
Man In American Comics: Start Regenerative Healing Factor

Lu Chuang's journey into the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel had started with high hopes of unlocking super high school-level talents by achieving various milestones. His encounters with iconic Marvel characters like Tony Stark, Domino, and Doctor Strange led to some interesting exchanges. However, as time passed, the talents he unlocked began to take a bizarre turn. It wasn't long before he encountered a special talent: Super High School Level Despair. Lu Chuang couldn't help but feel perplexed. Was this new talent meant to compel him to reenact the ominous events of Danganronpa within the Marvel universe? With uncertainty looming, Lu Chuang pondered the implications of his newfound ability and the challenges it might bring to his adventure in this extraordinary world.

ReaperSlayer101 · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs


The next day, Lu Chuang eagerly took the key from the weasel and made his way to an apartment building that appeared quite aged on the outside. It was a six-story structure with peeling paint, showing clear signs of the passage of time. The surrounding neighborhood was similar, filled with old buildings from the 1980s. Despite their worn appearance, the area had a decent atmosphere.

However, the location was peculiar. It was close to Manhattan Island's west shore, with the notorious Hell's Kitchen slum not too far away. Rumor had it that gang members often frequented the surrounding neighborhoods. Lu Chuang wasn't bothered by this, as he had spent more than two months in an institution, making him fearless.

Inside the apartment, Lu Chuang found Weasel's place using the given door number. Upon entering, he was hit with a musty and decaying odor. The room was filled with old furniture — a sofa with holes, a dirty and stained carpet, windows covered in newspapers, and a non-functional TV set. The general dilapidation matched the exterior of the apartment.

It was evident that Weasel hadn't cleaned the place in a long time. Lu Chuang decided to immediately dispose of these items, clean thoroughly, and ensure he had a clean and comfortable living space. He had no particular aversion to dirt, but he had no idea what Weasel might have done in this room.

Over the next few days, Lu Chuang remained busy, accepting commissions from Weasel and continuing his work. With his living situation sorted, he had more time on his hands. This allowed him to prepare more efficiently for his tasks and pinpoint the exact location of his targets in advance. His main objective was to eliminate wicked individuals. If he couldn't find one, he'd create one himself — a task that wasn't particularly challenging for a seasoned villain trainer.

At Sister Margaret's bar, rumors began circulating about a strange man carrying a silver box who was causing trouble for gangs. According to one conversation between two mercenaries, this odd individual targeted small-time gang members and had a peculiar habit of making them spend money to buy his silver chest, only to buy it back with banknotes. This process would repeat until he grew tired of playing and eventually let the other party go. The mysterious figure had earned the nickname "Box Demon."

Weasel overheard this conversation and turned to Lu Chuang, accusing him, "I used to think Wade was the most twisted person I knew, but now you've outdone him. Forcing people to buy your box?"

Lu Chuang, who was enjoying his drink, didn't take kindly to the accusation. "Don't talk nonsense! I'll sue you for slander if you continue. You can't call me the Box Demon without evidence."

"Blind or not," Weasel pointed at the black box on the bar, "you've been flaunting that box in front of me all day. It's hard to pretend I didn't notice."

Lu Chuang retorted, "Even if I have my quirks, you could at least pretend to be professional. Change the box, and the paint color doesn't matter."

Weasel couldn't help but sigh, feeling a headache coming on. "Listen, even if your eccentricity is more twisted, can't you at least act professionally? Change the box. The color of the paint won't make a difference."

Lu Chuang, now exposed, stopped pretending. He didn't expect his actions to be uncovered so quickly or his reputation to start spreading. He had resorted to painting the box to conceal his identity.

Fortunately, his efforts weren't in vain. Half of the unlocking conditions had been met.

Lu Chuang had adapted his approach, making sure to engage with his targets individually to have more control over the situation. Though it was a bit slower, it was a more secure method.

Weasel adjusted his glasses and shared a piece of information, "Whether you're the Box Demon or not doesn't concern me, but I do have a warning for you. The Russian Ross gang has started asking questions about you, likely because you took something from them."

Weasel glanced at the black box, and there was no need for further explanation.

Glibly, Lu Chuang responded, "Gang business is different from theft. I'm just holding onto illegal items for them."

Returning it was out of the question. The box was a crucial tool for villains to earn money, and Lu Chuang had no intention of giving it up. His mission was to continue fighting criminals.