


Nikki_Dike · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


"Do i have to wear this everyday?". Isabel asked in an exasperated tone. it felt as if she had been transported to a disney land, Why does she have to wear a Princess dress again. She groaned when Aliana tightened the corset. She wasn't used to wearing excessive dresses.

Aliana chuckled when she saw her annoyed face, "No, it's just for some certain occasions. You can wear lesser clothes on a normal day, if you want".

"Occasions??" Isabel asked furrowing her brows. Is there an occasion she isn't aware of.

" You will be having a breakfast with the King and Queen" Aliana said in a happy voice. it wasn't the same for Isabel. She whipped her body around with an horror stricken face. "Breakfast?, Ki... King and... queen?".

Aliana nodded her head in confirmation.

Her hands flew to her head, " You will ruin your hair". Aliana quickly removed her hands from her head and smoothened back the hair.

Isabel started pacing back and forth in the dressing room.

'Like Mother in law and Father in law'. She momentarily remembered the movie she watched way back, The face of that evil queen popped in her head, She hugged herself, feeling a Non-existing cold.

'What do i do. I never signed up for this. This wedding is a nightmare' she shuddered involuntarily.

Aliana just stood still, Looking at the princess as she was having roller coasters of emotions. She could vaguely understand what the princess was thinking.

"Your.... Uhm.. Isabel" she cleared her throat, calling her by her name would be a very taxing job. She sighed and looked at her softly, she needed to calm her down.

"You don't have to be scared okay, it's just an harmless breakfast. it's just for familiarity, The prince will also be there"

Hearing the prince name didn't help the matter, the scene from earlier flashed in her head. Her face flushed red. she quickly turned her back,not wanting Aliana to see her face.

She fanned her face and took a deep breath. 'Wait, this could be an opportunity for me to tell them about my intentions on this marriage' she shook her head as soon as the idea popped into her head. she's going to face the King and Queen, she couldn't possibly act rashly, they could order for her head to be cut off.

She held her neck in a dramatic way. 'i don't want to die yet, Am still young'.

She looked up when she saw a Cup outstretched towards her.

"Here, drink this. it will help you calm down". Aliana said handing her the cup of water.

All her nerves calmed down after drinking the water.

"Am sure they are already waiting, We have to go now".

They both left the room,heading towards the dining.