

Helel painfully watched as the girl he cared for got hanged in front of the whole town. After he returned back to the palace, he made up his mind to deal with queen Helena and her minions. he had found love in the brown haired girl who had come along with the royal tailor, the king wanted to host a great ball for all creatures and all the royals needed new outfits for the ceremony. Helel was not interested in any of these but had to do what his father wanted, he only came back to make the lives of some people a living hell before sending them to hell one after the other. he came out of the bathroom and found a brownie not too curvey lady staring at carvings on his walls, he stood there admiring her features and hiding his highly intimidating presence and she still looked in owe, her jaws dropped when her eyes landed on a half naked prince. He had a white towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet on his shoulder driving down his chiseled chest and her eyes wondered even more, his well packaged body was undeniably lovely, his fine pacs and the v shape it gave from his sides that hid inside the towel. he cleared his throat before her brown eyes landed on his beautiful face, her lips parted again as if she was trying to make a drawing of this beautiful scene in her head, the smile on his face turned into a frown and he cleared his throat again, staring at her hard. she bowed her head and took few steps backwards with her face turning pink out of embarrassment, she sucked in her lower lip trying her best to not make it shiver. " what do you want?" his deep voice broke the silence and her eyes shakily moved to meet his dark red orbs that flickered with something she couldn't pinpoint. she froze when he started moving, he was so close that their bodies met, his face coming into view and she held her breath. his cold gaze landed on her and he could see right through her, he stretched his hand and for a moment she thought the vampire prince was going to kill her. he opened the wardrobe behind to pull out white shirt and black pants before pulling away from her to wear the shirt, "did your tongue get pulled out of your mouth, speak! I don't have all day" he said in an irritated tone and Constance swallowed, taking in a deep breath she mastered to talk still with her head down not meeting that strange beauty of a man. "my prince, the king sent me to get your measurements...... am sorry for my imprudence, I didn't know-" her words cut short because Helel was done with it, " do what you are here to do and leave!" he said so cold that Constance shivered, she was no human so why was she so weak in front of the prince?

Beatrice_Khaylly · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

12 Bonus chapter! (Up comings)

Queen Helena was the one to walk queen Esther out of her room to the ballroom, laughter from both of them could be heard on the corridor with Helena being nice!

The royal announcer bowed to them before he announced their presence in the hall. Esther had a big smile on her face that made her even more beautiful, all the royals from different kingdoms came around to make acquaintance with them and the king sat there on his glorious throne dressed in royal blue long sleeved shirt and white trousers with a pair of golden shoes adorning his feet and his long hair was tired into a ponytail, leaving no hair on his face. He smiled when he noticed that his mate had wore the dress he had ordered for her, damn! She looked beautiful even with her different looks. He couldn't keep his cool though, the man had to walk from his seat to get her since the guest were not willing to leave her be, Esther looked at him with pleading eyes..... please save me! As if she said something?

He appeared behind her and all the people around her bowed their heads making Esther raise her head to look at the king smiling down at her. " If you would excuse us,we would like to start the ceremony my royal guests?" He said and they all smiled giving way for the king to start the program. The priest came to offer prayers to the old gods and the music started, most of the people moved to the center of the hall to start the dance with cheers filling the hall. Even some got to know each other with mothers trying to get their girls acquainted with other Noble families, the king didn't want to have any fight with his people so most of the guest were from other kingdoms. They were still angry with the fact that queen Esther was still carrying the darkness with her, the presence of strong mana was around her and the king noticed that the more Esther neared delivery, the stronger the power around her became. At this point if anyone dared to harm her, the power will come out to protect her, with that he was not worried of anything. They wished her safety in the next few weeks and Esther couldn't tell if some even meant what they said to her, most of them looked at her strangely. While some looked amazed by the amount of mana hovering around her, others also looked like they wanted to steal it from her or simply.....kill her!

Esther was not so special from the beginning, only her insane beauty could be seen by the people. She had no power or ability from birth and she was even different from her kind, she looked human with everything but was born by fae parents. As strong and powerful faes were she grew up so weak with nothing at all not even wings, like her older brother had. The only thing that could say she was not a normal human was her white hair and those abnormally beautiful green eyes, everyone was now directed to the other side of the hall where a big round table was set up for dinner. Decorated to match queen Esther's dressing for the ceremony, she was shocked to see that though and she turned to look at queen Helena with bright eyes. She whispered a thank you to her and Helena just smiled at her lovely, they picked up different kinds of foods to eat. That was the first time some of the nobles got to dine with the great king of Devlot, they giggled even at his looks, well he was not that bad after all!

Rising topics which were only held of course to acquaint each other present still continued at the table with them occasionally stealing glimpse of the king and his wives, they were shining around the table. "Your majesty!"

