
Mr Billionaire

Greggory's Point of View(POV)

My mum always tell me that we should never mind the poor because they are poor....

Hey, am Greggory, 19 year old billionaire. I was born into a family that owns about twenty companies in the whole of San Francisco.

I was getting ready for school. Since it was my first day, I rough curled my hair so I could look sweet. All my mum wanted was to bring home a girlfriend.

We had a house help who took care of both he and his brothers.

Greggory: Do the laundry before I come from school.

(I said commanding our house help even when I knew she was not feeling to well)

That was not my business. They receive salaries every month and must do their jobs well to prevent reduction in salary.

I felt like driving so I entered the car and start it.

I took the Benz because it was my favorite. While I was driving at full speed, I ran into a porthole full of water and splashed the water out.

I looked back and saw that I have destroyed someone's clothes. I didn't care and continued driving...

When I got to school. I parked the car in the midst of other cars. I came down, took my bag and started walking .

I noticed the girls drooling over me. Yeah,I was too cute so they should keep drooling.

I went to class and introduced myself to the class. The girls were screaming while the guys just laughed in horror.

At first, I didn't know why they laughed, but then I just walked up to my seat.

One of the girls Squeezed a piece of paper and put it in my bag while I was walking to my seat.

I just smiled. When I got to my seat, I took out the note and it read thus:

Hey, am Freddie. How about we meet in the cafeteria during break.

I replied with a 'Yes' and threw the paper back at her.

During break, while I was walking to the cafeteria, I saw some boys standing by the way. I just Continued walking not minding them.

Suddenly, one of them dragged me and said;

"If I see you crush on Freddie, you are a Gunner"

(At first, I wanted to leave their midst but no body insults Greggory and go Scot free)

Greggory: Is it my fault?, if she should crush on me, it means am more cute. By the way, I think girls also like rich people. Can you show me the evidence of any of your wealth?

(Immediately I said this, I freed myself from his grip, dusted my clothes, put in my headphones and walked away)

Somehow, I managed to go to the cafeteria but Freddie was nowhere to be found. Then I left.

On the assembly, the principal announced a trip to Korea.

Principal Talyx: The trip to Korea will be $50,000. There would also be competitions and the winner would be offered a scholarship to our school.

Greggory: Just $50,000 dollars?, that's too cheap. I thought it would amount to a million dollars.

(Before I knew it, a guy beside me responded to what u said)

Eugene: Not everyone is rich like you. Maybe you should pay for everyone.

Greggory: I'd gladly do that, but still I can't. But I can pay for only you.

Eugene: I don't collect money from an unknown source. Who know if the money you have was gotten from embezzlement.

(I was taken aback by this statement. In anger I replied to him)

Greggory: My parents own most of the company in San Francisco.

Eugene: (Mimicking) my parents own most of the company in San Francisco. Well, I don't roll with people who parents own most of the company in San Francisco.

I was annoyed by his statement and gave him a huge slap.

Principal Talyx: What's going on over there, Eugene and Greggory, report to my office after the assembly.

Just then, my driver came to pick me up. I just left the assembly, got into the car and left.

On my way home, I told my driver to stop at a nearby restaurant so I could get what I wanted to eat.

We came to a restaurant and I went to the order line to get my food. When I saw the girl who was in charge if giving the food,

My jaw dropped. She was damn beautiful. The line was still long to I quickly bribed everyone on the line with a dollar each and the all left.

Greggory: Hey miss, can I have the order booklet?

(She handed over the booklet to me)

I scanned through.

Greggory: Okay, one avocado meatpie, two full chicken and a cola drink.

(She started arranging those things and I had no choice but to at least chit chat with her)

Greggory: Well, what's your name miss?

Alexia: Alexia

Greggory: Such sweet name to a beautiful miss)

( I stretched my hand to touch her cheeks but she slapped my hands)

Alexia: Hey man, I might be a canteen food server, and you might be a rich stud but can you have some level of respect for someone?.

With the way you bribed those people to have your way, I already knew you ate a rich stud.

Now can you allow me give you what you want?

I couldn't believe what I heard from her. Then I bursted out.

Greggory: Well, it's not your fault. Why would you be wasting your time part timing in a restaurant. You have a beautiful face and I could resist it. But now u know how foolish poor people are .

I said and threw the money for the food at her without taking the food. She took the food and followed me out.

Alexia: Won't you take you food, Gosh!. This was the same car that splashed water on my today.

Then I went to his windscreen and said

Alexia: If only you could have driven carefully,you won't have splashed water on me.

I told the driver to drive off. So she was the one I splashed water on. So bad.

We haven't even left the restaurant's street when I heard a loud thud.

I looked at the back and saw that an accident had happened. I told the driver to continue going but I changed my mind by telling him to go back to the restaurant.

Immediately we got there, I saw that the victim of the accident was Alexia. I immediately carried her into my car and drove her to the hospital.

Author's note: This is where the love begins.