
Manga Watch

Ryan sees the mysterious watch device through the smoke and dust. He picks it up. "Aahh!!" Blood is drawn out from his wrist as the device is worn on it, causing blood to spill. Ryan notices a flashdrive on the watch. "Carsonn. That's my family's name." He turns around and sees three dead bodies on the floor. "No!!!!!" Ryan feels tears bubbling up in his eyes and lets them out. [Do you wish to save their lives? The Cost: ???] [Yes] [No] Ryan reads the strange watch and instantly accepts. [Power transfer commenced] Bright light leaves the watch and enters their body. "Cough cough." The bodies get up. "You guys. You're alive again. This is all my fault." Ryan smiled. How does Ryan use the Manga Watch to help himself? Does it connect to his late biological parents? What was the cost of bringing his friends back? And who created this device?

Kardine_Spike17 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


A couple of minutes ago, three bikes parked outside of the very same Warehouse and were currently heading inside.

"That idiot." Jane spotted Ryan's bike as they walked into the warehouse carefully.

"Here. In case of anything." Jason handed Neo and Jane two metallic boomerang-like objects with sharp sides. They were Mech weapons he had created.

Neo ran in front of them.

"Come on. Let's go, he might be in danger. That idiot has his bestfriend worried like this."

They all ran into the warehouse.

"I can't see him anywhere." Jane and Neo said while Jason walked up to the crates.

"There's a lever here." After Jason said that, he flipped the lever and it opened, revealing the underground room.

~ ~ ~ ~

During this same time, the scientist tried to grab the Watch and the man helped him but a large spark of electricity came off it, preventing them from getting any closer.





The Watch let off a large and bright orange glow and then..


An explosion was created that destroyed the roof of the Warehouse and sent debris falling down on them and smoke to settle.

After two minutes, the scientist with the help of the man got off the rubble. He picked up one of his contraptions, some sort of metallic silver glove.

He walked over to the Watch and placed the glove on it, causing power to leave the Watch and enter it. But it stopped at one point, and the scientist and man entered the van and escaped.

Ryan also got up from the rubble which had hurt him but didn't leave any severe injuries to his body.

Ryan sees the mysterious watch device through the smoke and dust. He walks over to it. He is about to pick it up but then remembered what had happened to the Man and Scientist when they tried it.

"Wait? It was my blood they used in the first place. That means that.." Ryan picked up the Watch.

[A Host has been detected.] A hologram projected from the Watch.

[Checking Host's DNA]

The Watch became sharper and pierces his wrist, causing blood to be drawn from it.

"Aah." Ryan feels the pain but it quickly ends, causing a little blood left over to spill on the floor.

[Correct DNA sample.]

Ryan looks at the Watch and notices the flashdrive attached to it has his family name, Carsonn engraved on it.

"Carsonn. That's my family name." Ryan felt excited.

He then smelled something in the air.

"Is that.. blood?" Ryan turned around and saw three dead bodies but not just any bodies.

"No. It can't be." Ryan walked up to them and noticed one was a girl with short blue hair, the other had spiky hair and the last had white hair.

They all had grave injuries on their bodies and their hearts weren't beating.

"No!!!!!!!" Ryan felt tears bubbling in his eyes which he couldn't hold back and eventually lets them all out.

He sobs and cries, wishing he hadn't been so stupid.

'They came here to save me and they died because of ME!" Ryan was racked with guilt.

That was until, a holographic screen appeared in front of him which came from the Watch he had obtained.

[Do you wish to save their lives. Cost: ????]

[Yes] [No]

Ryan reads the strange Watch and instantly accepts.

[Power transfer commenced.]

Bright light glows from the Watch. It leaves it and begins to enter their body through their chest.

A few seconds later.

*Cough *Cough

Miraculously, the bodies get up from the rubble.

"What happened?" They asked in confusion.

Ryan rushed over to them, overwhelmed with joy and hugs them wholly.

"You guys. You're alive again. This was all my fault, I never should've gone off on my own." Ryan smiled.

"Uhh, Ryan. You're hugging us too hard." Jane, Neo and Jason all felt uncomfortable and were too close together.

"Wait, what do you mean ALIVE AGAIN?" Jason asked, a bit concerned.

Ryan then noticed that all the injuries, all the wounds were no longer there. They had all healed.

[3/20 people revived.]

[Mission: Help 17 more people]

[Reward: ????]

The message read and they were all stunned.

Suddenly, police sirens went off, heading over to the Warehouse that just blew up but didn't catch fire.

"Come on guys. Let's go. I'll explain on the way." Ryan began running but as they ran, they were a bit sluggish.

Even though the Watch healed their injuries, they were still tired.

Ryan noticed this and came up with an idea.

"Hey Watch, do you have any idea how to fix the current problem?" He asked.

[Of course. Which character do you wish to use?]

[Minato Namikaze] [Kilua Zoldyck]

"What?!" Ryan was shocked.