
March of the Dead

Once dreaming of knighthood, his life is shattered when assassins murder his family, abduct his sister, and leave him for dead, his family name tarnished with heresy. Amidst the ashes of his former life, he vows vengeance, a vow that echoes through the realm, awakening a dark destiny. Bestowed the forbidden powers of a Necromancer, he embarks on a perilous journey across lands rife with monsters and ancient evils, becoming embroiled in wars that test his resolve. As he masters the necromantic arts, he faces the moral quandaries of his new powers, taking lives both innocent and guilty in his quest. Along his path, he encounters allies, mentors, and even deities, but his resolve remains unshaken. No force, mortal or divine, will deter him from his vengeful path.

Silver_Realm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 6- Lord Siphas

Alaster woke with a start, shooting up. He came to regret that as a wave of pain consumed him.

"Woah, calm down there, lad."

Alaster looked up and saw an elderly man in a light gray robe. Fighting through the pain, his mind raced as he looked around the room he found himself in.

It was small, but clearly well built and maintained. Its stone walls were smooth, with no noticeable gaps. The wooden floor was clean and appeared to be freshly and regularly polished. There was only one bed in the room, which Alaster was currently sitting up in. Against the far wall, a large desk dominated the room. The desk was filled with papers of small projects that the boy was unable to identify.

The old man sat on the chair at the foot of the bed, watching Alaster, with an open book in his hand.

Alaster's right hand instinctively covered his bandaged left side, and he noticed that his left arm had been put in a sling.

"Where am I?" Alaster groaned out.

"You are currently in my study."

"Where am I?" He repeated.

The old man sighed, "You are in the estate of Lord Siphas. Tell me, boy, what do you remember?"

"I remember a little girl too oblivious to notice being stalked by Goblins and trying to save her."

The man chuckled as he closed his book, "Well, that oblivious girl is the Lord's daughter, and he is quite protective of her. So do be mindful of your words."

"Why am I here?"

"Because you were injured protecting his daughter after she had snuck out of the estate. So he had me, his residential wizard, to heal you."

"So I can leave?"

"Sure. No one here will force you to remain. However, I would personally recommend that you at least wait until you meet with the Lord. As I said, he is quite protective of her. And, he is a strong believer in rewarding those for their good deeds."

Alaster sighed and carefully laid back down, "What's your name, sir?"

"Colius, and yours?"

"Alaster, when can I meet the lord?"

"Whenever he is ready. As one of the advisors to the City Lord, he has his own work. But would you like us to contact your family? Your parents must be worried sick about you, and I'm sure you'd want them with you when you meet the Lord."

Alaster closed his eyes and didn't speak for a moment, "I do want them with me, but unless you can cast a spell to bring back the dead, they won't."

Colius sighed deeply, "I'm sorry for your loss. I still remembered the day I learned my parents had passed, it still hurts, and that was many years ago, and I had seen many more winters than you."

"What kind of wizard are you?" Alaster asked, trying to change the subject.

Colius understood and went along with it, "I am an Intermediate Warp Mage."

Alaster sat up again, much more carefully this time, "A Warp Mage?"

Even a village child had heard about the wonders of Warp Mages. They could create portals that would allow people to travel vast distances in mere moments. This allowed trade to flourish, for travel to be safer. However, the thing they were most known for was their Dimensional Bags. Or simply Bags of Holding.

These bags had their own dimensional space inside of them. Making the space inside, vastly larger than it was outside. Anything put inside, never decayed, and would come out just how you put it in. However, these were very rare, and very expensive. Most noble families would have a few.

The old mage briefly chuckled, "Yes, not a very good one, unfortunately. I always preferred my books and research to anything, so I never really cared to level my class."

"Can you make portals?" Alaster asked with wide eyes, his excitement leaking through.

"Yes. Even a brand new Warp Mage can make portals. I can make a portal from one side of the city to the other, but it is very tiring, and I can't keep it open for long."

"Can you make Bags of Holding?"

"No, only Expert Warp Mages can."

"No wonder they are so expensive."

"Smart lad. How old are you anyway?"


"Ah, so still a few years away from getting your own class. What are you hoping for?"

"A Mage Type."

"Naturally! Working Magic is unbelievably wonderful."

Alaster's reply was not a very surprising one, most children wished for magic. What did surprise Colius was what Alaster said next.

"I need to get strong quickly."

"I've heard many say that, each with their own reason. What is yours?"

Alaster didn't respond and only looked past the man, the scene replaying in his mind.

"The death of your parents was not accidental or natural, were they?"

