
Mark Kent

Kyzo, the boy sent to Earth-0, was found by a middle-aged couple that lived in Smallville, Kansas. Their names were Jonathan and Martha Kent. They were unable to have children for themselves, so they considered Clark, their first son to crash land in front of their home a gift from God. When a second boy crash-landed five years later, the parents were overjoyed, and more than happy to raise yet another alien baby.

They named him Mark.

After discovering that Clark had powers, the Kents were horrified at first, but they both decided it would be best to help him learn to use his powers. Once Mark came to them, they were already used to teaching a Kryptonian, so they repeated what they did with Clark when it came it their second son, Mark.

At the age of sixteen, Mark, with his short, black spikey hair walked around his school halls with a confident stride and a bright smile next to his best friend, Wally West. The ladies were watching closely, not so much at Wally, but at Mark. There was an aura about him, something that the ladies couldn't get enough of.

Though Wally was a fairly attractive young man himself, with his auburn skin and short, waved hair, he didn't have as much confidence as his best friend. However, he was far from being unpopular. Just a bit reserved.

It also helped Mark that he was very well-dressed and charismatic. However, despite all of the female attention, he only had eyes for one girl at the moment, Cassandra Sandsmark. Placing his hand on the locker beside the pretty blondie, Mark smiled at the girl before speaking to her with his suave voice.

"Sup, Cass. You do anything after school today?" Mark asked confidently, knowing that confidence was the key to getting into a girl's pants. However, his tricks would not work on her.

"Yes, I am, actually. Sorry." Cassandra told him, closing her locker in his face before walking off.

'Sheesh, harsh.' The boy thought to himself before swiftly walking beside her.

"C'mon, Cass. Don't be like that. How about tomorrow? Let me take you out to a nice lunch in the city." The Krptionian was walking backward in front of her and motioning with his hands in a grand manner as he spoke.

"If I agree would you leave me alone?" Cass asked, furrowing her eyebrows.


"In that case, it's still a no!" Cass told him, getting his hopes up before walking away from the boy.

Mark clicked his tongue. "Awe man..."

"Hey man, there's plenty of fish in the sea," said Wally as he approached him from behind.

Mark groaned after hearing his best friend attempt to comfort him. "Well yeah... but Cass is way hotter than any fish I've seen. I need her." Mark said quietly, staring at Cass's body as she walked away.

"Well, have fun getting denied over and over. She's stubborn."

"Trust me. She's just playing hard to get. She totally wants me. Just you wait, once I am Cerberus, she'll be all over me." Mark placed his hands on his hips and stood heroically.

"..." Wally just stared at the boy. "Yeah, okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta head home." Wally said, holding up his hand in front of Mark.

Mark and Wally then dapped each other up before Wally swiftly walked toward the school entrance. Having nothing left to do on campus, Mark flew home, all the way to Kansas.

He went to school in the big city, wanting to be close to the action and have a chance to see his brother work up close. Since he could fly, his parents didn't really mind that he went to school out of state, it might as well have been around the corner.

In his room, Mark watched on TV as his older brother, Superman, was seen saving a plane from crashing into a building using his superhuman strength. "Ladies and gentlemen, just as he always does, Superman has saved the day!" The newslady on the screen said, smiling from ear to ear after witnessing Metropolis's hero once again do what he does best.

Mark was a bit jealous of his brother, wanting to have the glory and attention that Superman had. 'If I was him, I'd be partying like crazy, going out with a bunch of girls, and having the time of my life. I can't believe he's already settled down with Lois Lane...' Mark floated in his room, posing in the same heroic way as his brother does on TV before proclaiming his name to the world. "Have no fear, Cerberus is here! Ahahaha! Hope has arrived!"


Mark could feel the air around him shift, as his brother, Superman, leaned up against the frame of Mark's open window with a smile. "You look the part, that's for sure." Clark told his little brother before hovering into the room and gently landing beside him.

"Clark!" Mark exclaimed, happy to see his brother for the first time in a while. After Clark moved away, he rarely had time to stop by and see the family, so it was always a surprise to see him.

"Hey, Mark." Clark said with a soft smile. "Or should I say, Cerberus." Clark's words made his brother even happier, finally having someone else address him by the superhero name he made up.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Clark asked, getting a shrug in response from his little brother.

"Not sure, I think they went to the market," Mark told him.

"Hmm..." Clark said, holding his chin in a mischievous manner. "I guess they'll miss you unwrapping your gift," Superman told his little brother, giving him a sly smile. He knew the idea of a present would excite him, and it did.

