
Mama's Boy

Boys, Don't you agree all that all of us are Mama's boy even if you are older?

for_u · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

There is always a newly transferred student

"Shall we?"- Hui- Fei

"Yes"- She burst out of excitement.

"Let's leave , someday when you'll be a grown up then I'll share you the story"- Hui Fei teases her daughter and tries to walk away,

" B-But. Mama"-She felt like she wants to cry.

"Sweetie, I'm busy here. Your father is teasing you, can't you tell by yourself"-Mom

"Okay, okay papa was just kidding with you."-Hui-Fei goes nearer to her and comfort her.

she is the only child of her parents so she behaves like a spoilt child infront of her parents,

after a while,

it's started to become colder than before as there is few part of wood only left for burning,

Hui-Fei starts to put wood inside the chimney ,

After putting it ,

the temperature again raise up,

He sat on his chair,

"Sigh, so let's start with my story at first"-Hui-Fei while fixing his glasses"

"Let me be the story teller"-Author

When Han was of 16 years old ,

He entered his new school's gate as a transfer student,

He was unsocial, he doesn't like to talk much,

he was given a title of "Man of few words" by his classmate,

He wasn't popular,

he doesn't like to perforn in sports,

his main motive is to increase attendance ,

He doesn't sleep during any lecture period but doesn't seem he cares about the study too,

He comes everyday at school even if it's late for more than half an hour ,

he never leaves the school,

He eats separately,

Nobody talks to him expect for Lim who is just opposite of Hui Fei

If he is late for school even for 1 minute he won't enter the school, even if he is standing infront of school gate in few distance,

he'll debunk the class,

He'll sleep in any class he wants he can even sleel while opening his eyes wide open without letting his head fall down while sleeping,

So it's hard to distinguish if he is sleeping or not.

Getting punishment is his main speciality in the school,

Lim was given title of "sadist" by his classmate.

His grade was less than average,

Hui-Fei doesn't talk to him even if he tries to but Lim follow him everywhere he goes to

then as the day goes on passing Lim and Hui-Fei becomes best friend, one who is the most talkative in the whole school where as another one is the most silent one.

Despite having differences in personality,

they became support of each other,

As the month has passed,

Lim has also now improve his grade with the help of Hui-Fei

Lim started ranking in top 30 and Hui Fei rank was in top 10,

"Then new transfer student enter the school in middle and started love triangle between Hui Fei and Lim,

Just kidding"-Author

Just like that their senior high school level was going to be over in few months,

Nobody confess their love to Hui Fei nor Lim,

may be it's because they were living in real world where manhua's logic of everyone loving him doesn't work,

Every girls weren't bitches and no one was female lead for all,

there were no Purple or any other type of coloured girl so we can't distinguish in one glance ,

"oh that girl,she is going to be the annoying type"

they all had black hairs,

"May be I'm too hard on this logic"-Author

so, it was their last day,

He went to back of school where there was cigarette bud everywhere in the ground left by students,

but he didn't go there for smoking,

may be it's because he is only one who can, not only just read but also understand very clearly what is written in the cigarette 🚬 box,

So, he went there and there was a tree may benit was Yunnan tree,

he doesn't know about all of the things like other Male lead in the manhua,

He stares at the tree while both of his hand inside his pocket,

He suddenly hears a sound of someone running ,

The sound becomes more clearer and clearer with every step as someone is coming for him while running 🏃‍♂️,

"Lim, is that you?"-Hui Fei asks in loud voice,

Then he finally saw the person who came running there,

she was not in school's uniform but it seems like she knows this place better,

Hui-Fei doesn't know her at all,

she was having problem in breathing because of running ,

after a while,

"Hui- Fei, I finally found you"- She replied

he has a thought at that time,

"Was he in comic world from the very beginning ?"