
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The train station part 2

A long time had passed when suddenly the sound of the train could be heard and the many people waiting at the train station started to form a line with their tickets in hand. Khan, who was the brother of the great king Alexander, didn't need a ticket as he only had to inform them of his presence, but he still needed to remain inconspicuous.

The train came to a stop and the sound of the large locomotive could be heard as it gradually halted at the train station, opening its doors to let the passengers disembark, while the waiting people patiently stayed to board.

People began to board the train, presenting their tickets, and as soon as Khan stepped inside, a man standing at the door asked him, "Where is your travel ticket, sir?"

Khan approached the man and lowered his mask before replying, "It's Khan, Khan Summers."

"Oh, I apologize, Lord K...," the man started to say.

"Shh!" Khan interrupted. "Let no one know that I am taking this train, understood?"

The man nodded, and Khan entered the large locomotive. Inside, he noticed numerous red leather seats on each side, with a long red carpet running between them.

He found an unoccupied seat and sat down, reaching under it to retrieve some magazines. Suddenly, he heard a voice saying, "Oops, sorry!" A lady accidentally bumped into a boy who was carrying a large bag with straps. Something fell from the boy's bag, an envelope that landed near Khan's seat. He put away the magazines and picked up the envelope to give it back to the boy. However, as he did so, something caught his eye. The envelope bore a name that surprised him - it said Magret.

Khan looked at the boy and slowly handed him the envelope. The boy took it and walked away. He was dressed in a black and white suit with a black top hat. He headed towards the back of the train compartment, found his seat, and placed the envelope inside his jacket pocket.

As the train began to move, Khan sat and pondered why the boy would have a letter related to Magret and who he could be. Despite visiting the Wire Union family many times, Khan had never seen him before. As time went by, he occasionally glanced back at the boy, who remained seated, engrossed in reading newspapers. Many thoughts crossed Khan's mind as he realized that this person might be connected to the Red Scarlets. If that was the truth, it would provide him with enough evidence to prove that the Red Scarlets were truly working with Magret.

The boy casually flipped through the newspaper, browsing the numerous pages. He came across an article about a person going around the kingdom of Kanull, randomly killing people and calling himself the reaper. The situation seemed concerning, but the boy didn't let it bother him too much.

He couldn't help but smile as he thought about his own misfortune. It seemed that he was truly unlucky. He had hoped to complete this mission easily, but it seemed that wouldn't be possible. He wondered why Khan, the king's brother, was present. He knew they would send someone, but why someone of such importance? Khan shouldn't die yet, as there was still something he needed to do before his demise. It was frustrating.

The boy cursed silently in his head and shifted his gaze from the newspaper to Khan, who was sitting nearby, engrossed in a magazine. Slowly, he raised his hand and discreetly placed something in his ear. It was a communication device invented by the Wire Union family, but not yet released to the public.

In a hushed voice, he spoke into the device, "Anessa, I'm here."

From the communication device, he heard the voice of a woman replying, "Good. Now all you have to do is place the bag somewhere inside the train and then leave. You don't have to do anything else, understand?"

"Get it. Don't anything else. Please, Asher, don't mess up," the woman continued.

After hearing that, Asher let out a sigh before expressing his concerns. "We have a problem."

"What problem?" the woman asked.

"Well, you know how Derrick accidentally dropped his badge? Guess what, Khan Summers, the king's brother, is here right now. I agreed to do this mission, but this complicates things. If we harm the king's brother, what will happen to Kanull?"

"Why would Khan be there? Are you sure it was him?" the woman questioned.

"Yes, I'm absolutely certain," Asher replied. As the train came to a halt and passengers started to disembark, he noticed two empty seats beside him. However, as more people boarded the train, it began to fill up. Now, there was a woman and her daughter seated next to him, close to the window, while he sat on the opposite side.

"Hi, how are you, little girl?" Asher greeted the young girl. She responded with a simple "hi" while her mother, who had been looking out the window as the train moved along the tracks, turned to Asher and said, "You seem young to be traveling alone."

"Oh, I'm actually 17 years old. I've taken the train many times before," Asher reassured her. "My name is Asher. And you are?"

"I'm Sonia, and this is my daughter Melody. We're traveling to Lyness, although this train won't take us directly there. We'll have to make a stop at the last station," Sonia explained.

"That's interesting," Asher replied with a smile.

"So, where are you going?" Sonia asked curiously. After pondering for a moment, Asher replied, "I'm going wherever the wind takes me."

Upon hearing this, both Sonia and Melody looked puzzled, while Asher maintained his cheerful demeanor.

Feeling bored, Asher decided to have a friendly conversation with the woman and her daughter. After a while, he looked at the woman and asked, "Could you please watch my bag for me? I need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh well, go right ahead darling," Sonia said. Asher stood up and walked along the path to the back of the compartment, where he found a door.

He knocked on the door, but there was no response. So, he turned the doorknob and entered the bathroom. Inside, he noticed a sink with a mirror above it and a toilet next to the sink. He took off his black top hat and looked into the mirror, observing his black hair and brown eyes.

"Oh no, what do I do?" he muttered to himself.

In the train compartment, Khan noticed that the boy had left and his luggage was still at the seat. He stood up and walked over to Sonia and her daughter, who were seated beside the empty seat with the luggage in front of it.

"Umm, hello. My name is..." Khan hesitated, realizing he could use a different name. "My name is Luka. And you are?"

Sonia introduced herself and her daughter after hearing Luka's introduction. She then asked, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm sure you've met my friend who was just sitting here. I need to check and make sure he has everything he needs for our trip," Luka explained.

"Umm... you'll have to wait until he comes back," Sonia replied, causing Luka to sigh. Just then, they heard footsteps approaching.

"Umm... sir, I'm going to need you to return to your seat," the train conductor said. Luka turned to the conductor, who recognized him immediately due to the mask he was wearing, hiding the bottom of his face.

"Oh... sorry," the conductor apologized and moved along.

"Sorry, but I don't have time. The train conductor needs me to sit down," Luka said as he grabbed the bag and returned to his seat. He reached into his pocket and took out a pocket knife, which he used to cut open the bag because it had a lock preventing him from opening it the usual way.

The pocket knife was not an ordinary one. It had a blade made from lenen, a rare mineral known for enhancing the performance of objects.

Luka opened the bag and peered inside with a face filled with shock and fear, the bathroom door of the train compartment opened, and the boy emerged from inside.


In the grand throne room of the mighty king Alexander, he faced the two guards adorned in golden armor standing beside him before speaking,

"Gentleman's, I sense that today will bring forth something terrible, something incredibly dire."