
Married to Alpha Zeus

Emmeline West is a successful young businesswoman who is known for her beauty and exotic taste in fashion. Being a philanthropist, she never would have known it would one day put her in a dilemma. In search of love for so long and never having a stable relationship, she drinks away her sorrow one night at a bar from another failed relationship only to meet with an old lady on her way out. She assumed the lady was in need once she saw her and quickly handed her some money but the old lady turned to her with a smile and asked "What is your greatest desire?" Emmeline answered casually but it would be the last night she saw the old woman. For as he slept and awoke, she found herself in a different reality. A reality where all she knew conflicted with what her eyes saw. It was a reality of possibilities but what was the possibility in a love story between a human and a beast? For Alpha Zeus Kane, a human was simply disgusting and for her, he was just a monster. For protection she agreed to marry him not knowing his ulterior motive. What will be the fate of their marriage? Love or hate? When their hearts begin to crave for one another in a world where it is only impossible. N. B- Cover art not owned by me.

ashes_77 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Emmeline stirred in her sleep, slowly awakening to the soft rays of sunlight that filtered through her bedroom curtains.

As she stretched her limbs, she couldn't help but admire the peaceful aura that enveloped her room. 

With a contented smile, she rose from her comfortable bed, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

As she made her way toward the bathroom, she glanced at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but notice the radiant beauty that greeted her. 

Her wavy chestnut locks cascaded down her shoulders, framing her delicate face. 

Her hazel eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, and her rosy cheeks added a touch of warmth to her flawless complexion. 

Her beauty had always been captivating, and today was no exception.

With a sense of purpose, she proceeded to get ready for work. 

She carefully selected a fashionable outfit that exuded confidence and elegance. 

She slipped into a tailored black dress that accentuated her curves, paired with a stylish pair of high-heeled pumps. 

As she admired herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a surge of self-assurance.

Arriving at her office, her heart skipped a beat as she spotted her boyfriend, Michael, waiting for her by the entrance. 

A smile instantly appeared on her face, and she hurried over to him, her steps filled with excitement. 

They embraced tightly, savoring the warmth of each other's presence.

As she leaned in to plant a tender kiss on Michael's lips, she felt him turn away. 

Confusion clouded her expression as she pulled back, searching his eyes for answers. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Michael's gaze shifted, his voice filled with hesitation. "Emmeline, we need to talk," he said, his words carrying an air of finality. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air.

Her heart sank, her mind racing to comprehend the sudden change in their relationship. She pleaded, "Please, tell me what's going on."

With a heavy sigh, Michael finally spoke, his voice tinged with regret. "You're too much for me, Emmeline. Your beauty, your intelligence, your ambition… It's overwhelming. I can't keep up, and it's not fair to either of us to continue this way."

She felt the ground crumble beneath her feet. The words pierced her heart, and a wave of devastation washed over her. She struggled to hold back tears, her voice trembling as she whispered, "But I love you, Michael."

Regret filled Michael's eyes as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Emmeline. It's better for both of us if we end this now."

"It's better for you, not me! Why lead me on for so long if you were only going to tell me this? You sound like all you just mentioned was a bad thing!" 

"It isn't and that's the problem. You are too- perfect and I have tried but I can't deal with that. I'm sorry."  Michael said, and walked away, leaving her standing alone in the office, her world shattered into a million pieces. 

She sank into her chair, her thoughts consumed by disbelief and heartache. 

The weight of the morning's events hung heavily upon her, casting a dark shadow over what had started as a promising day.

She took a deep breath, summoning the strength within her to carry on. 

With determination etched on her face, she wiped away her tears and composed herself. 

She knew she had to rise above the pain and continue with her day, even if her heart felt irreparably broken.

The evening came and she closed her office door, the sound echoing through the empty hallways. 

It had been a long and grueling day, but she couldn't shake off the sting of the heartbreak that had consumed her earlier. 

