
Married to my Ice Cold CEO

“There’s only one solution to this problem.” Narumi said. She couldn’t believe this was the only solution she had come up with to solve this dilemma. “What’s that?” Her mother asked. “Marriage. Daiki and I will have a contract marriage. This way my reputation will not be ruined, and he doesn’t have to go through trouble with the press.” ~~~~ The Ice Cold CEO. That is what they call her in the business world. She was the most successful female CEO in Japan and her prowess in managing her family business is the reason why they call her that. Hinode Narumi is the epitome of elegance in appearance, but in reality her personality is cold and harsh, her ice-blue eyes being the most terrifying, intimidating pair any man could ever see in their life. Everyone that works for her knows that they need to be on their best behavior because their boss doesn’t tolerate rubbish. When she gets a new assistant, Tsukumo Daiki, a man who is bubbly, cheerful, and enthusiastic. Things become complicated when the media forces them to stipulate a contractual marriage to escape the press from writing their newest scoop. While she will be trying to find out who her enemies are, Daiki will also be trying to win her over but will he be able to succeed or will their relationship end after the contract is over?

Aphrodite_Love · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Chapter 3: Moving in

"I hope you don't mind if I ask, but who is this special person?" Daiki asked as they entered the elevator together. "Is it a guy?"

"A guy?"  Narumi repeated in disbelief before she burst out laughing. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, it's just because you said someone special." Daiki tried not to sound stupid.

"I'm talking about my mom and sister being special people." She laughed even harder. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him with amusement.

"Oh," he responded, feeling a little silly as his cheeks flushed slightly.

"They are the only special people in my life." She sighed wistfully and leaned against the wall of the elevator, looking away from him.

Daiki thought that she was beautiful. He looked at her red hair, her icy blue eyes, and the soft pink lips that curled ever so slightly upward in a smile or smirk.

'I just started working for her, and I already admire her,' he thought, feeling his chest tighten a little at the sudden realization.

The elevator doors opened to her office floor, and Daiki followed her.

"Check if..."  Narumi didn't get to finish because of the arrival of her younger sister.

"Ane!"  Akiko yelled immediately as she entered the room. She rushed to embrace Narumi and didn't let go until her sister gently pushed her away.

"Hello Akiko."  Narumi smiled softly. "When did you arrive in Tokyo?"

"This morning.  It's so good to see you, sis! Akiko grinned back broadly at her.   Narumi ruffled her black hair affectionately.  She looked absolutely gorgeous, as usual. Her long, raven-black hair framed her face, which was accentuated by her sharp features. Unlike Narumi, she inherited deep emerald green eyes from their father that always shone brightly when she got excited, like a child.

"Where's mom?"  Narumi asked.

As if on cue, Yuki stepped into the office, and Daiki looked shocked. He couldn't believe that mother and daughter would look so similar. The only difference between Narumi and her mother was their eyes. Both of them had the same blue eyes, though Yuki's was filled with so much warmth while Narumi's had an ice coldness to them.

"Kon'nichiwa mama."  Narumi bowed politely before kissing her mother on both cheeks. Yuki returned it with a light peck. "How are you, mama?"

"I'm doing well." Yuki smiled, then her eyes turned to Daiki and back to her daughter.

"Who is this?" Yuki asked curiously, gesturing to Daiki.

Narumi replied.   "Tsukumo Daiki, my new personal assistant."

He bowed to show his respect to the woman who had given birth to the most powerful female CEO in the country. 

"Kon'nichiwa ma'am."  He greeted respectfully.   "It's an honor to meet you."

Yuki stared at him curiously before smiling. "So nice to meet you, Tsukumo. How old are you?"

"Twenty-nine," Tsukumo said.

"What happened to your other PA, sis?" Akiko asked.

"She got married; her husband stays in Osaka, so she had to quit," Narumi explained.

"Oh, that's good." Akiko smiled. "Congratulations on being the first female CEO who is a billionaire, Ane!"

"Thank you, dear." Narumi hugged Akiko again before stepping away.

"Congratulations, my dear daughter," Yuki said. "Did you think about what we spoke about last week on the phone?"

"Mom, not again with this marriage stuff." Narumi complained with a roll of her eyes.

"It's important," Yuki persisted. "You're twenty-five."

"So what?"

Yuki huffed, exasperated.

"Don't act childish." She crossed her arms.

"It's alright, Mami." Akiko chuckled.  "My sister is incredible beautiful, and she gets any guy she wants. Don't you think so, Daiki?"

"Um...y...yes, madam, she is extremely beautiful." The poor guy felt very awkward all of a sudden.

"Relax, my sister won't fire you for saying she's beautiful." Akiko laughed.

"Narumi, you are not getting any younger. You need to find a suitable husband soon." Yuki stated sternly.

"Mom! Please stop pressuring me." Narumi protested.

"My dear, I know you have spent six years of your life trying to restore our family business, and you were successful. It's time for you to settle down." Yuki insisted. "Your fame has increased so much, and it will surely attract that gossip blog."

"The T?" Akiko asked, suddenly sounding curious.

"Yes, darling," Yuki nodded.

"It won't be the first time they say something about me. When I became CEO at nineteen, I also made news headlines. It's inevitable."   Narumi shrugged.

Yuki sighed.   She knew it was impossible to reason with her daughter, so she dropped the topic.

"Come on, mom, let's go home so my dear sister can have space to do her work." Akiko ushered her mother outside. As she closed the door behind her, she looked over her shoulder, giving Narumi a smile.

'Always the same topic,' Narumi thought bitterly. 'Marriage every single time.'


"Hm, I mean, ma'am?" He raised his head and met her gaze.

"You do remember that you will move into my house, right?" She gave him an expectant look. "Even though it's not compulsory to do that as my personal assistant," 

"Right, yes." He said.   After all, it was listed in the benefits of being assigned to this job.

"What's your decision?" She asked, folding her hands on top of her desk.

Daiki's hand reached up unconsciously to scratch the back of his neck nervously. He really wanted to agree, but there was just one minor obstacle in his way. That problem was why he gave an answer.

"Daiki, I'm not someone who is a fan of indecisive people." Narumi scowled.

"No, ma, that's not..." He swallowed thickly, feeling his throat become dry.

"So, what's your decision?" She raised her eyebrows, waiting impatiently for his response.

He gulped.  "I will move in with you, ma, if that's alright with you.''

"Fine by me." Narumi grinned, satisfied with his answer. "A driver who will take you to your house so you can get a few things, then he will bring you to my place."

"Yes, ma'am."  His voice came out a bit weak, and he wondered if his face was blushing or whether it was just a trick of the lighting.

"Good, now get back to work."