
Manipulative Harem God

"You all go to work, I would help you take care of your wife in the home," — Zhang Wei. ______ Zhang Wei, the self-proclaimed community service guru, takes it upon himself to rescue damsels in distress when their husbands mysteriously vanish. With the touch of his magic hands, he transforms lonely homes into cozy love nests. He even manages to charm the widows' daughters into believing he's a park-wandering superhero, all while his endlessly patient wife applauds his "heroic" efforts. .................................. First official 'proper' novel, improves every next chapter! Commit reading 300 chapters to see magic of Brother Zhang! #NoYuri #NoNTR .................. Disclaimer: Cover page is not mine Discord: https://discord.gg/dsc4fftBeF Warning: This work is completely fiction, and does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. The Villain is meant to be hated!

SKuLL · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
502 Chs

Song Hu outsmarted!

The tension inside the warehouse was palpable. Song Hu was sweating profusely, his heart pounding with fear despite being the one who had kidnapped Yu Lei.

Yu Lei was tied up in a chair opposite him, her eyes darting back and forth in terror.

She had never been one for violence or aggression and this situation was pushing her to her limits.

The four burly goons, each with a scorpion tattoo etched onto the back of their hands, loomed menacingly around them.

These tattoos were a warning to anyone who dared cross their path.

Zhang Wei had snuck into the warehouse undetected, and what he saw made his blood boil. "Scorpion gang and Song family?" he muttered under his breath, realizing the implications of this discovery.

But he had a more pressing task at hand - he needed to rescue Yu Lei before things escalated any further. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she appeared unharmed.