

The trap set by the valley master was quite ingenious. Lu Ming got a glimpse of the enmity between the two factions. Although on the outside it may look like a coincidence, the whole thing was a staged set-up to trap the Teng family.

"Is brother trying to indicate that your family attacked Lu Ming? I would need to re-think my position in that case." The valley master asked in a passive tone.

"I hope my elder brother doesn't stand in my way of capturing a criminal of my Teng family."

"My stance is not of priority as of now brother. You need to clarify the matter regarding the incident that night."

"I have nothing to reply to. I will be taking the boy into the Teng family prison, whether you like it or not." Lu Ming's face changed upon hearing this. Although a stalemate was reached due to the intervention of the valley master, if Teng Luo insisted to take action, it would be difficult to restrain him.
