
Manaless Mage

Harry Morton was born in an age where magic and mana ruled everything. He was unable to awaken his affinity and to make things worse he was born with a broken mana core foundation which meant he would never be able to create or develop a mana core. Since he couldn’t create a mana core, he would never be able to draw mana—not even the slightest strand. He was the first person to be born without a mana core foundation, the only one with the inability to draw mana. Due to this, he was regarded as trash by everyone: his parents, his friends, the society and even the academy he attended. It was until one day, during a mana beast attack when he almost lost his life. He saw a strange white line rapidly moving downwards, towards him. Unbeknownst to him, the white streak went into his body. When he woke up the next day, a strange message appeared in front of him. DING!! [Welcome Host to the Manaless mage system] However things didn’t end there, a lot of secrets were revealed to him, things greater than he could have ever imagined. Now that he had the power, would he save humanity? Follow the protagonist in his journey as the Manaless mage, as he rises to the absolute top! ——— Vote for Bonus Chapters! 200 Golden tickets for one Bonus Chapter! 500 Power stones for one Bonus Chapter! ******* Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasia
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244 Chs


Mana core stages

Stage 1 mana core

Stage 2 mana core

Stage 3 mana core

Stage 4 mana core

Stage 5 mana core

Stage 6 mana core- mage/magus

Stage 7 mana core -grand mage

Stage 8 mana core -supreme grand mage


Elementalists: Those who perform magic using elemental mana. They have affinities.

Elemental Mages: Elementalists with stage six mana core. Basically Elementalists that are full fledged mages.

Combat mages: These are people that actively strengthen their bodies using mana. They also have a mana core but they can't perform elemental magic or cast spells because they don't have affinities, instead they strengthen and enhance their bodies using mana.

Combat magus/Magus: Basically combat mages that reached the sixth mana core stage.


There are a total of nine affinities.

Fire affinity

Water affinity

Wind affinity

Light affinity

Earth affinity

Lighting affinity

Time affinity

Space affinity

Darkness affinity

NOTE: The first six are the only ones known to those on earth. Human beings can't use the time, space and darkness affinity because of some reasons that will be explained in the later chapters.

The nine affinities above are the primary affinities, there are also secondary affinities that can be derived from the 'mixture' or addition of two or more affinities.


Secondary affinities

Metal Affinity: Fire Affinity+Earth Affinity

Ice Affinity: Water Affinity +Wind Affinity

Plant Affinity: Earth affinity + Water Affinity

Mist Affinity: Fire Affinity + Water Affinity

Shadow Affinity: Light Affinity + Darkness affinity


Grades of affinities

Low Grade —The mana core of Those with this affinity grade can't develop past the third stage. I.e, the third mana core stage is be their highest attainable stage(they can only be stage three elementalists)

Medium Grade - their mana core can't develop past the fifth stage I.e a stage five mana core is their highest attainable stage.

High Grade- stops at Stage seven mana core(the highest attainable stage is the seventh mana core stage(grand mage stage).

Peak Grade-could develop up to a stage eight mana core.


Affinity colours

Reddish yellow- Fire

Blue - water

Pink - wind

Brown - earth

Silver/light blue- Lighting

White - light

Green - Time

Ash/Black - space

Purplish Black - Darkness

[Note: this is only their colour when checked on an affinity crystal. Except from wind affinity, all other affinities bring out their respective colours when used. I mean if one uses earth affinity or earth magic it would manifest in a brown colour. If one uses water magic, it manifests in a blue colour. Only wind magic would manifest in a colourless form when used]


Spells Tiers

Tier one spell-could he used by a person with a stage one mana core and above

Tier two spell-stage two mana core and above

Tier three spell -stage three mana core and above

Tier four spell -stage four mana core and above

Tier five spell -stage five mana core and above

Tier six spell -stage six mana core(mages) and above

Tier seven spell -stage seven mana core(grand mages) and above

Tier eight spell -stage eight mana core(supreme grand mage)


Rifts and mana beasts danger levels

Level F: Has only Stage one mana beasts

Level E: Has at least one stage two mana beast

Level D: Has at least one stage three mana beast

Level C: Has at least one stage four mana beast.

Level B: Has at least one stage five mana beast

Level A: Has at least one stage six mana beast

Level S: Has at least one stage seven mana beast

Level SS: Has at least one stage eight mana beast.

Level SSS: Has at least one stage nine mana beast.

Black Level/ Level Black: Has at least one stage ten mana beast.

[NOTE: Basically, the danger level depends on the stage of the most powerful beast that exists in the rift.]

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