"Gift!? What is it!?" Mark asked excitedly, holding both fists in front of him anxiously.

Clark zoomed out of the room before zooming back in, holding a box in his hands. He couldn't help but smile, knowing his brother had been wanting this for the longest time. "What is it!?" Mark asked, taking it from his brother's hands and opening it like an animal.

Clark laughed. "You'll see, you'll see." He watched the ravenous teen tear the wrapping paper off before opening the box. Mark's eyes lit up upon seeing what was in the box, holding it up to his face with a smile of admiration.

It was a costume, a blue and red one to match his older brother's. It even had his brother's shield-shaped symbol on the front of it with the 'S' at the center of it. It was a symbol from their home, the only thing that Clark was able to remember from that time.

Mark, however, was able to remember much more, having a form of prenatal memory and not having full infantile amnesia. However, his memories were scattered and came to him randomly in waves. He didn't know why it was like that, but he hoped that he would one day be able to remember his parents' faces.

He also wanted to meet the person who he shared the womb with.

"Thank you!" Mark hugged his brother tightly after finally receiving the gift that he'd wanted for so long.

Clark continued to laugh before speaking softly to his brother. "Put it on!"

Mark quickly put on the costume in what seemed like an instant before posing in the air as his brother did on TV. Clark clapped before cupping his hands over his mouth and pretending to be a broadcaster. "Ladies and gentlemen here he is! The younger brother of the great, handsome, and powerful Superman..." Mark frowned playfully upon hearing his brother compliment himself.

Clark laughed through his words, continuing to speak like a newsman. "Here comes Cerberus!"

Cerberus placed both hands on his hips before speaking triumphantly about himself. "Yes! I have arrived! The greater, handsomer, and more powerful brother has arrived!"

"I don't know about all that..." Clark said, turning around toward the window with a sly smile. "We can race to see who's the greatest if you'd like. Ten laps?"

Immediately, Mark's body tensed up with excitement before he floated out of the window alongside his brother. "Only ten?" Mark joked, grinning back at his brother with a competitive expression.

With a stoic, calm expression, Clark got into a ready stance. "I wouldn't want to tire you out, little brother. Ready?"

Mark got into a ready stance in the air, floating next to his brother in preparation to finally beat him in a race. Unbeknownst to Clark, Mark had been training harder than ever while Superman was doing his thing in the big city.

He was prepared to finally beat him.

"Set..." Superman said leaning forward slightly with his eyebrows furrowed. He was focused and was taking this race very, very seriously. He didn't want to lose to his little brother just as much as Mark wanted to win. He was going all out,

"Go!" Mark yelled, taking off at a fraction of a second earlier than his brother before the two began taking their ten laps around the Earth.











In seconds, two brothers arrived at what appeared to be the exact same time to any human who may have seen it, however, there was clearly a winner in the two Kent boys' minds.

"Damn it!" Mark shouted, putting his face in his hands and realizing he had lost by the smallest fraction of a second.

Clark laughed, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder with a kindhearted grin. "Maybe next time, little brother."

"Yeah, yeah..." He'd never gotten that close to beating his older brother before, so this loss especially stung.

'He sure is getting strong...' Clark thought to himself, looking closely at his brother's face. His brother was different from he was, he knew that. The way their bodies worked, despite both being from the same place presumably, were completely different.

Every time they fought, his brother got stronger. Of course, anyone would get stronger after sparring, that's what sparring is about, however, the way that Mark would improve wasn't natural. It was as if his body was reacting to the fight and scaling himself up to meet his brother's power.

On top of the unusual rate at which he was gaining power, Mark also had a strange metabolism, being able to eat practically unlimited portions at any buffet. In fact, he was banned from multiple buffets in Kansas, they even had his picture up on the wall. 

Clark also remembered the tail that his brother used to have, which was very unusual. Mark doesn't remember it, but Clark had to cut it off one night when it made Mark transform into a giant ape.

'Is he and I really from the same place?' Clark thought to himself, feeling as if his little brother would soon grow far more powerful than he, and that sort of worried him. He wasn't sure if a sixteen-year-old was ready for that kind of power, so he knew he'd have to watch him closely.

"Does this mean I get to do superhero stuff now?" Mark asked his brother, snapping Clark out of his daze.

"If you're ready, yeah. Ready to make your debut?" Superman asked his little brother.

"Damn right, I am!" Cerberus declared before taking off toward Metropolis, leaving his brother behind.

Clark chuckled a bit before blasting off toward the city, tailing his little brother.