The boy silently shook his head, looking down.

"Normally, at this point, it would be expected for the adult to tell the kid not to rush through their childhood and live life to the fullest." Colius leaned forward, resting his arms on the foot of the bed, "But your childhood has only been destroyed, hasn't it."

It was not a question.

"So instead, I will say this, think through everything you intend to do at every step to make sure you truly want to do something. Or you will one day look back on your life and regret so much."

Alaster opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, the door to the wizard's room swung open, and the little girl rushed in.

"You're awake!" Her bright smile almost seemed to fill the room with light and nearly blinded Alaster and Colius.

"Lady Isabella, has your father not reminded you not to barge into rooms without knocking?" Colius gently reprimanded her.

She sheepishly rubbed her arm, but her smile clearly showed that it did not have any effect.

"I'm sorry, Colius. I just got so excited about seeing the boy who saved me!" She then turned her full attention to Alaster, ignoring Colius. "What's your name? Where are you from? Where did you learn how to fight like that? Where are your parents? How are your wounds? How old are you?"

Isabella bombarded Alaster with questions. He was not sure where to start, luckily he did not need to.

"Isabella! Where are your manners!" Isabella cringed at the loud voice of the man in the doorway.

Colius immediately bowed slightly at the waist, "Greetings, Lord Siphas."

The man, Lord Siphas, was tall but slightly thin. He wore fine clothes, but Alaster did notice that they were not too fancy to be useable. However, his attention was immediately drawn to the rapier at the man's hip.

"Sorry father." Isabella apologized, backing up.

"Apologizes Colius." Lord Siphas said as he entered the room, seemingly filling it.

"No worries m'Lord. The boy and I were just talking after he had woken up."

Lord Siphas nodded before he turned his attention to Alaster, "Hello young one. How are your injuries?"

"Much better now. They only hurt a little bit."

"That's good." He turned to Isabella, "Go finish your studies. If I hear from your tutors that you skipped again, you will not get a new dress for the upcoming ball."

She panicked and rushed out of the room. Lord Siphas merely glanced at Colius, who nodded slightly and left the room as well, closing the door behind him.

Lord Siphas sat down in the chair and stared at the boy. Alaster briefly wondered if he was trying to stare into his soul.

"What's your name?"

"Alaster, Lord Siphas."

"What were you doing in the forest at that pond?"

"I was attempting to wash myself before entering the city, but your daughter was there first. I was going to simply come back later, but then I saw the Goblins."

"And you selflessly defended her like a hero in the stories?" Lord Siphas finished with a raised brow.

"No. In truth, she reminded me of my little sister. I could not let her be taken by Goblins."

"Do you live here in the city?"


"Where are you from?"

Alaster hesitated, "I am not sure of the name of the village. My parents were killed, and I was forced to flee. After many days, I finally came here, but I was so filthy that I thought the Guards would not let me in."

"A kid like you survived in the woods for days?"

"My father was a Guard in my village, he taught me how to hide."

"How did they die?"

Alaster growled, "Someone butchered them and stole my sister."

"Why?" There was no emotion in his voice.

"My sister had her Decade Crystal that morning, she had a special constitution, but I am not sure what it is. Apparently someone did, and wanted it."

"So then, why are you here? Why not go to one of the cities in your Kingdom?"

"Because I think whoever took her came from the city. I am here to live until I get my class and get strong enough to get my sister back!"

"Ambitious, but foolish. But you're smart enough to know that."

"I won't let them torture my sister!"

"Trust me Alaster, your sister won't be hurt. If they took your sister alive, they want to use that constitution themselves."

"So what? Just leave her there with them?"

"No, just to be careful and patient. But, don't get your hopes up. Until then, why don't you stay here?"

"Here? In the city?"

"With me. Or, more specifically, as an employee."

"Doing what?"

"As a bodyguard for my daughter, since you have already proven your proficiency in doing so."

"Don't you already have bodyguards for her?"

"Yes, but she is very small and knows all the nooks and crannies of the estate. This is the third time she has gotten away from them, and this time, she even got past the City Guards and got past the walls."

"And you think I can keep up?"

"Even better, I think she will drag you along with her." He said with a smirk.


He sighed, "I am a Noble, not only that, but an Advisor to the City Lord of an Independent City. I hold a high position, and that causes many to want my ear and influence. Because of this, Isabelle hasn't really had the chance to socialize with kids her own age. I want you to be her friend and protect her as you do so. What do you say?"

Alaster's brow furrowed for a moment in thought before he looked up at the Lord Siphas.

"Will I get paid?"

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