
Marriage for Selfish Reasons

ML P.O.V: I never met a girl who is naïve for that age, making bold decision without thinking of the consequences FL P.O.V: I finally have my own love story but, he's really a pain in the a*s, though I won't stop being persistence, I'll win him no matter what. Please support me i really need money to support my family, have a nice day 8-26-22 Announcement (i couldn't do the announcement there cause this is gonna be long) i will pause the story due to lack of time or should i say i will be busy but if i have time i will complete the last chapter (cause it's not complete duh) it's because I'm a grade 10 student in the Philippines irl and this Monday my duty as a student have started and.. yea i need to graduate I'm stupid if i didn't prioritize my last year as high school student lol, yes that's the announcement byee.

Ms_Lulu · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter Three

Lulu's P.O.V

She press the 2F so i looked at her confusedly but i didn't say a word 'aren't we already on the second floor?', we arrive and i saw that we're down stair and i could see the big chandelier nearby and when we past it we entered a big kitchen room, i stops and see that the four maid lady that comes in and out is here 'so that's why', "we're only about to make breakfast, do you want to accompany us miss?" she said when i looked at her i shake my head for refusal and smile said, "we could all cook," i happily said all of they're faces is confused and some of them drop something that is on their hands like cleaning tools, "y-you don't have to do such a thing!" the old lady said with a scared look and looked at the floor trembling, then all of them glance at my back and quickly bowed, so i turn around and saw mister in a robe looking pissed, i sighed of disappointment 'he's going to be mean again.' "don't look at me like that." i said pissed too, "it's early in the morning to have an argument, signorina" he said tiredly "i know. so I'll do my thing and you'll do yours" i said with a smile and he only gave me a disapproving look, "okay fine. what's the matter now?" i said sarcastically "don't do anything silly and just stay by my side, my grandfather will be here tonight so before that do me a favor, let me sleep for couple of hours first before we 'pretend to be in love' to each other." he said and scratch his head in the top of his ear of frustration, i looked at him with a wide eyes "wait- your grandfather!?, you never said a thing about that!," i shout said, i didn't give him a chance to say a word and drag him outside, "by the way, you never told me what contract we are in, i only knew it was marriage, explain. will you?" i said, he only look at me for a second and walk away from me "hey!, come on what's the policy!, i didn't have a chance to read it!" i shout trying to catch up with his long legs, when he stops in the elevator and press the button i run as fast as i can, when i caught up with him he entered the elevator and i do too, out of breath i said "are you... just... going to be MEAN!" i shout at him with anger in my eyes, we had eye contact but i didn't get scared 'i won't back down, how could he just walk out on me?!' he looked away and sighed "i understand your situation but you are not even trying to understand mine so.. i could do the things your angry about, you can't complain unless you know everything, i hate misunderstanding remember that." he said looking at the elevator door waiting for it to open, i became quiet 'fuck.' "...I'm sorry" i said guilty, we became silent for until we get to the room, when i get in i closed the door and when i looked he's half naked again, i closed my eyes "oh please, it's not like you haven't seen it," he said sarcastically and jump in the bed and fall asleep again, i sighed "this man," i said and covered him in the blanket, i jump when his phone rings "Jesus Christ!" i said and hold my chest, 'Gianna's Lover' is on the screen i confusedly looked at it ringing 'is it 'his' lover or 'someone's' lover?' i thought. "turn it off," he said sleepy, so i did. minutes later it rang again with the same caller so i turn it off, i decided to clean cause all his clothes are everywhere, i fold it and put it on the table, i was about to go to the bathroom to find a basket for laundry but his phone rings again so i answered it "hello-" he said but i cut his greetings "sorry, your trying to reach a sleepy man, please call again later." and hangs up i wait for seconds and he didn't call so i go to where i was about to go earlier. 'my questions still not answer, i can't judge him, it could be his boyfriend.. maybe that's why he need this marriage so much cause his grandfather his homophobic' i shrug it off and do my thing, when I'm done someone knock on the door so i opened it slightly and it was Sir Costa "oh, good morning" i greet him and he smiles at me and greet me back "yes, good morning, miss, you woke up early?" he said i nodded and let him in the room "sir, your grandfather won't make it here tonight, he said 'he will be by tomorrow afternoon', should i call him to tell your response?" he said i was about to stop him cause i thought the mans sleeping but when i look his wide awake with his arms in his chin and in his waist "tell him, I'll come to him, i don't want him to travel by himself," he said and take off the blanket and goes off the bed, Sir Costa nodded and spoke "the breakfast will be in 10 minutes." he said and leaves by himself, "you don't have to do such a thing, signorina, we have a maid for a reason" he said by taking a glance on his clothes in a small basket, "i can't just 'not' do anything, i used doing it" i said sarcastically he just sighed at me and walks in the bathroom 'o-kay..?', while his in the bathroom i heard the door opened and a hanging clothes rack full of clothes comes in and Sir Costa pushing it "your clothes here, miss" he said with a smile, i was shock when i saw that everything is branded, i hesitate to touch anything and looked at smiling Sir Costa, "'this' is for me?" i said and circled my hand in front the clothes he nodded happily, i was about to it when a lady maybe the same age as mister comes in with a smile, "hi!" she said and hugs me "please take care of me" she happily said, i confused again looked at her when she breaks the hugs and i looked at Sir Costa giving him the 'what's happening' look but he just smiles at me, when mister get out of the bathroom i quickly hide on his back "what's happening, who is she?" i whispered, i don't care whether mister is half naked, 'i just wanted to know what's happening.' "oh, she's Gianna, the girlfriend of my cousin, she knows about girl fashions-" he said explaining but she didn't let him finished and spoke "I'll take care of your fiancé, you don't have to worry" she happily said "do whatever you want." he said and goes to some room in the room, 'where is he going?' i was about to come with him when he stops me "I'm going to get change, do you really want to come?" he said sarcastically pissed, "no...?" i said hesitate 'i don't want to be with talkative someone!' "you seems closed, come" she said and signal me to come with her.