
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


" Listen Elle " madam Clara began " you should learn to tolerate his presence, young man is really nice to those he wants to be nice to and really really mean to those he wants to be mean to " she added.

" Yes ma'am, I just pray I don't kill him " she breathed out. For the first time she will be meeting up with a man not for business but for something else and it annoyed her.

" You should also listen to what he has to say little girl and control your anger, he doesn't eat people " Mr grey voice sounded from the side. They were currently at Mr Grey's house.

" The fact that you just addressed me as listen girl , is ... So very wrong uncle " she said with lasers shooting out of her eyes.

" Hey , you can intimidate those boogle men of yours not me " he replied. " Moreover why meet with him at that shady resort of your ? " He asked.

" Well uncle, it's mine and I feel comfortable there . Look guys am leaving " she said as she hurried off, she was known to be prompt to every business meeting she always had.

* At Luther Resort * 

Standing outside was Edward who was now looking at the massive building in front of him.

" I must say boss, but this lady seems tough you know. She asked you to meet at this scary place " Magnus said.

Luther Resort was known for it's brutality, last month two business owners were brutally murdered in broad day and no one could intervene on their behalves.

" That good " he said smiling. 

Walking inside he was directed by her men to the private spot she had reserved for them.

" Elena " she heard a familiar voice call her and turning to face him , she was star struck.

 The man before her was a definition of gorgeous and pretty. He was a well built dark haired, broad shoulders, tall with chiseled abs and charcoal dark eyes, dressed in an expensive and exotic designer suit . Never say never, was the thought that passed through her mind. He was a walking pornography.

" Oh Heavens, help me " she pleaded in her mind. It took all her will and power not to openly drool at him, he was someone who could make a woman beg to be his.

She wasn't the only one who was transfixed by his appearance but he too was overwhelmed by her, he had always known that she was a very beautiful woman.

Right now, she was just looking heavenly, in her Light brown Louis Vuitton gown complimenting her honey brown eyes. She was tall, slender with dark raven hair making her look like a complete seductress.

" Hello Mr Edward " she replied politely, initially she was not happy meeting him but right now..... " To hell with not being happy , who wouldn't be happy with someone like this beautiful creature before her " she thought.

" Shall we " he said drawing a seat for her.

" Of course " she replied taking her seat.

After ordering, Edward began.

" I must say, you do have a wonderful place and well..... Obedient men " he said.

" Am sorry, but I don't understand " she asked.

" Well to think that this isn't a resort but your personal play ground .... Oops did I say play ground ? I mean your butcher house " he said watching her facial expression closely.

" How much do you know about me " she asked now feeling a little irritated.

" Alot my rabbit " he replied.

" You know what Mr Edward, enough of all these nonsense " she said harshly.

" Oh my my, easy there Elle your health is fragile you know ? " He said.

" I can't marry you Mr Edward, I don't want to get married to someone like you and i don't want to get married to anyone else. So please let me be " she pleaded as tears fell off her eyes.

" You ... What are you doing " he asked anxiously . " You need to get married to someone and that person is me " he added.

" Are you crazy ? " She asked 

" No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes.

I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him.

Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently.

" What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded.

" Moreover i may be the solution you are waiting for " he said.

" If you are the only way for me to stay alive, then I refuse to stay alive " she said getting off her seat.

" Listen Elena I might look calm and that's because of you, am not always calm okay. You have less then 18 months Left, that doctor just deceived you okay and no matter how much you spend, you will never be alright " he said.

" You .....how ..... How do you know all these " she questioned feeling shocked.

" I know all that has to do with you . Moreover you have just three days to decide, don't keep me waiting " he ordered smiling 

" I will kill you Edward " she yelled. " You. .... You a have mysterious background and I don't want to get involved with your shady company " she added.

" At least not as shady as yours " he replied.

" Mr Edward, i had rather die than marry you " she said repeating the same statement she made at the bar.

" Well you ..... Need to do some homework on your words Elena " he said calmly. " Remember three days is all you have " he added as he left the resort.

" Never !!!!, never never never !!! " She yelled crying. " Am not getting married to him " she said as she lost sight of everything.

" Boss, boss " gab yelled. " Someone call the ambulance " he ordered.

" Hello ma'am, the boss just..... She just fainted " he reported.

" Oh heavens, Elle " she screamed.