
Mama's Boy

Boys, Don't you agree all that all of us are Mama's boy even if you are older?

for_u · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Mama, thanks for being here

After the school,

He goes to his home ridding his bike 🚲,

He feels he is having light fever,

So as soon as he reaches his home,

he goes to bed,

and start sleeping,

"Hey wake up, Hui-Fei .

Wake up!

why aren't you waking up?

Why are you laying down on the ground?"

He heard someone is trying to wake him from his dream,

But he tries to roll around,

"I do not want to,mom"-Hui Fei speaks ,

but he realize that he can not produce audible sound ,

He noticed that he is still in the same position after rolling/turning right.

He can not roll his body as he pleased,

He can not even open his eyes,

He can not feel his breath ,

He is like a dead person,

He can not feel any sense of him except for his hearing,

after numerous times of trying at last he opens his eyes,

and finds Mo Hua crying for him to wake him up and find himself laying of the ground of his secret place ,

The weather was autumn,

He then speaks,

"Oh god, not again. Why ?"-Hui-Fei screams because of frustration,

Then he gets slapped,

He opens his eyes and finds that he is laying on his bed and the one who slapped him was her mother,

"Mama. thank you. Thank you so much for being here"-Hui Fei cries in happiness.





She does not speak and takes out the thermometer from his right underarm

"Why were you screaming?"-Hui Fei mothers' asked

"Nothing ."-Hui Fei replies while holding his mom tightly,

"*sigh* Have you seen nightmare?"-Hui Fei mom asks him while patting his hair gently,

Hui Fei nods and does not speak,

"It has nothing to be worried about.

You should be happy that you saw a nightmare not a good dream"-Hui Fei mom speaks,


why should I be? Nightmare is not like a proud moment so I should be happy, mom."-Hui Fei answers with confusion

"according to me, You should be happy whenever you see the nightmare and be sad whemeber you see good dreams because they are all just lie.

When you will wake up from nightmare, you should be thankful it was just a dream

but when you will wake up from good dream, you should feel worse as it was just a dream and try to make itreality of your life, did you get it?

But you should never forget any of those dreams."-Hui Fei's mom explains her words to him.

"Yes, mom I got it."-Hui Fei is happy now .

Hui-Fei unblock the hug,

Hu Fei looks at his mom,

his mom then grabs his nose and pulls it right and left gently,

"You should not sleep without eating especially when you are having fever.

But your fever has came down.

May be that isn why you saw a nightmare as it will help you to cool down your body by making you sweat a lot more than having a good dream at this time"-Hui Fei's mom speaks while holding his nose 👃 ,

"Mom do not do that"-Hui-Fei has breaks the hold by pushing his mom's hand away,

"What if I do not agree?"-Hui Fei mom brings her hands closer to his nose and starts teasing him,

He lays down,

"No, mama. Do not do that"-Hui Fei requests his mom to not do that.

Huk Fei's mom don't agree to that,

but after teasing him ,

She stops it.

"Mom, did you know , fever is not an illness in reality?"-Hui Fei asks his mom.