

Under the dark sky, a pillar of fire rising through the sky. A dark silhouette of a person with long dark hair and face that words cannot defined by beauty or handsome looked sad and gloomy. The silhouette spoken "My dear child! Thou shall not sacrifice yourself! I Mazuziel the first fire reject the offering! My flesh and blood shall stay and living the life of guardian for the world peace! You had my desire within you and now will be my hand to protect the land!" with a wave of its hand the altar and statue becomes a light and flowing in to the center between Yrtia's eyebrow.

"I apologize my lord. Your child now understand her role, oh my great ancestor!" answered Yrtia

"Now go my dear child, use my desire and might" the silhouette then dispersed but the light still glow there.

Yrtia clenched her fist tightly, what she know from her grimoire are mostly not right. The knowledge from her ancestor really different from it. Then she cast a spell to summon her spirit eagle and flew to the north.

In a small village appear a man in hood and cloak that hiding his appearance from head to toe, the only thing to know that he was a man was the broad shoulders of his and the hand. An old man that looks friendly approaching him,"Mister, I am Ferguso the chief of this village, do you need some supplies or accomodation from our village? We can give you some discount. It's rare to see traveler from the forest."

"Ferguso old man, I am August an independent healer that need some work and I need to stay for some days."

"Ahh, Healer August, you can stay at my house for free. Come..come... " said Ferguso.

"Thank you very much, I will heal your neck pain after this for the accomodation" said August.

"Hahaha... a healer indeed!" answered the old man.

The two then walk to the small house at the center of the village. The old man made a few stops to explain and introduce August to the villagers. A good salesman thought August.

In the vision of August, white light floating everywhere in this village. That was what made his decision to come and stay in this village. The flowing light becomes denser and denser to the center of it, and the brightest of them all was glow that surrounds a red flower outside the house of the chief.

From mouth to mouth, the information about a healer that stays at the chieftain house spread across the village. The first night after August heal the chief neck pain, some old man that having a problem with their health come to the chieftain house and got healed so fast. The second day, the patient multiplied, and August not only heal but also give some motivational and suggestion about how to live a healthy life for the villagers.

The rumour of a magnificent healer spreading more outrageously, after that a merchant from a city near the trade routes comes. He too and his servants and guards got healed by August, of course with different prices from the locals. This merchant would be the cue for August to leave the village to avoid the Holy Church detection.

At the third day in the morning when the sun not yet shown from the horizon. August wrote a letter for the chief, he said thank you for everything and ask for forgiveness that can't stay anymore. Before he get out of the house, there is a small sack beside the door. Letter "A" drawn on it, August then open it and the flower that drawn him to this village was there still glowing bright. The chief was knew all along that he wants it. His eyes then see the door on chief Ferguso's room and whispered, "Thank you". He left with the supplies he got from the villager as payment for the healing and money from the merchant he healed, also with the gift from the chief that he not yet known the function.

Silently August went on his journey out of the village to the western forest. With a hurried pace he follows the flow of light inside the forest. The darkness of the forest made the light in his vision shimmers more. He already know that the light will guide him to more adventures.

Three days earlier...

"Master, I feels like there is something not right. Something I should do that I forgot" asked Darron.

"Of course, you want to have your revenge, right? This place is a sanctuary to calm the mind and to release unnecessary negativity. Your wrath is one of it, your brain should have worked better in this place. Revenge, wrath, and envy is good to drive the body but never surrender to it. Your clarity of the mind should make the decision for you to act" said Elrik.

"Okay master, I should be using my brain more from now on" Darron said.

Erlik than said "Good, see the ugly and beauty of the world you are living with new perspective and power you have. The spirit will guide you."

"Yes master... " then Darron open his eyes and confused. It's like a dream, that's what he thought. He then heard a voice "Go north, don't overexert your energy for the next forty days".

" I understand.." answered Darron

Darron then taking his belongings and started to move, but after some time he stopped. With a big smile on his silly face he started to speak to a trees nearby "Umm master, spirit of the world, someone.. can I ask, where is the north?"