The memory of her boyfriend's cruel words replayed in her mind, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable.

Determined to escape the suffocating walls of her thoughts, she decided to find solace in the dimly lit corners of a nearby bar. 

She craved the numbing effect of alcohol, hoping it would temporarily alleviate her pain. 

With a heavy heart, she made her way through the bustling city streets, her steps quickening as she tried to outrun her emotions.

As she entered the bar, the air was thick with the scent of various spirits, mingling with laughter and chatter. 

She found a secluded corner and ordered a round of shots, hoping to drown her sorrows in the fiery liquid that burned her throat. 

Each shot provided a temporary respite, blurring the edges of her reality.

Feeling the warmth of the alcohol seep into her veins, she decided it was time to face the world once again. 

She bid farewell to the dimly lit sanctuary and stepped out into the cool night air. 

The streetlights cast long shadows, dancing around her as she made her way towards her car parked a few blocks away.

Her steps were unsteady, a result of the tipsiness that now clouded her judgment. 

She fumbled for her car keys in her bag, her fingers struggling to maintain their usual dexterity. 

Just as she found the keys, a figure emerged from the shadows. 

It was an old woman, her frail form illuminated by the dim glow of a nearby lamppost.

Her heart skipped a beat as the old woman slowly approached her. 

Her mind raced with thoughts of potential danger, and she instinctively reached into her bag, searching for something to defend herself. 

Her trembling hand found a wad of cash, and she clutched it tightly, ready to use it as a makeshift weapon if necessary.

But as the old woman drew closer, she realized there was no threat lurking in her eyes. 

Instead, she saw a reflection of her pain and loneliness. 

The old woman's frail voice broke the silence, as she softly asked for some spare change. 

The weight of the heartbreak suddenly felt insignificant in the face of someone who had known hardship for far longer.

At that moment, something shifted within her. The walls she had built around herself started to crumble, allowing empathy to flood in. 

She extended her hand, offering the old woman the cash she had clutched so tightly just moments before. 

The old woman's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she accepted the gesture.

"What is your greatest desire?" The woman asked. 

Emmeline found the question to be quite absurd and she tried to ignore it, turning away but she saw the woman turned with her,  still wearing a smile. 

"Tell me, my child." She begged. 

"I don't know. True love in a better world because obviously, this one ain't it." She finally answered before proceeding to her car. 

Soon her heart raced with anticipation as she finally reached the familiar sight of her house. 

The long and arduous journey had taken its toll on her weary body, but the thought of the comfort and familiarity that awaited her inside motivated her to push on. 

With each step, she felt the exhaustion seeping through her bones, but her determination propelled her forward.

As she climbed the stairs leading up to her room, her legs felt heavy, almost as if they were made of lead. 

Her breath came in ragged gasps as she got closer to the top of the staircase, her legs trembling with fatigue. 

She fumbled with her keys, her hands unsteady. The door creaked open, and the familiar scent of home enveloped her senses, providing a much-needed respite from the weariness that had plagued her for so long.

With great effort, she made her way across the threshold of her room. 

The sight of her bed, inviting and adorned with soft pillows and warm blankets, was the most comforting sight she had ever seen. 

Without hesitation, she collapsed onto the bed, her body giving in to the exhaustion that had been building up within her.

In a matter of seconds, she found herself face down on the bed, her limbs sprawled haphazardly. 

The softness of the mattress embraced her, as if it were cradling her in its loving embrace. 

The weariness that had consumed her body suddenly gave way to a deep and restful sleep.

She was still deep in sleep when the clock struck twelve, and suddenly, a loud dong!! resonated throughout her subconscious. 

The sound abruptly pulled her out of her slumber, leaving her disoriented and confused. As her eyes fluttered open, she realized she was lying in shallow waters. 

The sensation of the cool, damp ground beneath her sent shivers down her spine, and she quickly sat up, feeling a mix of fear and bewilderment.