clans, our Huangpu clan is on the decline."


Lin Yuan was even more puzzled. As far as he knew, the current patriarch of the Huangpu family should be called Mo Jingtian. He possessed the strength of the One Yuan Nirvana realm and was currently the strongest person in the entire Great Yan Dynasty!

With such powerful strength, why did Huang Puzhi say that the Huang Pu clan was on the decline?

Huang Puzhi saw what Lin Yuan was thinking at a glance, smiled slightly, and said: "From the current point of view, my brother is indeed the strongest person in the Great Yan Dynasty, but this is only temporary, and he will definitely be surpassed by others in the future."

"In the past fifty years, whether it's the Lin family, the Wang family, or the Qin family, their young generations have all had extraordinary talents. They have already reached the third level of creation at a young age. Some have even reached the great perfection of the Qi creation realm. This is especially true of Lin Langtian from the Lin family. This boy's talent is terrifying. Now I'm afraid he is only one step away from the creation realm."

Having said that, Huang Puzhi couldn't help but take another look at Lin Yuan, secretly comparing him with Lin Langtian in his heart, only to find that the former's talent far exceeded the latter!

But even such a monstrous genius is rarely known by people.

Thinking of this, Huang Puzhi seemed to feel that he was very lucky and couldn't help but smile.

Lin Yuan didn't know what Huang Puzhi was thinking. He just listened to what she said quietly, with a little more understanding in his eyes.

It is undeniable that Mo Jingtian is indeed powerful, and among the older generation, no one can defeat him.

Unfortunately, apart from Mo Jingtian, there is no one else in the Huangpu clan who can be outstanding. Even among the younger generation, there is no one with outstanding talents. They are all ordinary people.

Precisely because there are no talented people in the younger generation, the Huangpu clan has to choose to stay away from fighting, try their best to get through this low period smoothly, and wait for the arrival of a peerless genius.

"Hehe..." Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh a few times with regret in his heart, because Lin Yuan already knew the fate of the Huangpu clan.

According to what was written in the book, until Lin Dong achieved the ancestral realm, the Huangpu family had never produced a peerless genius. In the end, the entire family even became a puppet in public and was always suppressed by the Lin family.

"May I have your name?"

Looking at the young man who had been silent since he came in, Lin Yuan asked curiously.

The young man glanced at Lin Yuan indifferently. He was reluctant to say anything, but after seeing Huang Puzhi's slightly warning look, he had to give in and said his name stiffly.

"Huang Puqi" "Huang Puqi?"

It's a really simple name."

Lin Yuan repeated it once and soon understood the meaning of the name. Wasn't it just hoping for a miracle to make the Huangpu clan rise again?

"Although Huang Puqi's qualifications are not as good as Lin Langtian and others, he is also first-rate, so I hope you can bring him with you on this trip to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument."

Huang Puzhi's tone was very serious, even with a hint of pleading.

Although Lin Yuan had not known Huang Puzhi for a long time, he could see that she was a woman with a strong sense of self-esteem. However, today, for the sake of the Huang Pu clan, she gave up her self-esteem just for a slim chance.

"Aunt..." It was obvious that Huang Puqi also saw what his aunt was thinking, and his originally cold expression was filled with a hint of emotion and entanglement.

"A clan cannot last forever. One day it will fall into decline and die out. You cannot stop it from happening."

Lin Yuan could understand Huang Puzhi's feelings, but some things were irreversible and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop it.

"Of course I know this truth, but no one knows what will happen in the future, right?"

Huang Puzhi naturally knew that the rise and fall of the family was not something she could control, but if she didn't try hard, how could she know that the outcome would not change?

"I can take him with me, but whether he can get the opportunity in the end depends on himself."

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan finally agreed to Huang Puzhi's request.

"No problem, as long as we can make sure he comes back safe and sound."

Huang Puzhi smiled and nodded.

Huang Puqi is now twenty-one years old. His strength is at the Yuandan Great Perfection Realm, and he is only one step away from the third realm of creation. Therefore, the biggest purpose of his trip to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument this time is to use the ancient monument to break through to the third realm of creation.

But the trip to the ancient monument was only for people with extraordinary talents. Although he had good talent, it was still far behind those people, so he had no intention of going. However, he could not resist the persuasion of his aunt Huang Puzhi and agreed to go to the ancient monument to give it a try.

Originally, he thought he would go alone, but he didn't expect that he would go with a little brat. The most important thing was that he couldn't see through the little brat's cultivation level!

"Could it be that this little brat has already reached the third level of creation?"

Huang Puqi heard clearly the conversation between Huang Puzhi and Lin Yuan just now, but it was precisely because of this that he was full of confusion.

The little brat in front of me is only in his teens. Does he really possess the strength of the third level of creation?

You have to know that Lin Langtian, who is known as the number one genius of the Great Yan Dynasty, is only at the Tianyuan realm at his age. Could it be that this little brat's talent is so much higher than Lin Langtian's?

However, no one explained all this to him and he could only rely on himself and continue to fantasize in his mind.

"The trip to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument is scheduled for three months from now. During this period, you should work hard to become stronger. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even be qualified to enter the ancient monument by then."

After speaking to Huang Puchi, Lin Yuan did not linger any longer. He turned around and turned into a green light and left quickly.