
chapter two

Meemee's pov:

Hopping down the stairs I made a mental note to ask someone about the address and send it to lily.

I hurried down the stairs because of how hungry I was, I stopped in my tracks because someone was already seated at the dining table. I couldn't see his face, but he looked nothing like now the girls from the hospital always described AJ. He was tall, skinny and had a short hair just above his ears. These were the little details I could pick since he was backing me.

I walked less noisily to avoid upsetting him if he was truly the boss because I heard he had quite a temper . Just as I approached the table, he turned his face and immediately put on the best of smiles his edgy face could give.

"Hi, I'm Collin! AJ's best friend and brother. You must be the new bride, we couldn't get to attend the wedding due to unexpected circumstances but I promise to make it up to you " he said as he stretched for a handshake. He seems so nice and I wish the boss would be half as nice as he was.

I received his handshake and nodded my head. "I am meemee, and yeah thanks " I knew I sounded awkward but that was the best I could give him

I sat on the chair opposite him and directly facing the staircase

Slow steps were made from the stairs and the steps kept getting closer and louder till the person was at the table too.

His strong cologne made it impossible for me to keep looking downwards because the scent was the nicest thing I've heard in my life.

Mu breath hitched, and my heart skipped a beat.

Aj was everything they've described him and more.

Tall, strong, hot and the rest.

He was so tall I'd assume he was 6'5ft with a massive body and knotted abs that were visible through the thin fabric hanging on his body.

He had dark blue eyes and a long wavy hair that covered half his left part of face. His nose is thin and his lips were plump and red.

His chest and abdomen is a piece of art I could really use my time to stare at.

I was lost In thought when I could see his lips moving, he had the perfect set of teeth. Urgh I groaned Inwardly, why did God have to make him do breathtaking?

"Are you done or you need a show to keep checking me out" ? He asked annoyance clearly in his voice.

Huh? I said annoyance clearly laced in my voice.

"Yes , I don't like when someone stares at me

As if I am some plate of steak or lasagna." He replied moving his face from mine as if I was some disgusting thing.

"Calm down babes, he isn't worth your energy this morning " I said to myself as I stood

Up to my feet to leave the dining area and go back to my room.

"Wait, I have rules every worker has to abide by if they want to keep working for me." He said

I turned slowly to meet up with his gaze, was I just a worker to him?


"Firstly, you have to come home as early as 8pm as far as you want to continue living under my roof.

Secondly, you don't get to bring your men into my roof

Thirdly, you have to do whatever I ask you to do without having any complains, failure to do so will put you in a lot of troubles "

I looked at him for the second time and nodded my head before moving to my room.

Immediately I was in my room , tears flooded my face. Was I this meaningless? Does he have no iota of empathy? Was I just a domestic staff to him? The least he could do was to respect that I wasn't here on my accords and give me some points, but then what do you think from a rude man that sees himself above other I said rolling my eyes.

I cleaned my eyes and hopped into my bed with the intentions of catching some sleep. I could as well use that before I resume to work.

Oh work! I wonder if that arrogant monkey of a man is going me to resume .


Waking up and getting ready for work, I could hear Collin making up small conversations so I rushed my process to see who he was talking to. Was it anna? I doubt because they hardly get along. Collin asked me to stop seeing Anna as she's of no good and Anna feels Collin acts like my boss. I mostly ignore the both of them when they biker and leave them alone.

Coming from the stairs, I amost missed my steps. " pure nirvana", I whispered. Yesterday didn't do Justice to her face and body, was it because i was tired and she was covered?

He longs lashes and almond eyes shone as the metallic spoon reflects light from the sun outside the window.

She had her hair in a messy bun that looked almost like an embroidery that was perfectly placed on her head to make her look more beautiful.

Her full lips were moulded for her face, her brows and nose bridge was to die for.

I moved my eyes to her top that hugged her perky boobs, " fuck I muttered under my breath, she was not Westin a bra" my nips looked as if they would poke my eyes if I kept looking at them.

Her little waist and flat tummy was held by a larger ass frame that say perfectly on the dining chair.

I walked down quickly before I made a bony and be embarrassed for the rest of my life.

She looked up and kept staring into my eyes for about 15 seconds and I could see the amusement in her face, I'm sure she's thinking I look better in person than on screen and magazines, oh I think she's right about that too though.

"I hate when people stare at me " I scoffed and she heard me just right. She looked at me and then stood to leave the dining area mumbling some words I couldn't hear.

"Wait" I said, I have rules you have to abide by if you want to live under my roof. I don't even know why I said that because even the staffs in my home don't have rules as far as you do your job right.

I listed some bizarre rules that even I couldn't keep

Up to. She nodded her head slowly and left.

What was that? Collin asked taking a slice of his bread into his mouth. I shrugged and gulped down the rest of my tea as I had important work today.