
Many of my smiles began with you

Ethan, a diligent and caring young man from modest circumstances, is captivated by Hannah, a woman haunted by the memories of her parents' tumultuous relationship and a past heartbreak. When their paths cross in an unexpected encounter, the sincerity of Ethan's affection slowly begins to heal the wounds that have long scarred Hannah's heart. Hannah's own heart, weighed down by the baggage of her painful past and past heartache, starts to recognize the depth of her feelings for Ethan, transcending the boundaries of social status. Their connection deepens, and for a while, it seems as though nothing can stand in the way of their love. However, when Ethan kneels before her, proposing a future filled with love and dreams, Hannah's heart is torn asunder by the expectations of her family. The weight of familial pressure compels her to utter a reluctant 'no,' leaving both of them heartbroken, their love story seemingly cut short. The years pass, propelling them in disparate directions. Ethan's unwavering dedication and relentless work propel him to extraordinary success, elevating him to a position of prominence and influence. Meanwhile, Hannah's life takes a detour as she is thrust into an arranged marriage against her will. Fate intervenes, and Hannah and Ethan's paths cross once more. But Ethan is no longer the struggling man Hannah once knew. Driven by a thirst for revenge over Hannah's past rejection, he engineers a situation that forces her into marriage, determined to make her pay for the pain she caused him. As Hannah and Ethan are thrust back into each other's lives, a tempest of emotions rages within them. Ethan's desire for revenge battles with his lingering love for Hannah, and Hannah must grapple with her own feelings, her traumatic past, and the question of whether she can ever love Ethan again like she once did.

Habee_Syed · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

"Of Dreams, Laughter, and Late-Night Conversations"

The sun had set, and Hannah's journey back home from college was a quiet one. The smiles and laughter of the day had faded, replaced by a sense of introspection and anticipation. Her thoughts were like a swirling whirlpool, centering on one crucial aspect that cheered her heart—her little sister, Sophie.

Sophie was a notorious bundle of energy and love. As Hannah stepped into their cozy home, she was greeted with an exuberant hug from her younger sibling. "Hannah! You're back! Tell me everything about your new college!"

Hannah couldn't help but smile at Sophie's enthusiasm. "Well, it was the first day, so not much happened, but I met some nice people."

Sophie's eyes sparkled with curiosity as Hannah recounted her day, painting vivid pictures of the campus, her new friends, and the excitement of being a college student. She listened intently, hanging on to every word as though she were living the experience herself.

Once the storytelling was done, it was Sophie's turn to share her day's adventures. Hannah cherished these moments, where their roles reversed, and she became the eager listener, absorbing every detail of Sophie's escapades at school.

After dinner, as the evening settled in, Hannah retreated to her room. The glow of her laptop screen illuminated her face as she delved into one of her favorite pastimes—watching anime. It was her escape, a world where she could temporarily leave her worries behind and immerse herself in captivating stories and character

However, tonight was different. Alongside her anime, she had another pressing matter to attend to. Her heart raced as she navigated to the RGNYID university's website. She had worked tirelessly to prepare for their entrance exams, a dream she held dear.

She prayed silently as the webpage loaded: "Please, let me get in. It's my dream, and I've given it my all."

The page displayed a message: "Results Coming Soon."

With a sigh, she closed her laptop. There was nothing more she could do but wait. She had also joined SIET University as a backup plan. If she didn't get into RGNYID, she would stay here and pursue her studies. But if she received the acceptance letter from RGNYID, she would be off to the bustling city, ready to embrace dorm life and the vibrant urban experience.

Unable to shake off the nervous energy, she reached for her phone and dialed a familiar number. Sarah, her childhood best friend, answered after just one ring. They decided to meet at their favorite late-night coffee spot, "Bean Dreams," to catch up and distract themselves from the impending results.

As the minutes turned into hours, they laughed, reminisced, and shared their dreams. The clock on the café wall read 8 PM as they savored their lattes and made plans for the future.

Little did they know that this night of shared laughter and dreams was just the beginning of a journey that would lead them down unexpected paths and test the bonds of friendship they held so dear.