
Married a Possesive Boss

Clara must marry Alexander, a CEO at a well-known company. In order to pay the debt and finance the treatment of her daddy.  Living her day so hard by being a cold man’s wife where her presence was not considered by Alexander who still remembers the figure of another woman in her life was a torment for Clara, especially since she also had to let go of the man she loved so much—Cavin In the midst of her efforts not considered by Alexandre, Cavin came back. The two of them, who were close again, made Alexandre angry. What is this all about?! How come the unconscious man is angry with her, who has always been ignored by her?

Moon_Shadow033 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

As Usual


A long residence took place between them. Half of her shirt, which had been exposed to a hip, stopped, and the eyes of the two of them met each other. 

Alexandre swallowed his saliva watching the scene in front of him. He didn't expect to see Clara undressing, but compared to running away from there, Alexandre calmly closed the door and sat casually on the sofa in Clara's lounge. 

Clara hurriedly put on her shirt. She was so surprised by Alexandre's arrival into her room. 

"you should feel guilty about what you did. It's like you don't know manners, Alexandre!" Clara's voice rose in embarrassment at what Alexandre had done to her. Her face flushed, and wanted to scream in Alexandre's ear because of this brazen attitude.

Alexandre with his cold and sharp eyes looked towards Clara. 

"What can be seen from your body? Nothing." Alexandre scoffed with a smirk on his face, he was seen making fun of the angry Clara. 

"Your body is thin, small, like never eating anything. Oh yes, you rarely eat until it hurts like a fool like this," Alexandre grunted, which made Clara wipe her face so vigorously. 

She can't beat this man in front of him, he always has an arrogance that surpasses the devil! He also has extraordinary self-confidence, which even the leader of an authoritarian country can be inferior because of his behavior!

He is really a fucking man who will never feel guilty even if he is guilty. 

"Alexandre, I have the body of a model. You're not supposed to cover up your guilt by insulting others like this."

"I feel guilty for seeing billiar sticks? Hahaha!" Alexandre burst into laughter at what was said by Clara. Again what he said hurt Clara's heart, she was severely insulted by a fucking man like Alexandre. 

"We are going to be husband and wife anyway, and I will look at that body of yours. Don't be so noisy about it." 

Clara exhaled a long breath from her mouth, she really wanted to jump up and down on the floor because she was so upset at Alexandre. But then he quickly sorted out her emotions, and put a smile on his face. 

"oh, then I'm sorry for showing you this billiard stick-like body. I hope you won't be able to see it again."

The upset Clara picked up her shirt and she quickly walked into the bathroom, she chose to change her clothes there instead of having to change in front of Alexandre and get another insult from Alexandre. This body of hers is precious, she who wants to be a designer is trying hard to keep her body so that it can be like a model. Of course it worked, it was just that Alexandre's eyes seemed to have a distraction that he couldn't judge Clara's body well. 

After changing her clothes, Clara walked out of the bathroom. she came out of the bathroom and she looked at Alexandre. She never remembered ever contacting Alexandre and saying that he would be discharged from the hospital today. 

"What are you here for?" asked Clara, very unfriendly. She tidied up his clothes and smoothed her hair. She looked beautiful even though her face was still pale.

"take you out of here. We have a lot of things to do." Alexandre, who crossed her legs wide, looked at Clara sarcastically.

"I'm just getting better. can't you wait a while so that I can be better than this?" Clara pleaded with Alexandre who looked so tormenting to her. 

Alexandre shook his head. "Your legs are still working, right?" Alexandre looked at Clara's legs wrapped in soft brown cloth pants that she liked. 

"... You love torturing me so much." 

"it's part of your job. Don't nag and just follow what I want."

Clara pressed her forehead repeatedly, she took her breath away again and stepped her feet wide and immediately exited her confinement room. Alexandre followed Clara by whistling, then they quickly got into Alexandre's car. 

"we eat, I don't want to marry a skull."

Clara looked at Alexandre, and she learned, it was useless to refute whatever Alexandre said. He smiled and the car they were driving quickly headed towards the place to eat which was again determined by Alexandre. 

In front of them there had been four servings of beef steak using a delicious thick mushroom sauce, and Clara looked at the steak with her eyes that she pinched. 

"Who eats this much?" Clara asked because she felt that something was wrong here. 

"Three of yours and one of mine." Alexandre cut the steak elegantly, and his eyes looked at Clara after a piece of steak entered his mouth. 

"crazy, where can I eat it all."

"Eat. Your body is like a skull." The cold voice that seemed to hug Clara in a terrible way, it made Clara squeeze her hand so tightly. 

"Maybe I'll be in the hospital again soon because of eating too much." Clara stuffed a large piece of steak into her mouth that made Clara's mouth full, it made her cheeks bulge. 

Alexandre noticed that and he was glad Clara did indeed do what he had told her to do. It took thirty minutes for Clara to finish the three steaks given by Alexandre, and after she finished it, Clara leaned her back against the chair. She rubbed her stomach and felt that she had become a pig.

"Sweet, it's very similar to a pig wearing clothes." Alexandre smiled mockingly at what was done by Clara. 

At that time Clara was anxious to throw Alexandre's head with the plate in front of her, only she remembered, Alexandre was the boss, she needed Alexandre's money and she had been under contract. Clara couldn't do such a thing, which could be detrimental to her.

"Say as you like, Alexandre. I have become accustomed to that rough mouth of yours, until I become numb myself." 

Clara wiped her mouth gently.

She became calmer and was able to control herself well.