
Eighteen years

Jade's POV

The flight from England to New York lasted about seven hours and twenty seven minutes.I just sat there reading one of my favourite books 'I promise' by Joan Johnson. It wasn't easy staying up during the flight and the fact I barely slept last night wasn't helping. After the tragic accident that led to the death of my parents, I cultivated the habit of staying awake during rides or let just say when anything is on motion.I can't recall complete details of that night but I remember falling asleep as we drove back home after the party at the Wayne's residence. Only to awake in a hospital bed. The doctors said our car was hit by a drunk driver. My mom died instantly because where she sat took most of the hit. Myself and my dad were found unconscious and rushed to a hospital. My father however died two days after. While I was in coma two weeks. 

I still carry the guilt of sleeping that night. Maybe if I was awake I would have spotted the drunk driver before his car collided with ours. My grandparents took me in after that accident. They both tried to convince me that I was too little back then and there was nothing I could do.as grandma put it "it was unavoudable" yet I carry that guilt with me.

"Fasten your seat belt we are about to land". Those words jolted me back to reality. I reached out to grandma who was fast asleep beside me and gently tapped her shoulders. "Grandma we are here". She adjusted her sleeping position and fastened her belt.

Getting down from the plane, I drew a deep breath. It was late September so Autumn was near. Turning around, I faced grandma.

"So do we stop a taxi or?" Before she could respond a car pulled up in front of us.

"Just in time George". Grandma said stepping forward to speak with the driver.

"Veronical". The driver whom I just knew as George greeted grandma.

"Come over here". Grandma beckoned me to move towards them. Do you remember George?" I bent down taking a close look at the driver trying to place the face.

"No". I replied.Grandma turned towards George shooting him an apologetic smile.

"It's okay Vero it's been eighteen years." She was little when we last saw". He added smiling my way.

"Get in". George opened the front door inviting grandma in while I walk towards the back seat.

As the car moved the only thing I could think about was New York. The city that changed my life. The city where my parents met an early grave.The city I hadn't been to in eighteen years. The city that holds too much memories good and bad.

I broke my thought looking out the window trying to check if I could see familiar buildings. Grandma said we would put up in my parents house so I tried to see if I could recognize the buildings as we drove.

"See anything familiar?" I turned to the direction of the voice and saw grandma staring at me

"Who said I was looking?"

"The curiosity in your eyes gave it away".

"Well, nothing I remember". I guess that's what eighteen years of absence does to a place.

"New York has changed". George said.

"I noticed. More buildings, more cars, more people walking the streets, more beautiful might I add".

"Yes beautiful indeed". Grandma said.

George made a turn to the right and we were facing a building one I remember too well. We are here grandma said as George drove into the drive way.The building managed to some how look more besutiful. Like it was just built. The painting looked recent for a house that hadn't habited a single soul in years.

"It was renovated last week". George said catching my curious look.

That explains it but why renovate when we are only here for a week at best. I wanted to say but instead I asked "Who did the renovation?"

"It was done by Derick". George said


"Wayne". Grandma answered. "I called him to say we would be staying here so he made it more comfortable". She explained further.. "Now can we go in?" She added. I smiled and nodded. George helped with the bags despite I and grandma's protest. On getting to the front door he knocked.

Who could possibly be inside. Nobody stayed here. My thought was cut short when a woman stood in front of us.

"Elizabeth". Grandma greeted.

"Veronical!!!.". The woman I now knew as Elizabeth screamed giving grandma a hug.

"Jade". She called seperating from grandma.

"Hello...." I waved my hand feeling a little bit awkward.

"This is George's wife". Grandma said.

"Oh.... I trailed.

"You don't remember me?" Elizabeth asked.

"Nope she doesn't". George said poping the p.

"I'm sorry". I said

"No it's okay it's been years. How about I remind you".


"Do you remember a woman who worked with the Wayne's as their housekeeper?"

"Yeah.... I think so but I can't place the face".

"No problem. Elizabeth said smiling at me. With time you will remember".

"Can we go in now?" To my surprise it wasn't grandma who spoke. This time it was George and the sound of his voice shows he was losing his patience.

"Silly me of course, come in". Elizabeth laughed stepping back for us to enter.

Inside the house wasn't what I expected it was sparkling clean. No dust, no stains, nothing. Elizabeth must have put in so much effort.

"Thanks for cleaning the house". I said.

"Oh dear it was nothing. Would you rather rest before you eat?" Elizabeth asked grandma and I.

"Food first right Jade". Grandma said.

"Yeah sure I'm famished". I said shooting Elizabeth a smile.

"It's a good thing I made lasagne then. Go drop your bags while I set the table. Do you mind Jade I cleaned your old room".

"Not at all thanks".I said.

"Veronical. Elizabeth called out to grandma who was already ascending the stairs. I prepared the guest room for you".

"Thanks so much Liz we are grateful". Grandma said turning to face Elizabeth.

"Not sure you should be thanking me I get paid to do my work. It's Derick and Sage who deserves your gratitude. Save the thanks for when you see them tomorrow". Elizabeth politely told grandma.

"Thanks all the same". Grandma said then turned to face me. "Okay Jade lets go drop our stuff. She said. We'll be down in five". She told Elizabeth.

My room was totally different from the little I remembered. Everything was in white. The curtains were white, the bed was covered with a white sheet and the carpet was a mixture of white and blue , it was perfect. White was definately my colour. A picture of my dad and mom when she was pregnant with me was placed on the lamp stand. Elizabeth must have found it while cleaning. Placing my bag in the bed I went downstairs. The table was already set, Elizabeth and grandma were already seated eating. I couldn't find George so my guess is he already left. A plate of food was set at grandma's right so I went and sat down. Everyone was silent only the sounds of knifed and spoons making contact with the plates could be heard. But it was a comfortable silence.

What time does the reading start tomorrow?" Elizabeth asked breaking the silence.

"By noon". Grandma said.

"You excited on seeing Rachael?" Elizabeth asked me.

"Maybe. I said. We weren't that close". I added. I remembered Rachael she is Derick and Sage's daughter. We were in the same school and both were in the same class back when I was in New York.

"And Greyson?" Elizabeth asked wiggling her brows.

"Greyson?" I asked. Not that I didn't know who he was but I fail to see why he was mentioned.

"Yeah you know Greyson, Rachaels elder brother, your..."

"Elizabeth thanks you for the meal. I think Jade should get some rest now. She barely slept last night and its been a long day". Grandma cut in before Elizabeth could finish. Shooting her a smile.

"Alright then. Sleep tight Jade". Elizabeth said.

Truly feeling tired I offered her a smile and stood up heading upstairs leaving grandma and Elizabeth as they whispered amongst themselves.

I threw myself on the bed and stared into space. What was it Elizabeth was to say before grandma interrupted? Greyson wasn't my anything as far as I remembered I did my best to avoid him. True he was hesrtbreakingly attractive but just the mere sight of him when I was young made me Want to pee. He just had that vibe. Why were the Wayne's even attending grandpa's will reading? they sure were business partiners but they aren't family.

Something doesn't add up. My inner self said for the first time today.

Tomorrow might solve the puzzle. With that thought in mind, I drifted into darkness allowing the shadows swallow me up.


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