
March to madness

man wakes to find himself in a desert after days of following his instincts he finds his salvation out of the hellish place that traps him awakening an amazing power _____ MC Is a Planeswalker and a changeling on a adventure through the omniverse

JesseTheHorse · Videojogos
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8 Chs



The group climbs the wide stone stairs on the north path.

Varric: So… are you innocent?

Nisk: I don't remember what happened.

Varric: That'll get you every time. Should have spun a story.

Cassandra: That's what you would have done.

Varric: It's more believable, and less prone to result in premature execution.

The group climbs the narrow winding stone stairs, and at the top they encounter you guessed it more demons.

two shades, one lesser and one greater, and two wraiths it plays out in a similar manner as last time.

these demons so recently unleash into the material world have yet to properly adapt letting them more easily be returned to the fade

Cassandra: I hope Leliana made it through all this.

Varric: She's resourceful, Seeker.

Solas: We will see for ourselves at the forward camp. We're almost there.

we continue along the path up the hill. Along the way are more corpses and burning wagons.

As reach the top of the hill we encounter another fade rift outside a gate. wraiths and shades pour out of the rift attacking the two soldiers and the gate.

Cassandra: Another rift!

Solas: We must seal it, quickly!

Soldier: They keep coming! Help us!

Nisk runs forward channeling mana into the mark and pointing it at the breach destabilizing/stabilizing it which in turn sends a wave pushing outward from the breach as it hits the various demons it leaves them in a stunned state making it much easier for us to ready ourselves for this and the following waves.

killing the current way we see where the next wave is to enter this world from so I have Solas lay ice mines on two of them while I ready a ray of fire to hit the remaining two planning to simply spawn kill the demons as they invade our realm

Nisk reaches out energy pulsing from his hand closing the rift.

Cassandra: The rift is gone! Open the gate!

Soldier: Right away, Lady Cassandra!

Solas: We are clear for the moment. Well done.

Varric: Whatever that thing on your hand is, it's useful.

we go through the gate into the forward camp which has been posted upon a bridge. numerous chests are scattered around. Soldiers are stationed in various places, and there is one cleric standing aside. Leliana and Chancellor Roderick can be overheard as you approach.

Leliana: We must prepare the soldiers!

Roderick: We will do no such thing.

Leliana: The prisoner must get to the Temple of Sacred Ashes. It is our only chance!

Roderick: You have already caused enough trouble without resorting to this exercise in futility.

Leliana: I have caused trouble?

Roderick: You, Cassandra, the Most Holy—haven't you all done enough already?

Leliana: You're not in command here!

Roderick: Enough! I will not have it!

the group walks up to Leliana and Roderick.

Roderick: Ah, here they come.

Leliana: You made it. Chancellor Roderick, this—

Roderick: I know who they are. As Grand Chancellor of the Chantry, I hereby order you to take this criminal to Val Royeaux to face execution.

Cassandra: "Order me"? You are a glorified clerk. A bureaucrat!

Roderick: And you are a thug, but a thug who supposedly serves the Chantry!

Leliana: We serve the Most Holy, Chancellor, as you well know.

Roderick: Justinia is dead! We must elect a replacement, and obey her orders on the matter!

Nisk: Isn't closing the Breach the more pressing issue?

Roderick: You brought this on us in the first place!

Roderick: Call a retreat, Seeker. Our position here is hopeless.

Cassandra: We can stop this before it's too late.

Roderick: How? You won't survive long enough to reach the temple, even with all your soldiers.

Cassandra: We must get to the temple. It's the quickest route.

Leliana: But not the safest. Our forces can charge as a distraction while we go through the mountains.

Cassandra: We lost contact with an entire squad on that path. It is too risky.

Roderick: Listen to me. Abandon this now before more lives are lost!

The Breach pulses, and so does the mark on the Nisk's hand.

Cassandra turns to face Nisk

Cassandra: How do you think we should proceed?

Nisk: Use the mountain path. Work together. You all know what's at stake.

Cassandra: Leliana, bring everyone left in the valley. Everyone.

Roderick: On your head be the consequences, Seeker.


scene change |


The group hikes up a snowy mountain to reach the bottom of a cliff-side series of ladders and platforms. They begin to climb, scaling two ladders, a set of stairs, and one more ladder before entering the mine.

Cassandra: The tunnel should be just ahead. The path to the temple lies just beyond it.

Solas: What manner of tunnel is this? A mine?

Cassandra: Part of an old mining complex. These mountains are full of such paths.

Varric: And your missing soldiers are in there somewhere?

Solas: Along with whatever has detained them.

Cassandra: We shall see soon enough.

Upon entering, a cluster of demons attack. Two wraiths and a greater shade with a practiced ease we kill our way through them Cassandra truly acting as a perfect wall against any demonic charge towards the rest of us

Inside the mine are empty stone hallways and stairs that lead deeper into the mine. we cross a covered bridge over what seems to be a bottomless abyss, and find many abandoned crates, chests, and desks. The party climbs another set of stairs to find more demons.

almost typical for the current state of the rift based enemies one greater shade one lesser shade and two wraiths the only difference being the enclosure and the cover the wraiths have as now they have a stone pillar to hide behind.

Solas lays a frost mine freezing both shades allowing easy killing of the wraiths and Varrick uses an explosive bolt shattering the encased shades.

finally leaves the tunnels. There are corpses right outside the door.

Varric: (Sighs.) Guess we found the soldiers.

Cassandra: That cannot be all of them.

Varric: So the others could be holed up ahead?

Solas: Our priority must be the breach. Unless we seal it soon, no one is safe.

Varric: I'm leaving that to our elven friend here.
