
Marriage or Murder?

Living in the orthodox family is how much suffocating, painful and full of sufferings..This Vyom came to know when he committed a sin. A sin which he did unintentionally but that shook him internally so much that it became a nightmare for him and the end of his own old self.. And from the ashes of his old self he was newly born on the day when she hold his hands not in the wedding pavallion but on the day she had forgiven him...

Riverlovliness · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


It's been 20 days since Vyom came to his house but whenever he was at his house he easily became frustrated as he didn't get any privacy here. At outside his room, he was always surrounded by the family members and inside his room, there was always Meenakshi. He didn't understand why this girl always came in his room like it was hers. On one hand, it was always his family and on the other hand, there was his feelings that were stuck between Nisha and Meenakshi. Yes, Nisha became his girlfriend there and now he was feeling attracted towards Meenakshi. That's why he decided to talk to his family regarding sending Meenakshi back to her home.

When he was going towards the courtyard where everyone was present, he suddenly came across with Meenakshi who was rushing out for something and became surprised to see her as she was adjusting her stole on her head while walking. But he decided to ignore this and questioned his mother.

"Mom, why this girl lived with us? Is she a guest? But I think not as she is here from approx 2 years. And why she always came in my room at night? Maa... told her strictly not to come inside my room. I don't like it. You can give her my room when I'm not here. But when I'm here I'm not going to tolerate her in my room. And it will be better if you send her to her home." said Vyom and everyone became startled as they were not expecting this from him. Meenakshi also became sad. And why not, when she was living under the cage of restrictions as his wife he was enjoying his life. And now he was saying to send her back which were bringing her tears out from eyes.

"No, beta why we have to send her back when we took her here. And we are not going to stop her from living in your room as every girl has a right." Replied her mom making him slightly angry.

"Why? And what are you talking about the right? I'm not understanding anything. " Vyom again asked but this time he got his answers from his grandmother.

"What are talking about Why and Why? Don't you remember that she is your wife who was married to you 2 years ago. And with the right of your wife she is living in your room." his grandmother replied angrily. Her answers were like someone poured cold water on him. He never even in his dreams he was unable to think of this reason.

He became totally frustrated because she is his wife who didn't even know anything and there was Nisha whom he was dating, with whom he was planning to do all the things like make outs, kisses and much more. He remembered when Nisha wanted to kiss him, he told her that after returning he'll kiss her himself to take their relationship ahead.

"What kind of rubbish is that? When did get married? Why I'll marry someone in childhood? And let me tell you all I'm not going to accept this illiterate as my wife. If you all want a wife for me then wait few more years approx 4-5 years. Then I'll get married with my girlfriend." Said Vyom and upon listening this everyone became angry and Meenakshi was crying as he didn't expect this from him.

"What you're talking about girlfriend? Who is this? And whom you're calling illiterate. You don't know that it didn't bring any good when girls were educated. Their works and responsibilities are limited to the house and managing it. So there is no need to send them school." this time his father replied not knowing what 'girlfriend' is?

"Dad, the girl whom you love, want to spend your life is your girlfriend. And I love Nisha and she is my girlfriend. Just wait few more years, then I'll marry her. And this illiterate is no one why are you not sending her home and calling my wife." Vyom argued. This time no one speaks. But he was replied by a harsh sound.


His grandfather gave him a harsh tight slap on his cheek. And everyone became silent.


Why?? Do tell me.. 😉


Then he finally gave him the Verdict.. yes, it's a verdict after that this issue was going to close forever.

"We sent you there to study not to love or bring girlfriend. Open your ears and listen carefully, till this date everyone's life moved ahead only in the manner, their parents wanted. Everyone got married in their childhood whether it was me, my father, your father or your uncle. Your marriage with her is not like something new has happened. Even this is same in the village also. This is the last time I'm telling you SHE IS YOUR. YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT HER AND LIVE WITH HER. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING OTHER THAN THIS THAT WITH IN 2-3 YEARS I WANT TO SEE YOUR CHILD IN THIS HOUSE. AND IT'S FINAL."

Just by listening this, Vyom felt like someone snacthed the ground below his feet. He was angry.. too much angry. He didn't even eat his food and went to his room.


It's been three days of that topic and everyone became normal except Vyom. He was terribly angry and frustrated. Then, suddenly a word struck in his mind 'WIFE'. He remembered when the time when they were going to watch movie secretly in the hostel.


It was Sunday. The day when he fully enjoyed with his roommates without worrying about studies. And they were planning to watch some movies secretly in the hostel. So Vyom and Tushar went to check on the warden. They didn't find him on his usual place. Suddenly, Tushar took him towards a room near the back gate of the hostel. Back gate was the place where generally students didn't come. Only some senior students came and that too for only sneaking.

As they reached, they were welcomed by some noises which were sounding like someone is groaning. Then, they slightly pushed the door and they were welcomed by an erotic scene. In that room, they found the hostel warden who was having sex with the cook of the mess.

"Looks like we are free to do anything for 2-3 hours as he isn't going to finish this soon." Tushar said.

But Vyom being himself, he didn't understand anything at first place as these things and scenes were new for him. So, he decided to ask Tushar about this.

"What are you talking about? And what he is doing with cook aunty. Why are they making weird sounds while being naked. Don't they have any shame." Vyom asked

"Don't you know what they are doing? Dude, they are having sex. And for sex you have to take off your clothes. Don't tell me you don't know anything about sex?" Tushar again asked. Vyom shook his head and replied him " No, I don't know anything about this sex. Looks like you know it, then you're going to tell me."

As soon they reached their room, Tushar told everything to Vaibhav and Shikhar and they all decided to teach him about sex. They made him see an adult movie along with them in which a man was having sex with a girl. After that they all saw other videos related to it.

And, they thought they knew each and everything about it. Not knowing the simple thing that it's not necessary that you know each and everything at your age. They don't know that sometimes what you saw, can also be incomplete and applying that in real life is dangerous for you as well as others.



He knew that a husband has a right of doing things to his wife. (**Ofcoure that's what he concluded from that). So he decided to use that right on her.

Here, Meenakshi was listening to her mother-in-law who was lecturing her about not to speak aloud infront of your husband, let him do whatever he wanted to do and never say no to him and oppose him on anything.

( Didn't she was teaching her too late. They have to teach her this start from the birth. NOTE THE SCARASM.)

When she entered into the room, Vyom asked her did she knew that what was becoming a wife? What a wife has to do?

On which she just shook her head getting a word as a comment in reply 'ILLETRATE'. On listening to this, her eyes became teary. He asked her whether she wants to learn or not. She dumbly nods her head happily thinking that he was going to teach her whatever he learnt in the school. Vyom, in his over smartness decided to use all the knowledge he got, to put into the practical.

He asked her to lay on the bed which she did it quietly. Then he started removing her clothes, on which she started to oppose him. But only one sentence from him that "Don't you know the duties of a wife?" made her remember whatever her mother-in-law told her more precisely lectured her. And she stopped opposing. She let him do whatever he wanted no matter how much painful it was for her. She didn't even dare to cry loudly and make him stop whatever he was doing, as she was scared of getting scolded by grandmother, her mother-in-law and chachi.

Vyom, was enjoying it although it was new for him. He usually watched these things in hostel but he didn't knew what it felt while having sex. He was enjoying it and totally forgot about her.

She silently bore all the pains, he was giving and at last fainted while the feminine part of her was bleeding.

Vyom also slept after that without noticing anything. In his mind, there was thought who was saying something is wrong. But again he thought that he did whatever he saw in those videos. Then there'll be nothing wrong.. why to worry?