
Su wei tian and eternal mangekyu sharingan

Suchan was busy practicing his new teleportation ability, excitement coursing through his veins. Suddenly, he sensed a terrifying presence and a piercing gaze upon him. A "ding" sound echoed through the air, and a notification appeared: "New Mission Detected - Survive Su Wei Tian Raze rewards ???"

Suchan's eyes widened in confusion. Su Wei Tian? That name sounded familiar... Ah, yes! He was my second uncle ! But how did he get here?

Before he could ponder further, Su Wei Tian appeared before him, giving him a friendly punch on the head. "Ow, that hurts!" Suchan joked.

Su Wei Tian chuckled. "Little brat, do you know how much we've been worried about you?"

"Sorry, second Uncle, for worrying you about me," Su chan replied, rubbing his head.

Su Wei Tian smiled. "You know some sweet talk, little brat. I was searching for you and found a portal to a secret realm. I entered and sensed your presence here."

Suchan nodded. "Oh, that's how it is. I also ended up here through a portal."

Su Wei Tian asked, "Do you want to go home?"

Su chan hesitated. "Not for now, Uncle. I have some work here. After it's done, I'll go back with you."

Su Wei Tian thought for a moment before agreeing. "From now on, I'll stay with you and protect you."

As they conversed, a pleasant sound echoed through the air: "Ding, Mission Completed! Reward: 5000 Experience Points, Naruto Mystery Box x2, Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, and Mysterious Divine Soul Orb."

Suchan's eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed at the rewards. "Yan, thank you so much! This is incredible!" He exclaimed, his gratitude overflowing.

Yan smiled, pleased with his reaction. "You're welcome, Suchan. Enjoy your rewards

Yan smiled, pleased with his reaction. "You're welcome, Suchan. Enjoy your rewards!"

Su chan noded hi hands trembled with excitement as he activated the Mysterious Divine Soul Orb. A pleasant feeling surged through his head and heart, followed by a warm sensation. His Divine Soul was now activated! He could sense his surroundings within a 2km radius using his Divine Sense. He saw scenery, birds, and even a loving couple.

Next, Suchan's eyes sparkled with excitement as he opened the Naruto Mystery Box x2, revealing its contents:

"Box 1 contains... Senju Bloodline: Hashirama Version! And Box 2 contains... Uchiha Clan Mystery Box! Oh, the excitement is killing me!" he exclaimed.

He quickly opened the Uchiha Clan Mystery Box, revealing its contents:

"Uchiha Bloodline: Madara Version, 3-Tome Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan Voucher, and Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan Voucher! This is incredible!"

He merged the rewards from the Mystery Box, deducting 5000 points. After a half-hour of unbearable pain from the merge process, Suchan was ecstatic. He upgraded his Sharingan using the Mangekyou Sharingan Voucher, transforming it into the powerful Dual Kamui Mangekyou Sharingan. Then, he used the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan Voucher to upgrade it further into the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan - Itachi Version, combining the abilities of Amaterasu and Kotoamatsukami.

His Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan now possessed three supreme abilities: Kamui, Amaterasu, and Kotoamatsukami. Suchan was overjoyed, his eyes shining with excitement. "This is amazing! Thank you, Yan!" he exclaimed, already envisioning the incredible possibilities with his new abilities.

Yang yan smiled, Happy for his progress.

Su chan said in his mind "system status"

*system status:

*Name: Su Chan

*Mission: Conquer Su Yan and Xia Ning chan's heart and make them your harem


- Harem God Dual Cultivation Technique

- Hand of God

- Tongue of God

- Divine Phoenix Source, Body and Bloodline

- ?? (Hidden)

*Realm: True Element Realm (8th Stage, Level 48)

*Experience needed: 4800 (level up)

*Combat Power: Saint king 2rd Order


- Supreme All-Bloodline 0.2%unlocked(Rulers Bloodline of Multiverse)

- Divine Dragon Bloodline

-Shinju Ketsueki (Divine Tree Bloodline)

_Description:_ A unique and powerful bloodline that combines the strengths of the Senju and Uchiha bloodlines. The Shinju Ketsueki bloodline grants the user enhanced physical strength, speed, and durability, as well as access to the legendary Wood Release techniques and the powerful Mangekyou Sharingan.


- Enhanced Physical Strength, Speed, and Durability

- Access to Wood Release techniques

- Mangekyou Sharingan with enhanced abilities

- Ability to see through genjutsu and track targets

- Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan with unparalleled strength and abilities

_Special Ability:_

- Divine Tree Awakening: Allows the user to awaken the divine tree within themselves, granting a massive increase in strength, speed, and durability, as well as the ability to control and manipulate the wood release techniques on a grand scale.

