
Married To The Prince Of Eldrador

Prince Kyrian, accompanied by Princess Maria, her maid Elara, bodyguard Peter, and Patrick, embark on a quest to capture the impostor Malakai, a wicked sorcerer who has been masquerading as Prince Kyrian for a year. Their mission is to bring the fake prince to the king and queen, Kyrian's parents, to reveal the truth. However, unknown to them, the impostor is hiding in plain sight within the kingdom. Meanwhile, Prince Kyrian struggles with his feelings for Princess Maria, who is unknowingly a sex addict, and their relationship becomes intimate. Prince Kyrian fears entering his own kingdom due to a royal decree banishing the impostor, Malakai.

prechannah · História
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 22:The sorcerer Revelation

Prince Aran and Sir Valoric arrived at the ruins of the ancient castle, their horses' hooves echoing through the desolate landscape. As they dismounted, a figure emerged from the shadows - Zorvath, the sorcerer.

"Prince Aran, I have been expecting you," Zorvath said, his eyes gleaming with a knowing intensity.

"Your father's decision to wage war has set in motion a chain of events that will bring great suffering to Niya Kingdom. But you have the power to change the course of history."

Prince Aran's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean? How can I stop this war?"

Zorvath led them to a hidden chamber deep within the ruins, where ancient artifacts and mysterious scrolls adorned the walls. "The key to stopping the war lies in understanding the true nature of your father's ambition. King Debedebe is not driven by a desire for expansion, but by a dark force that has consumed him."

Prince Aran's eyes widened in shock. "What dark force?"

Zorvath's expression turned grave. "A powerful sorceress, Lyraea, has manipulated your father, fueling his ambition and clouding his judgment. She seeks to use Niya Kingdom's military might to conquer and enslave neighboring kingdoms, and your father is unwittingly playing into her hands."

Prince Aran felt a surge of determination. "I will not let that happen. Tell me, Zorvath, how can I stop Lyraea and save my kingdom?"

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