
Meeting Celine Brown

"Good day, Mrs. Brown," Christian greeted as he swirled in his chair.

The man didn't look like he had anything to be worried about. He spoke casually, from a place of rest and confidence.

Christian's tone was calm and collected, like he was ready for anything and Celine didn't like to be caught off-guard.

She paused for a moment to gauge his current disposition before saying another word.

"I will send you an address and time to meet today. You should at least clear your schedule to meet me no matter how busy you are for trying to steal my daughter from right under my nose."

Celine came straight with a demand and her tone suggested that she could not be turned down.

Anyway, it's not like Christian planned to reject her demand in the first place as he would love to end things from her side as soon as possible, so he agreed to meet her at the time and in the place she desired.