
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

"marry her"

She sat watching him quietly as he sent the files, he wanted to send and she really hoped that he won't finish. She wished it would fail and he would re send and it would fail and he would resend. But who is she lying to.

That is when she noticed the dust on the wall and the cobwebs under the sofa, she noticed things that she hasn't noticed for the past years she has been working here.

"Am doomed" she said and bit her lips.

Ryan sat down opposite her and she turned her legs so that she won't face him. She can't look at him in the eyes she would melt inside out.

"So can you explain?" Ryan said, then rested his back and crossed his legs.

"Well... I had some work to do, so I finished late and the bus are not more working, so I decided to pass a night and go home" Astoria said shivering.

"Then you would go To your aunt's?"

"Yes to my aunt" she said nodded and pinching herself.

"I thought you don't have one" Ryan said wanting to look at her eyes.

"What? Well... Not my mom's sister just like a ... church member" she said cutting words

"You call your church members aunt?" Ryan asked


Ryan nodded and gave a smirk.

"Didn't you move yesterday?"


"Then why did you sleep here yesterday and not your aunt's?"


"You forgot to up off the heater"

Astoria had not choice but to come out plain, she is busted and really busted. More than busted she is dead a real big dead meat.

"Hmmmm I had a situation"

"Are you homeless?" Ryan asked. But she kept quiet and didn't say a word

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ryan added

"I was embarrassed and still embarrassed am sorry please don't sack me I have no where to go, how would I tell my boss that am homeless. Am so sorry Mr Ryan"

Ryan wondered what to do with her, he certainly can leave her like this, or ignore and he knows that she has no one to turn to.

He has only one option.

"Follow me" he said standing up on his feet.

"What?"Astoria said, also standing up.

"You said you don't have were to stay"

"So?" She asked curiously

"Am taking you to where you would stay"


"Just follow me"

"Are you going to sack me?"

"Just shut it and follow me"

Astoria stood at the sitting room, as she watched Ryan switched on the light and removed his suit.

She clutched her bag to her self as she quietly watched him. But she has to say something because of his sudden kindness.

"Excuse me? What am I supposed to do " she said tracing his movement with her eyes.

"What else? Go inside the room and sleep " Ryan said

"What sleep?" She said holding her hands on her chest.

"What are you thinking about" Ryan asked disgusted.

"Nothing " Astoria said and adjusted her dress.

"Your room is upstairs by the left stay there for a while, am tired I need to go and sleep"

Ryan picked up his suit and made his way to the room.

"Mr Ryan " Astoria said and he stopped on his tracks.


" thank you" she said with a eyes full of appreciation

"Sleep and let's talk tomorrow we have a lot"

Astoria nodded and Ryan Walked inside his room.

Astoria walked inside the room and looked around, she is embarrassed, she doesn't feel okay about living with her boss, who would believe that a secretary is living with her boss.

She really did you imagine her life to be this way.

But then this enjoyment won't last long, she gave out a long lasting simile and jumped on the bed. The bed felt so soft and nice she is living with Mr Ryan of all people. Inside a palace right there and right now she feels like a princess without a castle.

"Mom dad are you watching? I have a house although it not long lasting but am happy"

She said and simile. She closed her eyes shut and she breathed the nicest air she could find.

By the time she woke up the next Morning Ryan had gone out, but it is Saturday and there is no work.

She wondered were he went to so early that he didn't wake her up.

She used the opportunity to look around the house until he returns, the house isn't a mansion but it is not too Small.

"This house I just perfect for a couple and two children" she said to herself and smiled.

"Wait what am I thinking about. Hey Astoria you have been having dirty mind since yesterday how could you even imagine stuff like that" she said to herself and covered her face in embarrassment.

"So she is living in your house?"Harry asked again to be sure of what his friend is saying.

"Yes she moved in yesterday" Ryan said

"Hmm interesting" Harry said adjusting his glasses.

I don't think she likes me,.you were only imagining things on your head" Ryan said and scoffed.

"Am not the only guilty person here. You liked it to"Harry said in defense to himself.

"How did I like it? I just don't want to hurt her feelings and now She must be facing a real problem now" Ryan said and nodded.

"Don't you think it is dangerous for you to accept her just like that?" Harry asked

"How is it going to be dangerous? Who would know?"

"Am sorry to say but this is a great opportunity before you dude. I mean you are a business man can't you see this opportunity Ryan?"

"What opportunity?"

"You need a wife and she needs a house, she is a female thank God and she needs a house don't you get the connection?" Harry said demonstrating so hard for him to get.

"I don't still get your point"

"I mean she needs a house you need a wife"


"Dude marry her"