
Married To The Prince Of Eldrador

Prince Kyrian, accompanied by Princess Maria, her maid Elara, bodyguard Peter, and Patrick, embark on a quest to capture the impostor Malakai, a wicked sorcerer who has been masquerading as Prince Kyrian for a year. Their mission is to bring the fake prince to the king and queen, Kyrian's parents, to reveal the truth. However, unknown to them, the impostor is hiding in plain sight within the kingdom. Meanwhile, Prince Kyrian struggles with his feelings for Princess Maria, who is unknowingly a sex addict, and their relationship becomes intimate. Prince Kyrian fears entering his own kingdom due to a royal decree banishing the impostor, Malakai.

prechannah · História
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 3: Prince Kyrian's Threat

Princess Maria's heart raced as she remembered how she watched the Prince Kyrian leave her room in the dream. She knew she had to act fast, to come up with a plan to protect herself and her family from his evil clutches.

She quickly got out of bed and began to pace back and forth in her room, her mind racing with thoughts of strategy and rebellion. She knew she couldn't do it alone, she needed her parents' help and support.

She quickly made her way to their chambers, her heart pounding in her chest. She found them sitting by the fire, their faces grave with concern.

"Father, Mother, I need your help," she said, her voice trembling with urgency. "Prince Kyrian was just here, he's threatening to take me by force if I don't agree to marry him."

How? When, how come no guard saw him, because the guards are stationed everywhere in this castle. Said Duke Setsomer.

"It was a dream, said Princess Maria. Father Prince Kyrian came to my room in that dream. He issued a lot of threats.

The Duke and Duchess of Somerset exchanged a worried glance. "We'll do everything in our power to protect you, Princess Maria," her step father said, his voice firm. "But we need to act fast, the Prince Kyrian is a danger man, not to be underestimated."

Princess Maria nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of rebellion. "I know, Father. That's why I need your help. We need to come up with a plan, to gather our allies and prepare to fight him."

The Duchess of Setsomer nodded, her eyes flashing with determination. "I'll write to her father, king Debedebe to see if he would support us. I wish we could resolve this without put on a fight."

The Duke of Setsomer stood up, his face set in a determined expression. "I'll meet with our allies, gather our forces. We'll prepare for battle, Princess Maria. We'll protect you at all costs."

Princess Maria felt a surge of hope and gratitude towards her parents. She knew they would do everything in their power to protect her, and she was determined to do the same.

As the days passed, the tension mounted. The Prince Kyrian's's men began to circle, watching the duke and his family with a hawk's eye. And Maria knew that it was only a matter of time before they made their move.

One night, as she lay in bed, she heard the sound of horses' hooves outside her window. She sat up, her heart racing, as the Prince Kyrian himself appeared in her room.

"You're running out of time, Princess Maria," he said, his voice cold and menacing. "You'll marry me, or suffer the consequences."

Princess Maria stood tall, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I'll never marry you," she said, her voice firm. "And I'll fight to the death to protect myself and my family from your evil clutches."

The Prince Kyrian sneered, his eyes glinting with amusement. "We shall see about that, my dear," he said. "We shall see about that."

And with that, he turned and left, leaving Princess Maria to wonder what the future held, and whether she would ever be able to escape the clutches of the Prince Kyrian.

And with that, he reached out and grabbed her, pulling her from her bed.Princess Maria struggled and kicked, but he was too strong. He dragged her from her room, down the stairs, and out into the night.

As they rode away from the castle, Maria knew she was in grave danger. She was at the mercy of the Prince Kyrian, and she knew he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

But she refused to give up. She knew she had to keep fighting, to find a way to escape and protect her family. And she was determined to do just that, no matter what it took.

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