Someone shouted from the far end of the hall, he sounded shocked to see the king, minister farlock walked further into the hall. "Milord, how could you have a party without inviting us, your people?" He asked and the whole place became quiet with all movements pulsed, the king was still cutting his half cooked meat and didn't even look up at them. "What did we do your majesty, to deserve your cruelty!!" Another court member exclaimed a bit loud and the king dropped his fork on his plate still holding the knife in his right hand. He played with it in between his fingers and the next thing he was about to do was stopped by the warm hands from Esther, she smiled at him lovely and he took in a deep breath before looking at the angry faces of the court members. "I don't think you have to always know my plans or what I do in this place..... yes I held queen Esther's ceremony of eights here,now! So what? And besides, its still on going so just join us?" The king said already irritated,he didn't spill blood because Esther was still holding his hand. She squeezed him just to stop him from vanishing from his seat, he stared at her hard before he went back to drinking his wine. This was the reason he didn't want any of these asses here, "I have my reasons for not giving any invitations to all of you!" The king said before pointing them one after another, " as much as I hate it to be disturbed by anyone, you're all here..... what a waste!" He said again before taking another sip from his glass. " And what did you say, minister Gilberts? Cruelty! You are saying this? Then what do you people think you are doing to me then? Trying to kill my mate and unborn child.....how do you term this then?" He asked them and the guest present frozed at the sound of the king's voice, who would want to be separated from their mates? Death was for sure! Murmuring filled the hall again. This was an advantage to him, the guest will surely not take it lightly with the court members, the was even a possibility of them fighting hand in hand with the king. The king was not stupid to invite useless people to such an event, knowing well what could go wrong the king sent his invitations to other nobles who were strong, he was sure werewolves were even present in the room from the moment he entered. Not to talk about other demons he had befriended in the past, they looked at him for a signal but the king shook his head, not now! He replaced it with a smile and stood up still holding Esther's hands in his. "Am not killing my mate just because of what you have heard concerning my child's future and it's not like am an angel! Am just like the devil.... its normal to have a child like that" he said as he pulled Esther closer to him, she was not scared because she was still in good hands. " We can take you down and you know it, your majesty?" Another spoke and the king laughed out, " please go ahead, give your best shot!" He watched them and the room was now filled with strange people dressed in black from head to toe, their eyes were the only thing seen and they held swords in their hands. "Wow, you want to kill me so eagerly! Who rules then? Minister Farlock you know what could happen from this moment on, right?" The king said with a raised brow still holding Esther's hands delicately. With her belly now bent a little showing how close she was to delivering, she stared at the whole scene not scared of anything, the only thing she didn't want was the fact that the strange force would take over her to kill everyone in the room. She honestly didn't want any of these and Helena had a smirk on her face, as if on her account everything got dirty, swords slashing out limps and screams filled the whole palace. An unfamiliar scent filled the room and it was then Esther realized that the king had killed anyone who was not on his side, she had hide behind the throne and didn't dare to look.....

The king turned to look at who had come to join them and he frowned, "who are you?" He asked so much annoyed by that demonic aura of the stranger. " The lady would explain that to you your majesty" he said with a smile and the king looked at Esther, she was to talk but didn't find what to say. Who was this guy? She kept asking herself and didn't even hear the stranger's next words, the king's anger could be felt on their skin and Esther flinched when his cold hands grabbed her arms. He pinned her behind the throne with his red eyes filled with range that could burn her whole, " Ah! She whimped but he didn't let her go. " Your majesty?" She managed to say with shock written all over her face, " my king! I won't watch you hurt the woman I love" the stranger said and the king glared at him. "Shut the fuck up!" He said to the stranger and Esther's eyes turned moist, what was he saying? Did sh know him from where. " I only came here because I heard that, she was pregnant and wanted to ask if-" his words hanging in the air because the king was now in front of him squeezing his neck and bared his fangs at him, " I told you to shut the fuck up!" He squeezed him even more and the stranger looked pale with the lack of air in his system. " Please stop!" Esther screamed out before she held her abdomen and took in a deep breath, the king did not realize how he had let go of the man. " What happened? I didn't see you again after that night....ha! Didn't even get your name and I couldn't forget about you" he said after taking in some breaths and the king looked like he was going to kill somebody. " It was sweet, you even look gorgeous with the changed hair colour.....is that my child, our child?" He asked but the next thing was his head rolling down to floor with black blood splattering everywhere. No one saw this coming and the king dropped his sword on the floor, not a word from his mouth, " queen Esther, how could you do this to the king, your mate? You have no shame!" Helena shouted at her and Esther shivered. She was still in shock what just happened, the only way to prove her innocence was the dead man's truth and there he was, looking at her face with shock on his cut head. He didn't see it coming either, the guest were still present with most of them stained with blood from their attacker, they sided with the king, I mean who wouldn't? Unless you have a death wish...

Esther was not sure what to even say, the king looked broken with sweat dropping from his face. He had experienced a little punishment from the lore for allowing some man to talk I'll about his mate. " The king is already experiencing the punishment of your betrayal, queen Esther!" Helena spoke out loud with anger. " Your majesty...I, I would never do that, I would not hurt you" Esther managed to speak still shivering and her eyes were going to hurt from the tears she had been pouring down. The king didn't say a word still staring at nothing, Esther made her way to him but he placed a barrier between them he glared at her and she went backwards still holding her abdomen which was starting to hurt from pressure and stress.

"Leave!!! Just go before I do something crazy!!" He warned her and Esther looked at him with wide eyes, was she dreaming? Leave! Where to? She had no one to go to. Her family left her here with her mate and now, Helena had a smile that was going to turn huge with time.....at last! All her effort was not in vain.