
An Insult to His Pride

"Christian's fiancée," Robert supplied, fixing his gaze on her.

"They have known each other for almost half of their lives," Nick chipped in with a brilliant smile.

He looked so happy after adjusting to the shocking reality, unlike Ashley whose current facial expression was strong enough to ruin someone's day.

"You've met her before," Christian revealed when her gaze came to rest on him. "At my inauguration party a year ago."

"That's right," Robert agreed and almost immediately, Ashley moved her gaze to him.

A name dropped in her heart. She had a bad premonition about this entire story and wished everywhere would just black out.

"She is Dr. Brown's daughter," Robert added as he waited for her reaction. Literally, everyone in the room was waiting for what she would do given that it was now an open secret whom she loved.