
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


" If he knows am here, he wouldn't like it my darling granddaughter " a woman spoke startling Elena from her thought. This was Mrs Clara John.

" Grandma " Elena said hugging her tightly.

" Okay , okay. Young lady am not really used to this side of you, I like that harsh, cold and strict side of you not this weakling " madam Clara commented taking her seat on the sofa near Elena's standing point.

" What do I do grandma ? " She asked tearfully once again, her heart was been shed to int tiny little bits.

" What do you mean by what do you do ? " Madam Clara asked.

" Oh grandma, I can't..... I have no strength left to keep fighting. I guess grandma already told you about it right? " She asked.

" Yes darling, even if your grandpa is a little grumpy. It doesn't mean he won't talk to me and moreover what does the report has to do with you ? " Madam Clara asked .

" Grandma ???, it says have got 18 months left " she responded.

" So ? Listen Elle, alot of things can be accomplished within the span of 18 months , life's can be made and lives can be destroyed within these 18 months " madam Clara lectured.

" You don't understand grandma and that ... That ..... That .... Annoying scum that calls himself Edward Jones had the guts to send me a marriage order, gosh grandma " she said angrily.

* Laughs out loudly *.

" Seriously Elle, you intrigue me " madam Clara said jokingly. " Young lady, don't you know your mate when you see him ? " She asked harshly getting up from her seat.

" Mates ??? ( Laughs coldly) Am I some Luna to recognize her Alpha? " Elena asked. " Look grandma, I don't want to get married not now or ever " Elena said harshly.

" Elle..... "

" Moreover grandma what good will getting married get me ? Uhu ?, listen Gramps, I have an undefined hate for Edward Jones. He ..... He ... Makes me want to puke at the mention of his name " she added.

" Seriously Elle ( clicks her tongue) , you don't know who Edward Jones is young lady, his not someone who gives up easily " madam Clara said.

" And do I care ? " She asked sarcastically.

* Knock knock *

" Excuse me, boss but you have a call " gab reported.

" Connect me " she ordered.

" Hello Elena" Edward voice came.

" Are you nuts Mr Edward? " She asked sharply.

" Nuts ? , listen Elena am asking you calmly meet me tomorrow 12pm prompt at Lois avenue. Understand ? " He asked.

" You are crazy " she screamed ending the call. 

" You are the crazy one Elle " madam Clara said as she lit her cigarette.

* Blows * 

 " You need to calm down young lady, being annoyed would only spike your health the more. Just give him a chance for once in your life, give yourself a chance to be loved you are not a warrior " madam Clara said.

" Am a warrior grandma and a Viking rider for that matter, am giving to chance to no one " she concluded.

Ding a message entered her phone.

" Don't make me wait Elena ". Came Edwards message.

" Ugh " she murmured slamming her phone.

" Easy there, you don't want to die do you ? " Madam Clara asked.

* Picks up here telephone *.

" Hello doctor Sylvester, I want to opt for comfort home. Can i do that? " She asked.

" Sure miss very .... " The line got disconnected.

" Elena !!!!! " Madam Clara yelled. " What the fuck are you doing uhm, comfort home ? Do you even realize what you are doing ? " She asked feeling frustrated. It has never being easy dealing with Elena from the start.

" Yes grandma, am opting for comfort home ma. Am totally tired of all these back and forth life , I don't want to marry Edward nor any other person, I don't want to bring a cancer striking child to this evil world " she lamented.

" If your birth mother had this same thought, then you would never have be given birth " madam Clara said.

" She should have just gotten rid of me at the earliest stage " she cried 

* Kappa * sounded the slap that rang bells in Elena ears, breaking the dam of unshed tears she has been holding.

" You ungrateful fellow, how stupid can you be. You are so crazy and sick, you useless fool , you are good for nothing , i don't know how john manage to tolerate your ranting but i wont ." madam Clara yelled at her feeling hurtful.

" Grand ma ... " She cried heavily. She avoided this conversation because she didn't want to cry, she never wanted to feel weak but here she was feeling utterly guilty and sad. " I never wanted this " she cried loudly.

" Am ... Am so sorry baby , i never wanted to yell at you baby " madam Clara cried. She loved Elena unconditionally and she never wanted to yell at her like this . " Listen baby, give Edward a chance okay " she added.

" But grandma, I don't want to get married , o .... Okay grandma " she agreed reluctantly.

" Good girl " madam Clara said. " Now get your ass off that chair and wash your face, you crazy nutjob ". She added.

" Yes ma'am " Elena responded swiftly.

" No matter what happens gab, she must meet with Edward. Understood? " She asked.

" Yes ma'am " .

" My darling Elena, am gonna help you shape your shapeless life not matter how stubborn you may be. I would do everything to help you. " She murmured.

* At the washroom *.

" Give him a chance Elle " kept ringing in her ears.

" Chance, I don't want to give anyone any sort of chance. Am just meeting him for Grandma's sake " she murmured.

" Baby, do you want to stay all day in that washroom? " Madam Clara said. It's being an hour since she got into that bathroom without coming out.

" Give me a sec Grandma " she replied quickly.

" Don't forget me Elle " came a man's voice as she felt the washroom confused.

" There you are darling, shall we ? " Madam Clara asked.

" Yes grandma " she replied.

* At Edwards house *

" She agreed sir, with a change of location sir. She will be meeting you at Luther resort " the man reported.

" Finally, after keeping me waiting " he murmured. " Who sent the message " he asked 

" Madam Clara sir " the man knew it .

" I should have known " he smiled