
Married To Hell

"I'm your wife". I found myself saying despite the warning bells. I never expected the next thing he did. He snorted. That bastard snorted. "Wife in paper". "The only reason I agreed to this silly marriage is because I was threatened with the company. Get this into that thick skull of yours. Left for me, I wouldn't settle for less". "Get out of my sight". He shouted at the top of his lungs pushing me hard such that my ass collided with the hard floor. I barely had time to blinks back the tears that threatened to fall when he broke me in pieces with his words. "You're a disgrace of a woman. I'd never see you as a wife even with a gun to my head". .................... Life is really cruel How will innocent Jade survive the devil's den? Especially when she is his favourite new toy with the aim of making her pay. But what exactly is she paying for?. ................. Join them in their journey to find out. A journey of revenge, hate and......... love? *Note* It’s gets interesting as you read

brace_christopher · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Denying reality

Jade's POV


I woke up on my own today. No alarm ringing, grandma didn't have to scream my name. For the first time in years I woke up on my own. Whether it had something to do with the fact that I was nervous, or that I had barely slept last night as I spent most of the night packing my stuff. Don't get me wrong I didn't pack for a month no I only took a couple of clothes that would serve me for a week. I mean we wouldn't stay longer than that right?

Picking my phone up I looked at the time 6:30 great I only slept for three hours. I took my stuff and headed downstairs. I heard sounds coming from the kitchen and walked towards that direction. I saw grandma making breakfast.

Giving her a kiss I said. "Morning grandma".

"Morning sugar". She greeted turning to face me. "How did you sleep?"

"What do you think?" I asked shooting her the biggest smile.

"My guess is you didn't sleep at all".

"Actually I did. Three hours to be exact".

"Look honey I know our conversation didn't end well yesterday and I have been wanting to say sorry but you just locked yourself all day". Grandma said grabbing both of my hands.

True after our little talk yesterday, I wasn't in a good mood. I stayed in my room through out the day looking at a picture of myself while I was younger. It was the only picture I had of my mom and dad it was taken when I was three. Mom was wearing a red dress, dad wore a black tuxedo and blank pants with red inner shirt matching it up with a red tie, while I wore a white dress, red shoes and had my hair in a ponytail with red band around it. It was a picture of the last thanksgiving we had together. In summary lets just say the thought of going back to New York reminded made me of them.

"It's nothing i can't handle". I said givin grandma's hand a little


"I know you are strong Jade. But even the strongest of hearts hurts at times". Grandma said as she stroke my cheeks with her hands.

I turned my head to the side and placed a kiss inside of her Palm. "Am not hurting". I said beaming a smile.

"Liar". Yeah now's not the time Miss. I said giving a mental eye roll at my inner self.

"So when do we leave? I mean what time".

"Our flight is by eight".

I glanced at the wall clock by my right. It was already seven.

"I made pancakes you hungry?"

At the mention of pancakes my stomach growled reminding me I had only eaten once yesterday.

"I will take that as a yes". Grandma said shooting me a smile. "Help me set the table sweetie while I go wash up".

"Sure". I said grabbing two plates from the cabinet. Shortly after, grandma came downstairs and we had breakfast.


Just seconds after we were done eating the door bell rang. "I will get it".

"No honey let me get that you put the plates away".

Standing up I cleared the table and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Walking into the sitting room, I heard voices.

"Thanks for doing us this favour". Grandma said.

"It's nothing" . The other person who happens to be a man said. I know that voice from somewhere it sounds so familiar.

"Of course you do. That's uncle Josh". My inner self reminded me.

"Uncle Josh". I called stopping in front of him.

"Hey kiddo look how grown up you are". He said looking me up and down.

"Yeah as grown as I was when you saw me last year". I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Last year is a long time and you weren't this tall when I saw you". My height has been a major challenge for me. Every woman in my family has the perfect height one that suits a Broadway model except me of course. I have been battling with my 5'4 height since I was 16. I did everything possible to increase in height still no improvement.

"You know that's a lie". I said giving him a little push on the chest.

"Come here". Uncle Josh said spreading his hands wide open. Smiling at him I gave him a hug placing my hands around his waist while his went around my shoulders. His warmth reminded me of the good old days when grandpa was still alive. Uncle Josh wasn't related to us by blood but has been a part of the family as long as I could remember. He was grandpa's personal assistant. Assisted grandpa in running the construction company here in England when he was diagnosed with cancer. But after grandpa's death he relocated to Brazil where his family resides.

"Sorry to interrupt your get together but we have a flight to catch in less than an hour". Came grandma's voice reminding me she had been standing beside us. A fact I had honestly forgotten.

Detaching from uncle Josh, I gave grandma a polite smile. Then ii realized something. If we were traveling to New York why was he here? Grandma said the will reading was only for family members. True he could be considered family but he was related to us by blood.

"Joshua is here to drive us to the airport". Grandma spoke answering my unasked question. Shr could read me like a book.

"Oh..... Thanks for helping".

"I couldn't say no to Veronical you know she is so persuasive. Besides you guys are family".

"But aren't you supposed to be in Brazil?" I asked.

"I had some stuff to handle here in England. Been here a couple of weeks".

"And you didn't bother to stop by?" I questioned angrily.

"Enough you both can sort this out another time. Grandma cut in. Now go get the bags". She added facing me.

The drive to the airport wasn't quite long. I stared out the window watching as buildings passed by. On getting to the airport, grandma got down from the vehicle after giving uncle Josh a warm embrace.

"You have just a minute to say goodbye". She told me before shutting the door.

"I was busy that's why I couldn't visit". Uncle Josh said turning in front to face me.

"I know it's okay".

"You good?"


"Not that Ragina. I mean with the whole New York thing".

"Back to middle names now are we? Yes Dave I'm good". I said with emphasis on Dave.

"On a more serious note you good kid?" He asked this time narrowing his eyes at me.

"I will be". I replied stepping out of the car.

"Call me when you get there yeah".

"Sure I will. And send my regards to aunty Julia and the twins will you?"

"Yea. they miss you, you know?"

"I miss them more".

"You sure you'll be good?" He asked one last time.

"You take care of you. I'll be fine". With that said I shut the door and watched as the car drove off. Walking towards grandma, I kept wondering will I really be okay?

I guess there's only one way to find out.

What could possibly go wrong in a will reading?" My inner self asked. Nothing could be worse than going back to New York right?





Little did I know that going back to New York was just an end to the beginning.


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