*Special Physique:

- Divine Succubus Dragon Body

- Chaos Body (unlocked, obtained from Chaos Cultivation Technique)


- Divine Dragon Source

*Cultivation Techniques:

- Chaos Cultivation (100% mastery)

- Dragon Transformation Technique (100% mastery)

-wood release technique (newly acquired)

-ying yang joyous unification art (newly acquired)


- Teleportation (Unlocked)

- Elemental Control (Fire, Water, Wood)

- Dragon Transformation (Locked until Saint King Realm)

- Dragon Breath (Locked until Saint King Realm)

- Dragon Roar (Locked until Saint King Realm)

- Dragon Claw (Locked until Saint King Realm)

- Clone Technique



- Divine Chaos Golden Eyes ( gained from Chaos Cultivation Technique, and merged with divine golden eyes)

-Eternal mangekyu sharingan (kamui,amatirasu &Kotoamatsukami)

*System Spirit Girl: Yang Yan

*Multiverse Travel Function: Locked (unlocks at Saint Realm)

*Universal World Map: Available (limited access, unlocks fully at Level 51)

*Lottery: 10,000 points (draw)

*Store: Available (open)

*Current Experience Points: 10000 points

*Inventory: Empty

Su chan was very exited after seeing this and wanted to test his abilities,Su chan approached his second uncle, Su Wei Tian, with a determined look on his face. "Uncle, I want to fight with you for training."

Su Wei Tian, a powerful Saint 2nd Order cultivator, happily agreed. "Let's go to the courtyard, and we'll see what you're capable of, su chan!"

As they faced each other in the courtyard, Su Chan's eyes gleamed with intensity. His cultivation was only at True Element 8th stage, but his combat power was terrifying, rivaling a Saint 3 Order cultivator. With the Sharingan and the newly acquired Shinju Ketsueki (Divine Tree Bloodline), his combat power had skyrocketed to a monstrously terrifying Saint King 2nd Order peak, capable of fighting a normal Saint King 3rd Order cultivator.

The fight began, and Su Chan unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, his speed and strength leaving Su Wei Tian momentarily stunned. The uncle's eyes widened in surprise as Su Chan's attacks rained down on him, each blow landing with precision and power.

Su Chan activated his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, and his eyes spinning like a blood wheel ,glowing bright red . He unleashed a barrage of powerful techniques:

- Amaterasu: a wave of blazing black flames engulfed Su Wei Tian, but he countered with a water technique, extinguishing the flames.

- Kotoamatsukami: Su Chan created a massive, ethereal shield, deflecting Su Wei Tian's subsequent attacks,and send him in an genjutsu.

- Kamui: Su Chan teleported behind his uncle, landing a devastating kick that sent Su Wei Tian flying across the courtyard.

Su Wei Tian, however, was no pushover. He countered with his own formidable techniques, but Su Chan's Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan abilities allowed him to anticipate and counter every move. The battle raged on, with Su Chan's dominance clear from the start.

In a final, decisive moment, Su Chan unleashed a powerful combination:

- Divine Tree Awakening: he summoned a massive, divine tree that crushed Su Wei Tian's defenses.

And unleashed a beam of intense, golden light that struck Su Wei Tian with incredible force.

Su Wei Tian was defeated, his eyes wide with shock and admiration. "Su Chan, your growth is terrifying!"

After the fight, Su Wei Tian approached Su Chan, a mix of surprise and curiosity on his face. "Su Chan, although I was surprised to see your strength, tell me, what was that ability you used? It's like it was unleashed from that eye of yours. How did you get that?"

Su Chan was overwhelmed with questions and quickly made up a story. "Ah, Uncle, I got it from an cave in a mysterious secret realm . it is The inheritance of a person named Madara Uchiha."

Su Wei Tian's eyes widened slightly, but he nodded thoughtfully. "So that's how it is. Although I don't ever hear his name , maybe he is a very powerful cultivator."

Su Chan thought to himself, "Of course, he was. After all, Madara Uchiha was the strongest shinobi after Hashirama."

Su Wei Tian continued, "Don't tell others about it, Su Chan. It's better to keep it a secret for now."

Su Chan nodded, relieved that his uncle didn't press further. "Yes, Uncle. I understand."

And smiled, pleased with his progress. "Thank you, Uncle. Your training helped me a lot."

Su Wei Tian nodded, his eyes shining with pride. "I'll go back to cultivating. I don't want to be weak in front of my nephew." With that, he departed, leaving Su Chan to lift the barrier he had set before their fight, ensuring their battle wouldn't attract unwanted attention.

As the barrier dissipated, Su Chan felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement for his future adventures. His Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan abilities had proven to be a game-changer, and he was eager to continue growing stronger.

Tell me how was it if you like it tell me in comment i will work hard to improve

thanks for reading

note its a fanfic remember it and our mc gonna rule over the multiverse in his prime so he will also go in other universes of may be he will change the story line of orignol tell me if you Want it but for now lets focus on his development and this world development for now

HeavenlyDemonGodzcreators' thoughts