
Martial Arts Rank Test.

Irio's High School was located near the Irio's Heart.

A busy City surrounded Irio's High School, but the area around the school was large enough for the students to stay uninterrupted.

There were two main buildings, the building where all classes are and the teacher's building.

There were also third buildings, but they resembled quite a lot of dome.

It was the Martial Arts Building that had been in heavy use for a long time.

Around the buildings, youthful students walked with their friends, and some walked with their lovers.

The sky on top of the Irio was bright blue, making the weather absolutely lovely.

To enter the High School, students have to go through a few inspections done by Guards that were located next to the Metal Gates.

The High School was one of the most heavily guarded buildings in Irio, and it clearly showed.

Currently, in one of the first-year classrooms.