

"You just reminded me of the reason why I hate you. That smug face if yours combined with that bitchy attitude is the reason. Why don't you just bend over and show your ass to anyone who wants to fuck with you. I have never seen a Qi Monarch as coward as you." Qiong spoke.

"I am not a coward my friend. I just choose the flow in the direction of the wind while holding on to the things that is important to me. Given my occupation, I am important nomatyer who take the throne between yours, Angh and the sect master's forces. I will be a crucial element and hence I want to take the benefit of the situation to concentrate on my work rather than involving myself in the dirt that is called politics. You have been involved in the matter sof the throne since the beginning and look what it has done to you. All you do is go around, cursing and calling people coward." The Pavillion Master spoke.