

After leaving behind the city me and my new friends, yes friends as I've got five more Nucleon's, a radioactive king Arcanine, and a radioactive Milotic. Nucleon is seeming to be inherently friendly as the six with me are rather care free. The king Arcanine he hasn't gone wacky murder hobo from the radiation, is because those with the king gene carry a blessing. Simple as that, a blessing is keeping the big thirty year old Arcanine sane. The Milotic on the other hand just sort imposed herself on our little group.

She's a bit stir crazy as she's calm one moment then suddenly, she's ripping a random pokemon to bloody shreds. I think she has PTSD and has definitely been affected by the radiation. The nine of us are wandering through some woods while looking out for any of the locals. The locals though don't appear and we just wander out of the woods to the edge of a town. Stopping I zoom in on the town with my glasses to see it better and find some buildings ready to fall. Below those buildings are gatherings of the locals not in the shelters milling about.

Pulling my Hk417 out I scope in on the weak structure spots, I take bearings of wind and distance. Laying down on the ground I deploy a support stand on my gun and carefully line up the shots. Pulling the trigger two times I cause a Silph Co building to fall forward into one intersection. Pulling the trigger four times I cause an office building to collapse on a school and several area's. Pulling the trigger once I make a bell tower collapse onto a police station. With most of the locals delt with I get up and start a slow cautious jog into town.

The others following me close behind as white phosphorus still burns in parts of the town. We safely cut through and ditch the town as we travel along R46. Along the route was the half eaten body of a youngster but he was still alive. When he saw us he tried clawing his way to us, Daro the Arcanine stomped the kids head in with a paw before ashing the body. Moving on we continued towards the capital as from what I've been told by the Digital Devil division. The capitals reactor has the system to cause a wide spread anti-radiation measure. But its very likely vaporized so the second best option is the Bellgor's presidential computer.

However, there was something included in the report as someone, Igor, got curious on Daro since blessings were rare. Even more so when the blessed in question is trained and used to this all. So well I got a report on my Arcanine companion and Milotic.

『Daro: An Arcanine with the king gene known to be Bellgor's champion first pokemon. Daro has twenty-five years of special forces service with champion Delzma. Daro was not present at the time of the region wide melt down. Champion Delzma had reported been heard send him and his Mioltic, Midna on a date as he knew the two were bitter friends.

Midna: Has thirteen years of special forces training with champion Delzma. Lover reportedly of Daro, the champions main pokemon. She and Daro were last seen in Falnum Forest.』

Guess the supposed date from their trainer let them essentially live. Radioactive but still kicking not dusted. While we walked I pulled my Colt Python and Berreta M9 from their holsters. Aiming to the sides i fire in a quick succession before aiming up above us and firing. I fired till the mag and chamber were empty before ejecting them and catching the contents with psychic. Reloading my guns as the sounds of multiple burst of white phosphorus happened within the woods and sky.

From the sky several flying pokemon like Staravia, Pidove, Heracross, and more hit the ground. Smoldering as the white phosphorus ate the bodies hungrily. Once I had reloaded my guns I opened a dark rift on the ground, and using my shadow reloaded the empty mag, my shadow grabbed bullets grom the rift. Keeping them both out we marched on as trainers no older than eleven came from the woods. Their clothes shredded but their skin glowed the sick color of radiation as the kids looked at us.

Their lifeless bloodshot eyes looking at us displeased but the crumpled to the ground. Wailing as the Nucleon's rapidly drained their radiation causing then to shrivel up and become dust.